Genre Satire. Page - 7
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There's trouble in paradise when a vicious hurricane sweeps over the 18th century Caribbean island of San Felipe and sweet, virtuous Chantilly St. John is the answer. However, before the good people could toss the young virgin into the volcano to appease the native gods and save them all, pirates descend and whisk her away. Now the only thing standing between the citizens of San Felipe and impending doom is the dashing but reclusive pirate Vaughn Seabrooke? In this parody of the romance genre,

Greegs & Ladders is a wildly exciting tale of three oddball characters romping around space and time. Equal parts social satire and fun loving adventure, Greegs promises laughs, a few mildly intelligent and/or interesting observations, & several run-on sentences. You'll also get to find out what the hell Greegs are, and how life on Earth came to be, and the meaning of it all (at no extra charge.) From the rubbish heaps of Garbotron to the bottommost, subterranean layers of Lincra, this