» Science Fiction » Light and Darkness, Pitt Michael [classic english novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Light and Darkness, Pitt Michael [classic english novels .TXT] 📗». Author Pitt Michael

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meet again.

   There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and the tall skeleton looked back blankly. It was another of its kind who caught up. It turned his head and continued his journey. Suddenly, the whole world turned upside down, and the forest became heaven. Its low intelligence could not answer this question for him, nor did it have time for it to think again, and a long knife smashed its skull.

   A faint white mist floated out of the broken skull and was sucked into it by Fengyue from the hole that was originally a nose. Fengyue stood up, looked around, and made a silent roar towards the sky, rushed into the forest with a swiftness that did not belong to the skeleton, and went to find the next target.

   "Dragon and Beauty" mercenary regiment embarked on the journey in the cool of early autumn. Lens and his band of thieves rushed to Sellersburg to reconstruct the terrain and set up traps. In the mercenary team, Kate led 150 knight leaders, and Et led the rear of the 200 Swordsmen Regiment. In the middle of the team is a dozen large vehicles, which is quite heavy. Fiss was sitting in one of the carriages, and Franco was his guard, sitting in the carriage in a stately manner. Rogge rides with Kate, posing as an axe cavalry.

  The mercenary regiment's destination this time is the small town of Le Mans, sixty miles away from Sellersburg. The town of Le Mans is of acceptable size, with more than 2,000 people in the town. Since the arrival of Master Xuehu, the Alliance has no news about the town. Lens's several reconnaissance shows that there are snow foxes in the town from time to time.

   Early in the morning, the people of Le Mans town got up one after another and began to prepare for the new day of food and clothing. The sun has not yet risen completely, but the morning light has illuminated the entire town. The sounds of chickens and dogs gradually increased, and the smoke of the cooking smoke gradually rose. The industrious figures on the street are already sporadic. Because of its remote location and poor property, this mountain town often only has three or five caravans coming in a year. People in small towns are used to self-sufficiency and live a few decades in a day, but they are also detailed and quiet.

  The morning breeze in early autumn has brought a little coolness, the sun slowly rises from the mountain forest, and the golden glow in the bright red plated the town with a bright color. The shaking trees in the town seemed to be decorated with golden leaves, and the early birds also joined the chorus. What a morning scene in a mountain town!

  Unfortunately, Rogge didn't have half an elegant bone around him. The fat man frowned at the low and ruined houses on both sides of the avenue. Even though this was the widest street in the middle of the town, few shops could not be seen. The townspeople on the side of the road were dressed in rough clothes, and looked at this cavalry team that had broken the town's calm with curiosity, indifference and even hatred.

"There are 2,000 people in this town, that is, three or four hundred households. Well, let me think about it. If they are poor, the average family can earn 2 gold coins a year. It is good to count, so that it can be collected. The tax is five silver coins and you have to pay three and a half

  ......A year, can you earn 50 gold coins? ? Fuck, this is my territory? "The fat man started talking to himself, and the last sentence couldn't help but the voice grew louder.

   Franco gave Roger a dissatisfied glance, the fat man's wealth fan completely dispelled his Yaxing who admired the scenery of the mountain village. Kate said nothing. Sixty light cavalry cavalry followed, and the rest of the mercenaries disappeared.

  The riding team slowly reached the small square in the middle of the town. A lot of people had gathered in the square. A tall, vigorous old man seemed to be the leader. He came up and paid a salute: "My distinguished knights, I am the mayor of this town, Ian, may I ask what you have to say to our poor place?"

Rogge said carelessly: "We are the Knights of the Principality of Bavaria, my name is Rogge, this is Franco, this is Kate. In the future, the town and nearby places will be our territory. Are you the mayor? , Prepare some food for us first, and then report the population and income of the town. After eating, you will take us around the town."

   "Wait a minute!" A very tall man with dark skin stood up, carrying a huge iron hammer in his hand.

   Kate frowned and looked at the big man, driving the horse slowly forward, a cold breath gradually radiated out. "What, do you seem to have some ideas?" Kate's axe gun was also modified by Fiss. As the strength of the Cavaliers increased, it was made even heavier. The spearpoint and axe blade are blessed with magic, extremely sharp and stronger. Kate slowly lifted his qi. Although the skill was not enough and could not be externalized, the whole person's momentum was gradually increasing.

  The big man faced Kate's momentum and resisted quite hard, but he did not flinch. "I am Bam, the blacksmith in the town! What do you use to prove the knighthood of the Principality? What did the Principality do in addition to collecting taxes in the past? When the damn thieves came and took Shana, how could they not see a knight? When they slaughtered my brother, why did no knights appear? Now that the thieves are gone, we have just passed half a year of calm days, but you are back to collect taxes! You are just like those thieves! We are now the snow and silver fox Territories, at least they have saved us!"

