» Science Fiction » Kingdom of a thousand, Eftos Ent. [best summer reads of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Kingdom of a thousand, Eftos Ent. [best summer reads of all time TXT] 📗». Author Eftos Ent.

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In this suburb Lyporo's is, as one can guess the name implies, a pure Ruba settlement on the outskirts of the capital Trivy. Gleaming white houses with rounded corners are down there. The roofs, however, radiate in all colors. Grell from yellow to pink pop, everything is possible. Even the elders, it is eliminated as is the tradition originated. In fact, almost all houses are provided with your home world as colorful roofs. Maybe you just wanted a uniform canopy of the jungle moon to open up? Henley is to be elegant Rocktar. Well, better said the Navi-computer did so. The nanotube-wing propeller including a drive, the last meters to Svinenysh home runs Henleys Xpeed like a normal car. Some Ruba watch the scene. Some of them smile at each other. It is rare that such a spaceship lands right in your suburb. But your surprise is much larger than one of them, barely twelve years old, elegant and confident steps off his cockpit. With looks on their faces as you stand now, many of you show with your fingertips on the new hero. Proud as gasoline goes Svinenysh on his house. It has a bright blue roof, rounded corners rather than kept, the windows are in circular form. Patchara and Henley followed swiftly. He expresses his comm, jumps on the door, "Come on hinrein" he said proudly to his friends. So the three entered a house that radiates from head to toe and shiny. It smells as if it had been built yesterday. Back in the corner potter is someone hard at. A Ruba Wienert and is cleaning the hard staircase, while she trötet well-known melodies. "Ooh, yes, too bad is it, Abeitsweg got rid of my poor aunt." Begins the boy Ruba "I can imagine my Ravenosch aunt!" "Ravenosch Ravenosch," he exclaims. Only now it takes the visitor was. "Dear aunt! We have a visitor. I show Patschala Petschabun and the Indi Henley " Ravenosch leans back and whips. "India, India? Achohjemine "she says. Then happens something so odd, for men hardly to be processed. Aunt Ravenosch jumps with a single sentence before Svinenysh in the living room. Then suddenly prances from one leg to the other and shaking their hands excitedly. At the same time you are grunting and squealing noises. Henley and Patchara look at first incredulous, then you fall down the jaw. Svinenysh but stands with arms folded in front of his aunt and she looks at her intently. The two talk on Rubsch, the mother tongue of Ruba. It is an expression language. One dances, grunts and squeaks, the other stands with arms folded in front and stops. Now Svinenysh's turn. Ravenosch takes the listener position. Svinø squeals and grunts twice as fast as his aunt, he hops from one leg to the other, his arms twitching back and forth. Outraged, he is apparently. "What's wrong?" Asks Patchara distraught "Svinø, Svinø?". But your friend sounds off, it gets even harder. Now both are faced with Ruba and entertain at the same time frantically Rubsch. An incredible scene! These noises. It really reminds of a crowded pigsty. This squealed gibberish. It is apparently the most important information. Some, for example, Margot Rottweil, found Svinø's performance in inter-regional communication just stupid. Others laughed destroy itself. Well, when the first of the joke was played, this is now the deadly. It is to throw away what is happening here now in this moment. Somehow it has also something serious. Sometime in the middle, it's just very loud, Svinenysh raises his arms next to his head and shaking violently. Ravenosch silenced. Then the young Ruba used in German to his aunt. "Sure you are you a hundred percent?" He asks. She nods. "OOH what belongs, what is it, my aunt will have them" he says finally to Henley. "What she has heard," asks the young prince immediately. It must close after this performance, its very important. "Heard you had planned on Rebelkov, attacks on the system Paking Indi!" Svinenysh makes this an absolutely official face. "Even now, he kicked you is you!" Now it is really sad. Patchara pointed ears. Henley is just about to ask something, but she holds him back. She goes to the former cleaning lady to the General and Her Majesty asked slowly: "What exactly have you heard then, Ravenosch love"? The sums referred immediately to the little trust diplomat's daughter. She has learned that integrity with their parents. Now begins Ravenosch to tell your story. "I was cleaning at Rebelkov just as many all came. Even Queen Hypatia I was there " "Then I listen to stuff everything Hypatia and attacks on poor Paking in the system." "And then Rebelkov put me out on the street. Jemineh Oh! Everything from ohjaa, but now I Hazhlimosh clean here at my brother, very dear. Good. " All three, Patchara and Henley in particular see themselves at each other knowingly. Was this the reason for the terrible events in the remote system over there? All signs now point out ... Svinenysh itself recognizes the importance of the testimony, so he asks her: "Sure you're really you, Auntie?" "Yes, yes, of course I do!" She crosses her arms and turns away offended. Now all is clear: She's telling the truth. But how much is this worth? Zero! Terminated a cleaning lady, species Ruba, who do you think? Nobody. This statement directly against the ruler of a two-star system, at a meeting which took place officially never ... what a laugh it would be, and probably arrested as instigator of evil. Henley, this is clear: It would destroy your life. The only possibility is that he is now active themselves. He just knows it. Even if he still has no idea how. He takes a deep breath: "I must now necessarily those switching over to get my parents. This is the first time. Hopefully this works, otherwise, yes, then we must think of us something! " Patchara then goes directly to the still slightly offended to Ravenosch and pushes you. "Thank you, dear Ravenosch, you did very well said. It remains among us, we promise you. " Immediately exudes a trained professional cleaning warmly toward you. Everything is forgotten, she was happy as a child. "Do not worry, we'll take care of everything. Now I have to tell you but first how good you have it done here. " "Ooh, very simple as that yes, you Svinensyh reported. I also have finely cooked something! Very good Trymoo favorite food. You all come with sapperlot, " A truly delicious vegetarian specialties, the last beautiful day on earth? Well, soon will change things, it's clear our three heroes. What major changes that go hand in hand, but still nobody can guess at this time.

