» Science Fiction » Redemption, M J Marlow [best way to read ebooks TXT] 📗

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shackled wrists had been drawn through a ring embedded in the beams in the ceiling. Her captor pulled on it and Marit’s arms were pulled up above her head. He tied it off and sat back to watch as his man brought out a small clay pot and set fire to the contents. He held it under Marit’s nose and she could feel her mind spinning. She tried to turn away and he held it closer. She could not prevent the fumes from entering her body. Her last sight was her captor’s cold smile.
“A truly beautiful prize, my lord,” the lieutenant said as he saw Marit collapse. “She will make our Emperor a most excellent bed mate.”
“She will be more than that to him,” the Overlord replied as he ran his eyes over his helpless prisoner. “This princess is key to our Emperor’s conquest of the outlands.” He got up and ran his hand along Marit’s arm. “Her sire will not dare to act against me once the Emperor marries her.” His hand moved down to Marit’s abdomen and his eyes went warm at the thought of her in his bed. “She will give him heirs who will rule the outlands for the Empire.”
Unaware of Marit’s presence in one of the upper chambers, Justin and his fellows settled down for a meal. They had no time to rest, they had to find the princess. He pulled out a map and noted where they were, as the innkeeper and his servants set out a meal. Edmund Fellstone leaned in, frowning.
“How can we know the Overlord has taken her?” he asked Justin what the others were thinking. “There are plenty of others who wish no alliance between Northfell and our king Marius; including her own mother’s people.”
“But none would make so bold,” Justin’s cousin, prince Henryk, protested. “To send his men into the Fair itself so his foul men could carry her off like baggage at the first opportunity! It is not right!”
“Besides,” Justin replied, “this is the direction the trail led from the site where we found the cart and two of Atherton’s men.” He laid his head in his hands. His eyes were cold and hard as he looked at his companions. “If they have harmed my princess, I will rip their hearts out…” The world suddenly started to spin around him and he knew something was wrong. “We have been betrayed!” he cried as he turned to glare at the innkeeper. “You dare!”
The innkeeper backed away as Justin came at him. He watched as the man fell to his knees, shaking in anger. He half expected the prince to rise up and strangle him, but Justin did not. He collapsed as the drug took over and he was frozen and mute. The door opened and a tall, bald man with a scarred face strode in. He tossed the innkeeper a large sack of coins and looked down at Justin.
“My lord prince,” he bowed mockingly; “we meet again.” He fingered the scar along his left cheek, put there by the helpless prince. “I promise you,” he said as he hefted Justin up on his feet and met the youth’s cold and angry eyes, “our reunion will be quite entertaining – for me.” He hefted Justin over his shoulder. “You know what to tell his companions?” The innkeeper nodded. “Do exactly as you have been instructed and your pretty daughter will be returned to you.”
The innkeeper watched as Justin was carried off, shaking. He knew his child was lost to him. He had been a fool to believe the lord Talbot’s assurances. Well, he could do something to make up for his cowardice; once the other guests were gone. He took Henryk and the other young lords to some rooms upstairs and made them as comfortable as he could.

Marit woke up to find herself once more pinned in the man’s arms on the back of his steed. They were heading up into the mountains now and the road was growing increasingly rough. The man dismounted at the side of a stream cascading down from the foothills of the mountains and cupped some in his hand. He looked up at Marit, who turned her head away from him. She was such a fierce little thing, he thought. Horis’ punishments had not cowed her in the least. He finished drinking and pulled a cup out of the saddle bag. He filled it for her and held it out.
“Drink, my lady,” he ordered her. “This is the last fresh water for some miles.” He yanked her down out of the saddle and shoved her face down into the stream when she refused to move. “Drink.”
Marit took the cup and filled it from the stream, knowing he would not hesitate to dunk her again as punishment. She drank her fill and sat back to look around. It was a pleasant place they had moved through. Ahead of them, however, the grass gave way to rock. The journey from this point on would be much rougher. She watched as one of the man’s lieutenants filled their water bags and hung them off the saddles. He pulled a piece of travel rations out and offered it to her. She turned away and he shrugged as he began to chew on it himself.
“You only weaken yourself by refusing, princess,” her captor said from where he was seated on a boulder, watching her. “How can you have even a hope of escape if you are too weakened by lack of nourishment to move? What?” he laughed as she turned away from him. “No words of protest? No pleas for release?”
“Would it do any good?” Marit replied tightly. “You think you are in control, lord Atherton.” She saw his shock at her knowing who he was. “My cousin warned me you and your men were in the area.”
“You are an intelligent child,” the man nodded, pleased. She was quickly proving to be worthy of him. “My lord is going to be very pleased with you.”
