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e terror, and she burst into a hearty fit of laughter."Charley," she shouted, "here's Eliza misbehaving again." "I'll settle her," answered a masculine voice, and the young man dashed into the room. He had a brown horse-cloth in his hand, which he threw over the basket, making it fast with a piece of twine so as to effectually imprison its inmate, while his aunt ran across to reassure her visitors. "It is only a rock snake," she explained. "Oh,

e was roused from her forgetfulness, by the sound of the castleclock, which struck one. Surprised at the lateness of the hour, sherose in haste, and was moving to her chamber, when the beauty of thenight attracted her to the window. She opened it; and observing a fineeffect of moonlight upon the dark woods, leaned forwards. In thatsituation she had not long remained, when she perceived a lightfaintly flash through a casement in the uninhabited part of thecastle. A sudden tremor seized her, and

y express request. He took his time to examine and think; and he saw the chance of saving the patient by venturing on the use of the lancet as plainly as I did--with my forty years' experience to teach me! A young man with that capacity for discovering the remote cause of disease, and with that superiority to the trammels of routine in applying the treatment, has no common medical career before him. His holiday will set his health right in next to no time. I see nothing in his way, at

the young shopman had thrown her up she was getting more and more into the habit of drinking. It was not so much the flavour of wine that tempted her as the fact that it gave her a chance of forgetting the misery she suffered, making her feel more unrestrained and more confident of her own worth, which she was not when quite sober; without wine she felt sad and ashamed. Just at this time a woman came along who offered to place her in one of the largest establishments in the city, explaining all

igh priced. Well, there is any quantity of swamp land available, and we have experimented like mad with reeds and rushes. We've found one particular variety which grows very rapidly, has a strong, woody fiber, and makes the finest pulp in the world. I turned the kid loose with the company's bank roll this spring, and he secured options on two thousand acres of swamp land, near to transportation and particularly adapted to this culture, and dirt cheap because it is useless for any other purpose.

ons and discover that, though childless, she couldattract the love of other people's children if she chose. The tendermoment was fleet. She looked at Amanda and Philip and saw in them onlytwo children prone to evil, requiring stern disciplining."Now don't go far from the house," said Mrs. Reist later, "for yourother dress is soon ready to fit. As soon as Aunt Rebecca gets thepleats basted in the skirt." "I'll soon get them in. But it's foolishness to go to all that

you, if you should happen to meet someone you think you like better than me? You've promised to be my wife, you know.""Yes, I know, Tony, but I also know you are too much of a sportsman to hold me to my promise if I should happen to fall in love with another man," Myra responded. "That isn't in the least likely to happen, Tony dear, and I am truly trying to love you in the way a girl should love the man she has promised to marry, as I have already told you. Let me have my

at my appearance did no discredit to Sullivan and the great lady, his wife.At eight o'clock, when the conductor appeared at his desk to an accompaniment of applauding taps from the musicians, the house was nearly full. The four tiers sent forth a sparkle of diamonds, of silk, and of white arms and shoulders which rivalled the glitter of the vast crystal chandelier. The wide floor of serried stalls (those stalls of which one pair at least had gone for six pound ten) added their more sombre