» Science Fiction » Apocalypse Before Finals, Julie Steimle [black authors fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Apocalypse Before Finals, Julie Steimle [black authors fiction txt] 📗». Author Julie Steimle

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received reports of the two teenagers' daily goings-on, noting any change in behavior. But the only change they had noticed was that Jeff had taken all his instruments to school for the spring talent show with the help of Brian and Zormna. He had never even taken one to school before, let alone all of them. But during the talent show, the pair helped Jeff set them all up on the stage as Joy handed each instrument to Jeff to play. The minds of the student body were blown as this wrestler famous for supposedly being in a Chicago gang once played a short bit on each instrument, one after the other, until he had played them all with a swift, connecting tune. He came home with the trophy for the best act. However, he had left the entire collection of instruments at Zormna's place afterward, claiming all the instruments had been too much to carry the full way. Zormna had set them in her former junk room where she admired them. But the FBI thought it was fishy. It was the second week of April, a Tuesday, when anything of real significance could be reported.

That morning things went as usual. Jeff woke and dressed for his day, scratching his head and yawning as he walked to the kitchen for something to eat. His good friend Alzdar, best known as Alex (though Jeff always called him Al), was already sitting there, eating a bowl full of cereal. Peering at him sitting there in a tee shirt and shorts with the cereal bowl cradled in his hands, his spoon eagerly scooping up the floating O shaped pieces and milk, Jeff smirked. He had never quite gotten used to eating that kind of food. It was entirely American, and Alex was so well adjusted. Jeff took a frozen waffle out of the freezer and broke it apart so he could put the two halves in the toaster. Leaning on the counter, Jeff yawned again.

"I'm all packed," Alex abruptly announced.

Jeff blinked, then turned to look at his friend. "Already?"

Alex nodded. "I don't have much anyway. Uncle Orren thinks I'd better be evacuated first in case something happened."

Disappointment shivered through Jeff. Alex was one of his best friends since childhood, the one who had stuck by him through everything. Alex was the voice of reason, an anchor when things got chaotic. Though he had not spent so much time with his buddy lately, Jeff felt an immediate, almost overwhelming loss. "When are you going?"

Alex shrugged. "I dunno. I expect next month, but Orrlar thinks I should go sooner, looking at the signs. Everybody else connected to us has been relocated. Some have already gone back."

"Signs?" Jeff repeated, wondering if there was anything he had missed. The FBI hadn't nabbed anybody, so the operation was still safe except for their crew. M had not reported any more bad news last time they spoke.

His friend nodded. "Yeah, hasn't 'Eric' told you? Since the PMs found that Clendar medallion, they have been massing troops in the undercity. They're going to need all the help they can get. 'Aaron' says we can get a shuttle from B, but I was thinking we should dig out those old ones from..." He stopped when he saw Jeff's pale expression. "Really Jafarr, you'd think I died or something. Stop staring at me like that."

Jeff sighed. He walked back to the toaster to see if his breakfast has popped up yet. It hadn't.

"When do you want to leave, Al?" Jeff asked, glancing back at him while trying to restrain his distress. He couldn't be selfish about this.

Alex saw what Jeff was thinking now. "I had planned on the first of May. You know, before things got ugly here and right when they are getting ugly at home. But I think it might be sooner."

Jeff nodded.

"Well, it's not like the FBI are watching me. Besides, you and Zormna won't be able to make it out of this town without intervention. So, we have to dig it up for you and her." Alex put down his bowl of cereal. "Think of it this way. You'll have less people to worry about. You can just focus on making sure Zormna gets back Home safe."

Jeff smirked. Alex was a tease. He often spoke of Jeff and Zormna as a pair whereas the others saw Zormna as separate from them - the dangerous one they had to maneuver. In many ways, Alex was the one who had the most faith in the prophecy, understanding Jeff would not leave without Zormna. But then Alex would make kissy faces.

But Alex wasn't making kissy faces right now. Right now Alex was being serious. The end of their safety in America was near.

And thinking on that, Jeff immediately called Zormna on her cell phone, asking her to walk to school with Darren that morning, as he had a few last minute things to finish at the house and he would be late to school.

The FBI noted the break in their routine, watching Zormna walk over to Darren's house and knocking on the door. When that pair walked to school, mostly talking about whether Zormna had to try out for the varsity cheer team again or if she was going to automatically get on the team, Zormna seemed a little distracted. Later they saw Jeff ride by on his motorcycle, barely making it to school on time. The spies around the school noted that Zormna seemed tense, like she wasn't sleeping well and she couldn't rest if she tried. And Jeff appeared uncommonly preoccupied, like his mind was on an entirely different planet.

