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Shanna Baker was just your ordinary teen assassin until she's assigned a mission in Rockton, Florida with her 'brother' Mitchell. They are to go undercover as students in high school and find the person behind vicious threats surfacing throughout the town. While doing so she is to live with her little sister and her sisters family. Will she be able to complete her mission or will the cold hearted teenage girl turn soft? Follow Shanna as she reunites with her sister and takes on the challenges

ही कादंबरी लेखकाकडून लिहली गेलेली प्रेमकथा आहे .आपल्या देशाच्या इतिहासात कित्येक प्रेमकथा होऊन गेल्या आहेत .काहींनी इतिहास बनवला तर काही इतिहासात हरवून गेल्या .आजही प्रेम करण्याचा हक्क प्रत्येकाला आहे पण आपल्या मर्जीने लग्न करायचा अजिबात नाही . आजही कित्येक प्रेमकथा पूर्ण होतात पण काही कायमच्या अपूर्ण राहतात .जास्तीच जास्त प्रेमकथा अपूर्ण राहतात त्या मुला आणि मुलीकडील घरच्यांच्या नकारामुळे .या घरच्या मंडळींची नकार देण्याची कारणसुद्धा अगदी अफलातून असतात बरं .काही कुटुंबाना मुलगा देखणा हवा तर

Iliana becomes clinically depressed. When the love of her life dies,Ryan, she learns that its not just love that kept them together, it was depression. she becomes more and more suicidal and kills herself. The question? Will she find her true love in the end, or will she be stuck as an angel forever?

not finished adrian is homeless after running away from her abusive parents. she walks 28 miles away from home and finds a waterfall with a secret cave behind it. she lives there and enrolls in elkwoods high and finds new friends. the problem is they want to meet her parents. she is scared with what they might think about her after they figure out how she lives in a cave. will her friends find out or will she live in her secret?