(XV) Exa Retzlav "How do you feel?" This question was the first in a new perception of life Alepto Retzlav, or of what it is now. "Look here: Rebelkov the old jerk" is its metallic response. The angry "What?" His ever-more bosses to hear the former Retzlav, he is so overwhelmed by his new self and the new parameters. He can now only once rather rotate its metallic head around its own axis. "Ui, ui," he rattles it. "This new facility." He moves it like a break-dancer, a circumstance the more Rebelkov Pavel brings up the wall: "Retzlav" roared the "pull yourself together, man! Give me the names and ranks. " The addressed Exaklasse robot is now in silence, but can rotate through his wrists. He replies: "Please sir, Chefchen! I am he was Retzlav, Alepto, Exa Class, Model M1 anthro. Exa Retzlav he is I, sir! Ho ho ho! " Then collapses the machine goes into power saving position. Tilon Abendroth has logged in via Comm and prompted this action by control command. "I have to reorient its communication matrix, to fine tune the musculoskeletal system." Proclaim it. "There is still hope. His behavior is typical. Imagine that some games before: Without breathing, tasting, smelling. They move without muscle power alone, but by the impulse of thought. All the features make up a biological organism are rationalized away in a day. " Rebelkov shakes his head, the technician continues unmoved: "That's stupid sounds I expected, but what has just now given of himself is more than I do. These are highly human traits. " Rebelkov now bursting at the collar, "People Like? This is useless junk! He's unable to grasp a single clear thought ... " Theo Noktios Plus, all the while subtly in the background, is expected to help Abendroth: "I can see the previous result also expandable, just like the guys from the hardware. He has clearly said that he was Alepto Retzlav at least. " "In addition, he has recognized you immediately, my dear Rebelkov. Were transferred to me, this means that long-term information storage in the causation of the robot. His consciousness, at least one good piece of it has been transported. " "Hah, because I can only laugh," the general growls derogatory. "Well, how go the heck now? I have a tight schedule. Retzlav, the former I mean, was firmly clamped in my current project. One of the greatest, I would say almost regal importance! " Dr. Abendroth answers unimpressed: "Well, we will be holding question and answer sessions. Psychologists are very hot on the job. Since Retzlav now needs no more sleep is the whole 24 / 7 " "There is no problem constantly new Psychodocs herzuschaffen. There's enough of the variety ... "Rebelkov intervenes:" From your talk I've already Abendroth! They have exactly one week! Then there's the decision I served: Hopp, or top ". Abendroth raises his shoulders and your palms facing up. He is expressing no objection to. "I'm now really more important things to do!" Continues Rebelkov. "We'll see you in seven days" and he turns around and leaves the room. "I really like you send over a squadron of psychos." Says Theo Plus Noktios the mecha-Tec Tilon Abendroth. "At the same time, however, I would advise fellow Kolrust to intensify its research. Because I have a feeling that the good old transplant medicine but is less out, as accepted by you ... " "What are these figures?" Rattles the new Retzlav staring intensely interested in the round Psychologen on the other side of the table. So stupid they are, so you know this first observation of your counterpart, a robot of Exa-class to ignore. "Alepto Retzlav, right?" One of the nameless wonders of the round. "Hah, Hoh, he gasps for air, lol. Same time it must be determined around the corner! Huhuhu. " "What did he call me? Alepto Retzlav .... Jaahh, that was something. Man over there, look out! "He lets his new machine running the strangest movements. He sings metallic "rooooo, waahah, wuwuw." The psychology department makes taking notes. They blink violently with your comms. The apparent Hauptmächer this force, a man named Dr. Nebula Wahhsabi directed again addressed the boisterous machine: "Now you tell us first time of your order sir. I have heard them with the most important tasks are entrusted. " "Jajaja, boom, boom, boom, that is has voted. The blow us all away! Rebelkovchen has him in charge. But now, today it's different. Gell Exalein, both of us, we understand. One plus one is one. "He hugged himself or the machine your human self. Psychologists look at with raised eyebrows. From their faces you can read: This will be a tough nut to crack. A borderline case. Before you sit neither a person nor a machine rather than an entity that perceives your environment just as a joke. All seriousness is gone. She does not care where they are and who your counterparts are. It deals with himself, happy and Trolls has absolutely no desire to work and bread. "The right aunt has since tired" he is the best, "Yes Show, Exalein how nervous she is. Gasping for breath

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