» Science Fiction » Planetbound, DM Arnold [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

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came from the balcony. He stood and watched the craft carry Senta into the distance. With a wristscan he attempted to open a vidphone session. The display responded, denied. Nyk stepped from the apartment and rode the lift to the tubecar platform. The kiosk responded to his wristscan, denied.

He rode the lift to the ground floor and stepped onto the street. The park lay about fifteen blocks from the apartment complex. Nyk headed in that direction, passing residential towers, professional buildings and government offices. Central Admin! He cursed the institution -- how it micro-managed the day-to-day life of each and every Floran. Fully a third of the Floran population had jobs directly relating to Central Admin. A third of the population was employed to ride herd over the other two thirds. Before his ExoAgency tour he hadn't given it a second thought. Now, he had tasted the sort of personal liberty offered on Earth and the Floran way galled him.

His route crossed 257th Street. He stood at the crosswalk and watched ten lanes of groundcars perform their ballet, choreographed by the centralized transit computers. None of the vehicles were privately owned. Most were livery cars hired for personal trips. A few bore emblems of government offices -- Central Admin, the Food Service and the like. No one on Floran carried a driver's license -- or needed to. All transportation, except for the skimmers, was automated and controlled by Central Admin.

He received the walk signal and crossed as the transit computers parted the sea of groundcars for him. The sidewalk ahead was packed with pedestrians, all headed toward him. He pushed and jostled his way through the crowd.

Nyk arrived at the park. The purple lawn was planted with a low, moss-like plant collected from the uplands on the slopes of the volcanic mons. Neatly groomed planting areas displayed specimens from around the planet.

On one side was a prairie of the knee-high horsetail-like vegetation covering most of the lone continent. Beyond was an man-made rise covered with taller vegetation from the hardwood forests on the mons. To the other side was an area planted with palm-like trees from the south.

He walked past a field where co-ed teams of youths played a game derived from soccer. An artificial lake lay at the center of the park. A sandy beach had been constructed along part of the lakeshore. A small number of sunbathers lay, nude, on the sand. Nyk sat on a bench overlooking the lake. Floran City's skyline reflected in the water. He watched couples -- men with women, men with men and women with women -- holding hands as they strolled along the path near the lake.

He stretched out on the bench and laced his fingers behind his head. Above him was Floran's indigo sky, and he could make out some brighter stars even in daylight. He closed his eyes.

When he opened them he saw the orange sun had disappeared behind the volcanic mons in the west. Nyk headed back toward the apartment. He reached 257th Street, turned right and walked past a line of people waiting to use the groundcar kiosk. Up the street was the Arcade. He passed by the lift to the tubecar station and walked into the mall.

Near the door was one of the around-the-clock sex clubs. A greeter -- a young woman in a tunic cut to expose her left breast -- waved to catch his attention and beckoned him in. Nyk shook his head and made a hand signal that said, no thanks.

He walked past the state-run drugstore with its inventory of intoxicants and recreational chemicals. Ahead lay his destination -- the food store. Nyk picked up a polymer fiber shopping bag and walked past shelves of packaged meals and a small display of raw ingredients -- whole grains and some green vegetables. He placed a package of sweet snack wafers into the sack and headed for the self-service checkout.

Another shelf caught his eye. He grabbed a clear polymer sack filled with translucent blue spheres. They were a hard candy, flavored with a mildly intoxicating herb native to Gamma- 5. He slipped the candies into his shopping bag and set the bag into the checkout well. A scanpad illuminated white and he scanned his wrist.

The scanpad buzzed, glowed red and displayed the message, unauthorized purchase. Nyk looked into the bag, removed the hard candies and set them aside. He scanned his wrist again. The scanpad chirped and glowed blue. He removed the sack and headed out the door.

Nyk pressed his wrist to the doorscan and the apartment door slid open. Senta approached him wearing a short, sleeveless robe. “Where have you been?”

He set the package of snack wafers on the table. “I walked over to the Arcade and used some food credits to buy these. I discovered I'm not allowed to purchase those blue candies I like. I'm surprised I was permitted to buy these.” He held up the wafers. “It must be they contain some nutrients.”

“I'll buy some for you the next time I go out. I was worried about you. It's almost dark.” Senta placed a polymer fiber basket on the table. It was filled with recreational drug inhalers and injector cartridges.

“Ah, you're having company and you want me kept from underfoot. No problem, korlyta.”

“I'd thank you not to sneer when you use that word. I recall when it meant something tender between us.”

“It still means something tender.” He picked up a cartridge and examined it -- a sexual performance enhancer. “Who's coming tonight? Someone from the lab? From another branch of the Food Service?”

“I don't understand why my social life disturbs you so.”

“I don't understand why Suki disturbs YOU so.”

“Florans can't be having love affairs with the Earth population.”

“She's only one woman.”

“She's an Earth woman. Nyk, go out and find a nice Floran girl. Find a dozen and I wouldn't care.”

Nyk grabbed the snack wafers. “I'll be in the study, looking at Koichi's journal.”

The chime rang and Nyk heard Senta open the door.

“Come in -- make yourself at home.” He rolled his eyes and continued to examine the journal, making notes on passages alluding to Koichi's Earth ancestors.

“Try one of these,” he heard Senta say. “Mmm, feels good, doesn't it?” She giggled. “Now, you're tickling me.”

“Are you ready to try one of these?” he heard a man's voice.

“Right there,” she said. Nyk heard the snap of an injector's discharge. “Now, I'll do you ... I'm starting to feel it already.” He heard another snap and more giggling.

