» Science Fiction » Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗

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on behalf of his people suspected that sending the beings foreign to their universe would not be a simple matter due to the fact that the Sorgarn requested a meeting.
"What complications do you face for such a task, director?"
"We have analyzed the timelines for this universe and if we do not act, then the fleet of The Empire will advance to the Colonial world of Caprica and utterly destroy it. The only way to send back such a massive fleet would be to construct a station powerful enough, with the required facilities, near the planet itself. We require the Colonials to assist us in buying the time required for such a feat. It will likely be too late. We therefore ask of the Seraphs for your assistance in any way possible.
"We do not intervene with The Colonies directly. That, for a very long time ceased to be our way..." The Sorgarn present repressed and discarded their disappointment due to their utter respect for all cultures. "...However, you may show us your data in regard to the likeliest outcome of this universe's timeline and the fate of The Twelve Colonies. Afterwards, we shall decide ourselves which course of action we will take..." The heavenly-looking commanding Seraph answered. "...if any."

Lord Bruticus searched the immediate area of the dark-brown, rocky landscape for a suitable area for a shelter where he could set-up a fire. He force-jumped to partly climb one of the tall escarpments and view the more distant areas. The three moons and minour moon orbiting one of them providing him with ample illumination to survey the area. There was no sign of a single settlement anywhere upon the exposed surfaces, consequently the thick forest appeared to be the only promising place, that is, assuming it concealed any constructions of any type from his current viewing point.
Ari'eshna watched Bruticus jump down to the surface, The Force checking his impact. Every new ability she learnt her new man possessed amazed her.
"I see no place we could check out when the daytime comes, so for the time being we'd better look for anything combustible since it doesn't appear that there's any wood here. I have a pyrotechnic and lighting fluid in my utility belt so we ought to be fine."
Both felt a strong sense of surprise as the dark lord's comlink sounded.
"Lord Bruticus. Do you copy?" It was Darth Shivilow.
The dark lord snatched it from his belt.
"Good to hear from you my apprentice. What's your location?"
"We're in orbit around an unidentified planet, our records couldn't find a match. I searched for you through The Force."
Bruticus looked up to the illuminated night sky. He couldn't see his fleet.
"I will explain what happened and the circumstances we are all in will become clear. I sense you and..." Lord Bruticus paused as his force powers detected another dark presence other than Darth Shivilow. "...send a shuttle, I sense something else which may be important. Search your feelings."
A pause by his apprentice. "I sense it too, I'll dispatch a shuttle now."
"Bruticus out."
Ari'eshna smiled. "So that's your apprentice." That being a statement from her interest and not a question.
"Yes, how fortunate she found us. It must have something to do with the way the time and parallel dimension technology works. We even arrived at virtually the same time."
Before long, Bruticus and Ari'eshna saw silhouettes of Imperial Star Destroyers move in front of the largest moon, seemingly headed toward the minour moon orbiting it. The Lambda-Class shuttle commenced landing, it's wings folding upward against it's main body.
"Niiice." Ari'eshna commented, not seeing a modern Imperial Shuttle before. She only knew of the older Theta-Class models.
Climbing aboard, the pilot, an off-duty Snowtrooper, saw his lord coming in followed by the former Hutt slave girl covering herself with her royal dark-purple cloak to keep warm.
"Don't look at her Captain, keep your mind on your duty." Lord Bruticus reminded the pilot. "You may start by heading... there." Bruticus pointing in the direction toward the thick forest.
"Yes, my Lord. Heading 30 degrees."
Bruticus sat beside the still shivering Ari'eshna.
"I'll see to it you get a change of wardrobe when we get aboard Dominator.

Of course, not that I don't like what you have on right now

, of course, my dear..." She smiled and laughed slightly, still shivering despite the dark lord keeping his body closer to hers. "...I think an Imperial uniform would look rather nice

on you."
Ari'eshna didn't like the idea of anything to do with The Galactic Empire, but she was able to get used to it since, to her, anything was far more preferable than anything to do with the Hutt cartels. With her new man being in command of the entire Imperial fleet, no Hutt or anyone affiliated with those disgusting creatures would be able to touch her.
Bruticus sensed his objective closer as the shuttle cruised along.
"Pilot, what is your name?"
"Snow Trooper TS 4142 my Lord."
"Oh,... you were with me when we raided the Sorgarn base. I didn't recognize you in standard uniform."
It was just as TS 4142 had thought. He smiled, not taking his eyes off the landscape he flew over.
"Good to have you back my Lord."
Bruticus stood up, looked outside and followed his force sense and pointed another direction.
"Head that way, stay close to the sides."
"Yes my Lord."
The Imperial Shuttle flew alongside small mountains by then and after passing one with a prominent, steep slope, the dark lord immediately caught sight of a base hidden into the side which came into view. The docking door still open for some reason.
"TS 4142, land in there." Then stood straighter and told the pilot and Ari'eshna to remain inside, assuring he would not be long.

