» Satire » Elizabeth's lonely world, Marybeth Hale [old books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Elizabeth's lonely world, Marybeth Hale [old books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Marybeth Hale

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She started to giggle as she watched him eat. "Oh, well. Even if I don't find a guy, I will always have you." Elizabeth said before she heard Alexa ding.
"You have one new message." Alexa said before Elizabeth looked at her phone. "Thank you." Elizabeth said as she read the message that she got from her sister. "I fucking knew it." Elizabeth said as she seen that she was banned from a dinner with her unloving family. "All because I am single. Group of asses." Elizabeth said as she started to cry. "Would you like me to call the police?" Alexa asked before Elizabeth shook her head after Elizabeth wiped her tears away. "The police can't do anything about an unloving family." Elizabeth said as she went to the kitchen and then put the food away. Elizabeth walked to her phone as she got a call and then picked up her phone.
"Hello? Who is this?" Elizabeth asked as she cleaned. "My name is Haley. I wanted to say thank you. The police came and I found out you were being stalked by my ex. I want to say that I'm sorry he did that to you." Haley explained as Elizabeth quickly stood up. "Oh, uh. Yeah." Elizabeth said before she went to her bedroom. "Oh, sorry. You must be bored with me by now." Haley said while Elizabeth shook her head. "No. Not at all. Hey, wanna go get coffee tomorrow?" She asked before Haley giggled. "You might wanna look for someone better. We can be friends though." Haley said before Elizabeth nodded. "Goodnight. Thank you again." Haley said before hanging up and then Elizabeth layed on her bed. "I'm just a loser, I will always be a loser. I shouldn't try to find love." Elizabeth said as shadow climbed his stairs and layed next to Elizabeth. Elizabeth let out a sigh of unhappiness before she fell asleep. Shadow knew that Elizabeth was upset, so he carefully slipped out of Elizabeth's arm and then walked downstairs. Shadow looked around and then walked out of the house and left to go to the city. "Gotta get back soon. I don't want to make Elizabeth more upset." Shadow said before he grabbed a bouquet of flowers and dropped them at the door and then walked around and brought back a box of puppies. Shadow walked around the house and went into the back doggy door and went and layed next to her again.
Elizabeth woke up the next morning and went to get ready for work. "I hope today is going to be better then yesterday." Elizabeth said as she walked to the front door. Elizabeth looked around as she heard the puppies crying and she went and brought them in. "Now, this is messed up. Who would dump adorableness like all of you?" Elizabeth asked before she took the puppies out in theirbed. "I can't go to work today. I need to get stuff for all of you." She said as she grabbed her phone and then called her boss. "Oh, hey Elizabeth. I need you to come in today. Since you screwed up our star chef, you get to work more." Her boss said as Elizabeth rubbed her face. I'm sorry but I can't come in. I am not feeling well. But I'll come in tomorrow." Elizabeth said as she looked at the bed of puppies. "I'm so fucking sorry, princess. I forgot that your too good to make up for your mistakes." Her boss said as Elizabeth stayed quiet while her hands became fists. She hated when she was called a princess when she worked hard to keep herself in a house.
"Well, fuck you bitch. I'm done working for you. Take your caviar and ur fancy fucking balls and u can shove them right up your ass!" Elizabeth yelled as she hang up and then looked at the pups. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have say that." Elizabeth said before she walked to the pups and looked on them. "Huh. No collars." Elizabeth said as she looked at her phone and started to put applications in and then sat on the couch.  4