Nyk shook his head and inserted another datacel. He could hear heavy breathing coming from the living room. He slid open the study door and peered out. Senta was on the sofa, straddling a man's lap. Her robe was open and pulled back across her shoulders. He picked up an empty tumbler, walked to the kitchen and filled it with water. On his way back to the study he stopped. “Hello, Rez.”

The man looked up. “Hello, Mr Kyhana.” Senta pulled closed her robe.

“Did you park the skimmer outside?” Nyk asked. “Perhaps you'd find a bit more privacy, there. Did that venue occur to you ... korlyta?” He walked to the study and pulled the door closed.

“I'm sorry,” he heard Senta say. “Let's start over ... there ... mmm, that feels good...”

Nyk switched off the vidisplay, picked up the pack of wafers and carried them to the living room. He switched on the wall-sized vidisplay, selected a public-affairs channel, plopped into a chair and propped his feet on a table. The snack wafers crunched as he ate.

“Nykkyo, do you mind?” Senta asked.

“I'm done with the journal tonight. I thought I'd catch up on the news.”

“Let's go into my bedroom,” she whispered.

“I really should go,” Rez said. “I'll see you tomorrow morning.”

“There'll be only one to take to the labs.”

Rez tied the belt on his robe, slipped into his sandals and left. Senta stood between Nyk and the vidisplay. “Thank you. Rez doesn't get out much. I wanted a quiet evening with him to...”

“To thank him for servicing you ... as skimmer pilot?”

“That was uncalled for!”

“Sending enforcers to abduct me from Earth was uncalled for.”

Senta began slapping his face. “You're trying to make me regret turning you in! I'll make YOU regret it!” Nyk shielded his face with his forearms. “If you do anything like that again I'll ... I'll ...”

“Throw me out?” Nyk retreated toward the guest room. “Remember, Senta -- you requested me remanded into your custody.”

She pushed him into the guest room. “I don't want to see your face 'til morning!” she said and pulled the door closed.

Nyk heard the skimmer door and headed into the living room. Senta stepped from the balcony. “How was your day?” she asked.

“About as to be expected, since I can't go anywhere or do anything. Waking me before dawn was a nice touch, Senta. It made the day seem ... longer.”

“Nyk, I've been struggling with something. I've learned I'm needed for a stint on T- Delta. I've been trying to figure out what to do with you.”

“You wouldn't take me there -- would you?”

“I considered it.” She eyed him. “I also considered placing you in the custody of Dad.”

“Veska's on vacation on Gamma-5.”

“Yes -- unfortunately, you've been ordered planetbound, so both T-Delta and Gamma-5 are out of the question.” Senta paced the living room. “I'm happy we never had a child. You try my patience enough -- living with one adolescent is plenty.” She turned and looked his way. “I don't know what to do with you. I can't take you with me and I dare not leave you here by yourself -- there's no telling what mischief you'd make.” She continued her pacing. “Andra has agreed to keep an eye on you.”

“I didn't think you and she were on speaking terms.”

“She's doing this for you, not for me. Nykkyo, I know you and Andra have something going. I'm thinking I can exploit that fact. Perhaps spending time with her will take some of the sting out of your confinement -- make you a bit more cooperative -- get your mind off the Earth slut. A few nights in the arms of a woman as good-looking as Andra would sweeten anyone's mood.”

“Andra and I might sleep together but I won't make love with her.”

“Why in Destiny's name not?”

“When I return to Suki, I want to tell her I've been faithful.”

“That ridiculous Earth notion of sexual fidelity.”

“It's not so ridiculous -- I rather like it. Sharing the gift with every third person tends to cheapen it ... don't you think? Or, have you never considered it in that light?”

“Nykkyo, is this why you refuse to share my bed?”

“It's among the reasons. I will return to her, Senta -- the question isn't if but when.”

“You'll never have your transit privileges restored with that attitude.”

“That's my problem, isn't it?”

“Fine, Nyk -- have it your way. After the past few days, I'm looking forward to some time away from you. Andra has given me her assurances she won't cooperate with any of your schemes. You'd behave yourself, wouldn't you? If you tried anything, it would fall hard on Andra, and I know you wouldn't want that.”

He shook his head. “No. I don't want to make trouble for Andra.”

“Good. We'll go to Sudal tomorrow. I'll leave for T-Delta from there.”

The train pulled into the Sudal monorail station. Nyk stepped out with his travel case. “A Food Service groundcar should be waiting here,” she said. “Over there.”

He popped the cowl and climbed in. “Car, the Residence,” Senta ordered. “Confirmed, car go.” The vehicle rolled from the parking area onto the roadway spur servicing the train station and headed east toward the coast. Senta looked at Nyk. “Now, remember -- behave yourself.”

The car pulled up to the Residence. The shutters were up and Andra's Sudal University groundcar sat outside the structure. Senta popped open the cowl. Nyk stepped out and headed for the structure.

Andra met him at the door. She glowered at Senta.

“Andra -- don't you think this silly argument has gone on long enough?” Senta asked. “I'm willing to put our disagreements behind us and accept your apology.”

“All right, Senta,” Andra replied. “I am sorry... I'm sorry you are so hard-headed you can't see what it is Nyk is trying to do. I'm sorry you're such a selfish, petty and vindictive woman. I'm very sorry you became so frustrated with me your only recourse was to call me names and strike me. I'm sorry...”

“That's enough.” Senta's eyes narrowed. “I can see this conversation is going nowhere.” She turned to Nyk. “I'll be back for you in ten days. Remember -- you promised to behave yourself.”

“I remember.”

“Good.” She turned and headed toward the car.

“Senta,” Andra called to her. “I have your personal belongings.” She set a polymer packing crate onto the ground outside the door.

“I don't want to lug this

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