   Franco pulled Roger and whispered, "Watch! The townspeople don't have a woman. They all have weapons." Roger looked closely, and it turned out. The townsmen had more weapons in their hands, and of course agricultural tools were barely weapons. Roger looked closely at the surrounding houses and found that some people were peeping out behind the closed windows.

  Rog lowered his face and said to Kate, "I have a quick battle, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

  Kate snorted and stepped up. Bam roared, the hammer held high and smashed hard. A cold light, a clear voice rang, Kate axe gun from bottom to top, easy to hammer the big man's hammer into two sections, when the horses and horses staggered, and hit the back of the big man with the gun handle. In the crisp fracture sound, Dahan spurted blood, flew three or four meters, and fell heavily on the ground. There was another clamor in the crowd, Kate glanced around, satisfied to see that in addition to hatred and fear in the eyes of the townspeople. He returned to the horse and walked to the ground, Bam, the axe gun was raised, ready to axe him in two steps.

   "Wait!" Ian rushed over and pulled Kate's horse rope. "Master Cavaliers, Bam offended the adults and should be guilty of death. But the adults have already taught him fiercely. Seeing that we are all adults, let him not die. The old age has already been called. There are some meals arranged in the town hall, adults, don’t be too rude."

Rogge looked around and slowly said, "For the time being, the crime of collaborating with the enemy, let's write it down for a moment. We will go to dinner first, and then we will clean up those foxes, and then we will repair your cheap bones. I know you are still not convinced, those Sao Fox gives you some sweetness. But you remember, this is our territory in the future! We are your master! Our words are the law in this land! Anyone who is not convinced can try it like that fool. But don’t expect me to be merciful this time. Ian, go find some beautiful girls to say hello. If you let me find that there are more beautiful girls in the town who don’t come out, you are ready to go to the slave camp for the last one Ten years."

   The atmosphere in the town hall is extremely depressed. The knights were eating a simple breakfast in silence, and the girls in the town shuttled the food and packed some cutlery. Occasionally one or two sporadic screams. Roger waited for the three people to sit at a table and whispered to discuss what was happening. The food on the table was swept up in sevens and eights, but it was obvious that the three had no intention of tasting the taste.

  The old mayor Ian stood aside with a smile. He was thankful that the worst had not happened. These knights seemed to have little interest in the girl in town.

  When preparing meals, Roger and others kept asking him about the situation of the Snow Fox Brigade. Soon after the Snow Fox Brigade was stationed in Sellersburg, a group of thieves came to Le Mans town, looted the town, and killed a few people. It was at this time that the Snow Fox Brigade passed by the town and wiped out the bandits and saved the whole town. Since then, Snow Fox people often go to the town to exchange some supplies, the price is also fair. After the arrival of Snow Fox, the tax collector of the Confederacy never appeared again, and the simple townspeople sincerely wanted Snow Fox. But what civilians think is not within the scope of Roger’s nobles. Politics is a compulsory course for big nobles. Most of these marginal nobles will not waste time in politics.

   A rush of horseshoes came and stopped abruptly at the entrance of the town hall. A servant axe-gun knight rushed in, took off the helmet, and hurried towards Roger's table, saying loudly: "Snow Fox has been found..." Kate gave it hard with a snap He slaps, "What are you doing so loudly!" The knight murmured and whispered to Roger and others.

  Roger and others repeatedly asked the cavalry, and his voice was extremely low. Ian can only faintly hear a few sporadic words such as "Sneak Attack, Ambush, Demon Forest". The mayor of the old town carefully kept himself and his smile and posture, fearing any misunderstanding.

   At this time, everyone's plan has been decided. Several noble scum laughed relatively. Several people greeted the knights to get up, and the wind rushed out of the town, leaving only a messy town hall. Ian hurriedly recruited a young boy who looked very clever. He whispered a few words, and the boy went away. After a while, the young horseman followed the trail of the cavalry. Ian was busy comforting some girls with red eyes.

   An hour later, the young Pegasus hurried back. Shortly afterwards, another ride out of the town mayor's house and quickly disappeared in the direction of Sellersburg.

   Hart's mood this year has not been very good.

   The captain of the snow fox brigade, the eleventh-level swordsman, was actually dispatched to such a backcountry, and for the first half of the year. He cursed fiercely, patrolling the castle.

  Brothers struggled to move a bag of ore to the truck. Six trucks were lined up neatly in the small square in the castle, which is now half full. Hart was ordered to dig a necromancer's laboratory, but found nothing. Surprisingly, he discovered a rich vein of refined iron ore, which has a very high grade of iron ore and can be directly used for steel smelting. For the Principality of Ron, where minerals are scarce, the value of this iron ore is extraordinary, but it is

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