He raised his head as a band of men rode towards them and got to his feet. He pulled Marit up on her feet and had his lieutenant hold her as he mounted. Once she was back in front of him, he held her tighter than usual. They watched as the men rode up, followed by a cart. A man was dumped to the ground and dragged over to the cart. His captors tied him to the cage holding Tavin locked in wolf form. Marit bit her lip as pain flowed over her, and paled.
“I see your hunt was as successful as mine, lord Talbot,” her captor laughed. “Though my prey is far easier on the eye,” he continued as his hand moved to Marit’s cheek. She tried to pull away and he yanked her back. “Show the Princess your prey, my lord.”
Talbot bowed his head and raised the man’s head with the butt of his whip. Marit gasped as she saw Justin’s bruised and battered face. She looked at her captor in shock and anger. He smiled down at her and his grip tightened even further, making her gasp in pain. Justin opened his eyes and saw her, and his eyes blazed with anger as he recognized the man holding his Marit captive.
“You go too far, lord Atherton!” Justin hissed and strained against his bonds. “Her father will have your head!”
“Her father,” Barnabas laughed, “will do as I wish, prince Justin. His daughter is the property of my lord, the Emperor Alexander, now.”
“King Marius will never agree,” Justin exclaimed. “He would rather see her dead than in your Emperor’s foul hands!”
“You are not Marius’ voice, lord prince,” Barnabas replied evenly. “Now, you are no more than another hostage, like her cousin, prince Tavin. Lord Talbot is going to see just how valuable you are to your own sires. Unlike the princess,” he continued, his voice going soft and deadly, “he has no limits on how far he can go to keep you under control.” He saw Talbot’ cold grin. “I believe he wishes to repay you for the scars you put on his handsome visage the last time you met.”
“No!” Marit cried in protest. “Let them go, lord Atherton.”
“I wouldn’t dream of denying lord Talbot his fun, my lady.” He cupped Marit’s chin in his hand and looked into her eyes. “Take one last look at your beloved prince, my dear lady. He will be much changed the next time you see him. If he survives Lord Talbot’ entertainments, that is.” He looked at Talbot and a thought crossed his mind. “Cut your prey down a moment, my lord. Let our guests have a few moments together.”
Talbot nodded and pulled out his knife. He cut Justin’s bonds and shoved the man out of the cart. Marit was lowered to the ground and she ran to help Justin to his feet, shaking from his pain. Someone handed her a water bag, and she helped her beloved to drink. He looked up at her, his eyes searching her face for any sign of harm. His relief was plain as he saw her untouched.
“Lord Talbot,” Barnabas’s smile was deadly cold as he watched their prisoners. “I have a thought you might find interesting. Ride with me a moment.”
Marit and Justin ignored their captors. Justin pulled her into his arms and kissed her, wincing as his cut lip protested the action. A moment later, it was healing and he looked into Marit’s face, saw how pale she was. He pulled her closer and held her as she shivered in response to his pain. His brave darling princess, his mind sang. He had to find a way to free her from this torment.
“You must fight your compulsion to heal, my love,” he whispered as he rested his chin on the top of her head. “These monsters must not know of your gift. They will turn it into something dark and ugly.” He could feel her shivering. “Be brave, my angel. Rescue will come.”
“It is not kind to lie to a lady, prince Justin,” Barnabas laughed as he returned. He pulled Marit to him. “It is time to go.”
“Let her go, you bastard!”
“When we have only just laid my hands on her, prince?” Barnabas laughed as he maintained a hold on Marit’s hair. He pulled her close and heard her whimper. “I have decided that you will be coming with us. Your screams of pain as Lord Talbot tortures you and her cousin will show the pretty princess just how helpless she is.” He yanked Marit away and mounted his steed. She was lifted up into the saddle in front of him. “We shall see you at the fortress, lord Talbot. The princess and I will ride ahead.”
Marit winced as his arm tightened on her as he spurred his mount forward. She grabbed the pommel as she felt herself slipping from the saddle. Her mind was spinning with the pain she had pulled from Justin. She had left the injuries, as he had asked, but she would not leave him in pain. Their progress slowed as the ground grew rougher, and they finally stopped at the opening of a pass through the mountain in front of them. Her wrists were bound to the pommel and her ankles tied to the stirrups, and Barnabas’ lieutenant led the horse along. Marit heard what sounded like an explosion and turned to see walls closing the pass behind them.
“The lord Talbot and his party will take the southern route,” he told Marit as he came to the side of the horse and laid his hand on her leg possessively. “It will take them two days to arrive at my fortress. During that
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