He sat in English class, but was unable to focus on the words Mr. Humphries was saying. It had something to do with discrimination or whatever. Nearly everything the teacher talked about had a political bent by then. Usually Jeff ignored it, as he wanted to forget politics and crawl into a hole to rest from the looming fight. Current American politics was starting to sound like the rhetoric of the ruling class back Home - a rhetoric which he hated. In the guise of diversity, they were creating segregation. Under the pretense of safety, they were creating hate and rigid social casting. Having lived under a rigid caste system which had killed his mother and so many other people whom he had grown up with, he understood why his father had died to fight that system. And the fight was now before him. He had been free from it for two years...and he dreaded the fight ahead. But clenching his teeth, he reminded himself that it was not only necessary that he go back, it was crucial.

He peeked to Zormna. On her face, her thoughts were barely hidden. She probably wasn't even hearing Mr. Humphries. Her mind looked occupied with planning. In her eyes, he could see she was calculating up what they would have to do once they returned Home. Her desperation to fight back against all those who had oppressed her people made her shoulders and spine stiff. Her jaw was clenched. He knew she was tired of waiting. She seemed ready to spring up and take on the world, if necessary. Yet when the bell rang, she stiffly rose and marched off to her next class with resignation. Adam followed her, looking confused while trying to keep up.

Jeff extracted himself from his seat, cringing, and dragged himself toward his next class. He snuck a peek at one of the security cameras in the school hallway, catching a glimpse of a 'custodian' conveniently paused at the end of the hall. Alex was right. The FBI was not as focused on the rest of the household, and he and Zormna would need a distraction when they escaped off the planet.

But he stuck to routine.

By lunch, both Zormna and Jafarr came separately to the redtop, both looking thoroughly lost in thought. Zormna slipped onto the picnic bench with her school lunch, hardly eating it, but not really game for 'hanging out' either though the boys were as lively as always. She barely said two words to the boys as they cast her compliments and jibes at how she should have been chosen as the next head of the cheer team rather than Stacey as she could 'whip those gals into shape' military-style. But she was entirely unresponsive. Even when Brian's younger brothers came through like little tornadoes and Jonathan with Mark chased them off, she didn't react. Concerned, Darren exchanged looks with Jennifer who shrugged then went off with Kevin so she could keep out of it. Jeff was only a little less preoccupied than Zormna was, slowly munching on his meal while 'reading' a book which he had said was for Civics class. But he hardly got through more than two pages as his mind went back to evacuation plans. Of course, their friends noticed. But they didn't ask what was up, because both looked so wound up that they appeared inclined to snap at the first person who dared touch them...a bit like waking a sleepwalker.

As the rest of the day continued, their behavior was noticed and noted by many others. Eyes watched. Heads turned. Teachers grew concerned. Classmates wondered.

When school let out for everyone else, both teenagers trudged miserably to their separate counseling sessions. Neither felt inclined to cooperate that day.


"I'm not pregnant!" Zormna shouted at her counselor for the umpteenth time, rising from her chair. "I don't have a boyfriend! I've never even kissed a guy! What makes you think I need to hear any of this?"

The woman drew back, stuttering. "But...but your... your..."

"I have had enough of these inane lectures. I am leaving," Zormna declared, grabbing the doorknob to go.

Unfortunately for her, Principal Anders was just passing in the hallway when she stepped out. The moment she saw him and he saw her, she cringed. Though she hardly knew the man as she spent more time interacting with Vice Principal Vicksler, she knew he was fully aware of her.

"Turn back around young lady and go back inside," he said, shaking his finger at her. "Your session does not end until the hour is up."

"I'm done," she grumbled back, refusing to move. "No more."

"Unless you want me to call social services," he said while approaching her with steady steps, resting his hands on her shoulders, "and have your emancipated minor status revoked, you had better get back in there and let your counseling sessions sink in."

Then he forcibly turned her around and steered her back into the office. And though Zormna could have easily fought back, she let him sit her back down in the counselor's office, where he stayed to lecture her about her life choices, which lasted the entire counseling session time for her anyway. And though she probably could have thrown him across the hall and run for it, Zormna knew that if he had reported her to social services the FBI would have grabbed that opportunity and taken her into custody. Then it would all be over.

Jeff's session didn't go any better. The man's office smelled a bit like spray deodorant and stinky socks. Jeff was tired of being there, sitting adjacent to the locker room not far from where the other coaches were herding the teams out to practice. Some of the other coaches shot Jeff sorry looks, especially Coach Baker who had been deprived of Jeff's participation that year in wrestling. They had lost the title because Jeff had been occupied with these counseling sessions. Nearly everyone on the team had resented it.

"...Ok, now tell me how that made you feel?" the coach asked with borderline patience. Even he was tired of these sessions.  

"I feel a headache coming on," Jeff muttered, staring at the ceiling.

"Emotionally, Jeff. Express it emotionally." His coach sat back and waited.

Jeff sighed and rolled his eyes. "I feel exhausted."

"Ok, now tell me how the boy's remarks about your girlfriend makes you feel?" his coach

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