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Battling against hypocrisies, sadomasochism and pursuits of pop benchmarks of success, he refuses the passion-oriented worldview of karma and life’s purposes. Metamorphosed by compassion, that love’s innocence fills him with, he opts for a journey, taking him away from the stupidity of self-worth, calculated in terms of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption.

He wants this to happen. She is reluctant. He wishes the probability of mutuality to get a last full-blown opportunity to attain fruition and ultimate utility. Her mind is unsure of the validity of the enterprise itself; even as she has nothing against him. Finally, the raw and core instincts of bodies are invited to preside over the missing probability of mutuality. Does it work?

I will change the names and places anything else is real, so it’s about a guy named khaled, he was a teen living a happy life with his friends until his life turned out to be a sad movie. How? Because of who? What reasons? All I can say is that you should read slowly this real story and feel it because khaled is a rare guy and guys like khaled are very rare to find.

Everybody at some point wants to be JUST LOVED in the right way and for denisexual people like us, being just loved is so important for nothing else works. We just want to be cuddled and respected and that doesn't mean we want SEX all the time and not everybody can satisfy us! Only our loved one's can satisfy our soul in every way.