Awaiting there, witnessing the Imperial Shuttle landing, the dark side user stood to see what it was had he sensed through The Force. Could it be someone who could help him? Another dark side user or not, he needed off this planet. The boarding ramp lowered, jets of excess hydraulic gas shot out of some of the vents. The Sith saw a man about 5' 08" tall with hair shaved very closely to his scalp. The dark side surrounded him as if he were an event horizon. This man was obviously many times far in advance of his own prowess with the dark side of The Force.
"Greetings, Lord Draconis I presume?" The surprise at hearing this man uttering, not his name, but his chosen Sith identity, so surreal. Had he any stolen data from the Jedi archives? Then, what seemed to be the perfect explanation, entered his mind.
"You must be that Sith Lord, you must be that Darth Sidious the Jedi order is looking for."
"Oh nooo..." he corrected, seeming to understand Draconis' situation. Maybe amusement was present in his voice. "...Logical guess considering where you came from. Far from it. I have the answers to your questions." Said as this mysterious figure kept approaching. Draconis was about to speak only to be interrupted. "I am Lord Bruticus, Supreme Commander of The Imperial Fleet. I'll explain everything on the way to my ship, come with me."
"I have my fighter here, I'll follow you with it." Turned and left without asking about the "Imperial Fleet" he mentioned-something which, to him, would not exist for another three years. At the time, all he was interested in was a way to return to the areas of the galaxy he was familiar with, infuriated and being unable to determine where he was. No data he found within the base he stood within gave him any indication as to which part of the galaxy he found himself in.

As instructed, there were no personnel greeting Lord Bruticus and his former Hutt slave girl lover and the rescued Sith Lord Draconis, that is, except for Darth Shivilow. Bruticus exited the shuttle as Shivilow stared at the Clone Wars-era modified Jedi Star fighter. Despite the association the vehicle had with The Jedi, she sensed the same dark presence within it as she did upon the planet. The dark side-user leaped out of the cockpit and she was surprised to see it was a male since she was instructed to bring along a ladies' imperial uniform.
"Greetings my apprentice, all will become clear soon. This..." turning to the newly arrived dark figure. "...believe it or not, is Lord Draconis."
Along with how unusually pleased Bruticus seemed, Shivilow's surprise grew considering that the man hadn't aged the extra 26 years this new dark lord should have.
"I was going to tell you about this after the invasion of Vargot but time was of the essence. I'll elaborate later, but in short, what basically happened was that the fleet have traveled through time and into another dimension..." turning once again to the Sith behind him. " in the case of Lord Draconis, here. I'll show you what Darth Bane said in his holochron soon."
"You have Darth Bane's holochron?" Was the first thing Draconis said since landing into the docking bay.
"Why yes, I am

the Lord Of The Sith." Bruticus added as if he was amused.
"Here's the ladies' uniform you requested, plain and without the decorations as requested." Shivilow indicated the suit bag held in her left.
TS 4142 escorted Ari'eshna out of the shuttle. He saluted Shivilow as soon as the two reached Lord Bruticus' right.
Ari'eshna received the suit bag as soon as Shivilow handed it to her.
"You must be Darth Shivilow, thank you." She smiled, nodding as she received her bag.
"A Hutt slave girl! What's a Hutt slave girl doing here? This is the Imperial flagship." Was the brash question Shivilow asked her Lord. To her, she was even more out of place than Lord Draconis was from this timeline.
"Her name is Ari'eshna and she's no longer a slave girl to anyone

Hutt of otherwise, and

is my permanent guest." Not too pleased with his apprentice's conduct.
"What are we going to do with a fooormer

Hutt slave girl? I don't see why we need her." Still with her voice raised.
All this time, Lord Draconis smirked, the hooked thumb and forefingers of his left resting at his lips in amusement.
"You are out of order my apprentice. Answer me this:- Who are the enemies of The Sith?" With his tone of voice the dark lord expected her to listen. Obviously disappointed.
"The Jedi." Shivilow responded with her usual apprentice-to-master discipline.

Nooow, is Ari'eshna a Jedi, my apprentice?" Bruticus asked in the tone of voice expecting his crazy apprentice to be reasoned with.
"No, my Lord."

You'll be seeing a lot more of her so I suggest you focus upon your duties to the dark side and use them against the enemy, which is not

Ari'eshna. Remember your purpose as a Sith Lord, Shivilow."
"Yes, my Lord." She bowed and turned to leave. Bruticus let her go. Still pacing, she turned her head back to Lord Draconis and shouted her displeasure for the last time before exiting the docking bay.
"What's so funny you dirty nerf-hearder!


"Part #11 Secrets Revealed."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Imperial Admiral Targeta.

-John Damocles Smith as Jedi Master Damocles.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

The Rebel Fleet faced the fleet of Colonial ships who answered their broadcasts, Battlestars, Destroyers and support craft of all classes. To the Alliance's surprise, the Colonials had been expecting them. They already determined the cause of their disappearances for themselves and therefore assumed at first that the fleet of ships belonged to sometime in their future thus knowing of their displacement in time. It seemed they, at last,

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