 She smiled as she realized that she unloaded her anger on a person that did deserve it and more. "Oh my god. I am so so so dead if I go back there." Elizabeth said before she looked at the pups. "I have an idea." Elizabeth said before she grabbed her phone and then started creating a flyer. "Oh my goodness. That looks prefect!" Elizabeth said before she shared it all over her social platforms. Shadow looked at Elizabeth confused and then jumped up and sat next to her.
"Oh, shadow. I'm so sorry that I forgot to tell you. I am gonna be a dogsitter." Elizabeth said before Shadow licked her face. Elizabeth gagged as she held shadow before wiping the slobber off. "Ew. We need to get you a tooth brush." Elizabeth said before shadow jumped down. "I need to get dog beds. Puppy food and at least a blanket and some dog collars and tags too. This will be interesting." Elizabeth said before she layed back and watched TV. "You got three new messages, ma'am." Alexa said before Elizabeth sat up quickly. "Oh I hope they are future clients." Elizabeth said as she read the messages. Her heart sank as she read about her being blacklisted from her own family. "Can this weekend be any worse?" Elizabeth asked as tears ran down her face as she felt heart broken. Shadow ran and got the flowers and ran back to Elizabeth. "Shadow, please not now. Mommy is too upset to play." Elizabeth said before she stood up and went to lay down. Elizabeth cried as she felt liked she had no family that loved her. Shadow got up onto the bed and then layed next to her and fell asleep. Elizabeth chuckled before she wiped her tears away.
"I'm sorry, shadow. You don't deserve to be near all of this anger." Elizabeth said as she looked outside. Shadow placed his head on her arm. Elizabeth looked at shadow with tears in her eyes before she started to pet him. There was a knock at the door, even though Elizabeth didn't want to get up. "Uggh. Who is it now?" Elizabeth asked before she stood up and went to the door. "Huh. A envelope. I wonder what it is." Elizabeth said before she picked up the letter and then walked back inside. Elizabeth placed the envelope on her table before she went and started to heat up leftovers for breakfast. "I want to see what inside it but I don't want to be hurt again." Elizabeth said to herself before she started to make breakfast for the puppies. "Oh well. Since I don't have a human family, you puppies are my doggy family." Elizabeth said as she started to feed the puppies.
No one could make Elizabeth feel better, not even of her family apologized for how they treated her. "Oh well. I am happy the way I am right now." Elizabeth said to herself before she took a look at her phone. "It feels good to be wanted." Elizabeth said to herself as she went through requests for her dogsitting duties.
She knew that she wasn't permanently wanted but she wanted to have the feeling of being wanted. "Oh well. Time to get up and get ready for work." Elizabeth said as she stood up. As Elizabeth changed, there was a knock at the door. "Oh, uh I'm coming!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she quickly went to the door. "Uh, hello?" Elizabeth asked as she opened her door to see a business woman give her the woman's dog. "Sorry, but don't want anyone in my house and I am late. So I will pick her up later. Do the job right, I will pay you." The woman said before she turned around and walked to her car and then left. "Oh, ok. Well, then cutie. What's your name?" Elizabeth asked before she seen a dog collar. "Ooh, muffins. Delicious name." Elizabeth said before she stood up and walked to the backyard with muffins. "Well, muffins. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Though I don't know if dogs can speak." Elizabeth said as Muffins sniffed around.
"Pampered dog. Let me get you some treats." Elizabeth said before she walked inside. "Hey, I'm guessing your new." Shadow said to Muffins as he walked to her. "Get out of here, pipsqueak. I am a royal dog. You are not good enough to talk to me." Muffins said before Shadow chuckled. "Remember, princess. You are in my house not the way around." Shadow said as he looked at Elizabeth before they stayed quiet as they watched her. 


 "Well, hey there you two. Don't have fun with out me." Elizabeth said smiling before she gave both muffins and shadow a treat. Elizabeth smiled as she watched shadow quickly eat the treat though she waited to see muffins eat. "You must be too nervous. That's fine." Elizabeth said before she stood up and walked inside. Muffins and shadow looked at each other as Elizabeth took care of the puppies. "One warning, princess. You hurt my Elizabeth. And you won't be a show dog anymore." Shadow said before he walked inside.

Muffins shook her head before she proceeded to eat the treat as Elizabeth looked at the clock. "I wish she would come soon. I am getting really tired." Elizabeth quietly said to herself before she turned on the TV. Muffin stood up and walked in and sat next to Elizabeth's leg. "Hey, bouncy butt." Elizabeth said before muffin looked up at her. Muffin didn't like it, though she wasn't used to being treated kindly. "I'm sorry. I should've looked for a different job." Elizabeth sighed as she leaned back before shadow looked at muffins. Muffins didn't pay shadow any attention even though she could feel his anger. Muffins looked out the window as it was getting closer to when the lady is supposed to get muffins. "You'll have to wait, baby girl." Elizabeth said as she knew that muffins was missing her owner. As a few hours go by, Elizabeth looked at her phone hoping to see a message. "I should call her." Elizabeth said to herself before she called the woman. "What now?" The lady asked before Elizabeth got a shocked look on her. "Uh hi ma'am. Aren't you gonna get your

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