» Science Fiction » DUSK, Esther Machethe [free e reader txt] 📗

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on, you know I don’t go down that easily. Lighten up, I’m here now.” I assured him and he seemed to relax at that but hadn’t yet decided to release me from the hug making it feel really awkward but he didn’t need to know that now. I awkwardly pat his back and cleared my throat. His body tensed and he quickly let go of me; the tip of his ears turned a noticeable shade of pink and I refrained from laughing.

“Uh, sorry about that. I kind of got carried away there” he murmured and looked at everything but me.

“It’s okay, I think your mortification covers up for that.” I chuckled and pointed to his ears making him scowl and cover his ears which I suspected were even redder than before.

“So where were you?” he questioned as he plopped himself on my bed and motioned for me to follow him which I gladly did.

“I went to look for a new released movie and run into some cute guy that apparently went to our school with us but I can’t even remember.” I shrugged like it was normal for me to experience that. Ash looked at me and I could practically see the amusement and curiosity in his eyes so I continued with my exaggerated story and he occasionally laughed when I told him something stupid before he finally went quiet and looked thoughtful for a moment before he turned to me. Oh no, I knew that look.

“What was this guy’s name again?” he asked and I could decipher some humour in his eyes. It was like he had just realized something.

“He said his name was Reece,” I answered cautiously and I watched in complete confusion as he threw his head back and laughed at me “What?” I asked curiously, did he know the guy I was talking about or did he just go mental.

“And you’re saying he kissed you and that he professed his undying love for you after being an arrogant jerk?” he asked in between laughs and I started growing weary of him.

“Yes, now will you tell me what’s so funny about that?” I ranted, exasperated that he was laughing alone.

“Chloe, the only Reece that was in our year and fits your description perfectly is Reece Mathews and you do know that Reece was gay.” He explained and I looked at him in confusion, I was still not getting it.

“Remember in junior year there was a guy that kept following me and saying that he was gay, proud and seriously in love with me so we should ‘totally hook up’ and you guys always made fun of me” he paused and waited for me to remember. How could I forget that, we always made fun of him and he would avoid us for hours pretending that he was mad at us. I nodded and he smiled at me.

“That boy was Reece Mathews and I’m very sure he’s still gay.” He commented laughing at my horrified face. I can’t believe that my story was that easily undone. As we sat there quietly, I remembered something and which made me sit up abruptly and that attracted Ash’s attention to me.

“I forgot to tell you something. Promise you won’t tell anyone first.” I stated and waited for him to declare his promise before uttering the words that made all colour drain from his face “I talked to Emma.” 



I watched them on her window. I was late to the scene today and they almost ate me alive. Today was not my night; first I was late, then I let her out of my sight for two damn minutes to get coffee and she disappears and the house is tarnished and now I have to sit here in the cold and watch as the idiot laughs with her like she’s so funny.

I know she’s a pampered girl who gets anything she wants and is darn good at using her pity story to get what she wants, is stubborn and really loves attention. I could have been at home right now, keeping warm and perhaps with a girl or two in my arms but no, I have to sit here and watch the idiot stare at her with googly eyes.

I mean, even a blind man can see he’s in love with her especially after his reaction during her birthday, the way he was concerned that she wasn’t there on time but he lied and said he liked the bratty and shrieking siren that always had a fake happy face on that even I could see from a mile away. I wanted to see if she felt anything for him at the hospital but she was too difficult to read.

I hate this life and if I really could, I would trade it all for a normal life; no hiding behind stupid bushes, no more being called names that don’t fucking suit me and most of all, no more being second to him. Too bad I have to stay here and watch from outside this freaking window. Family business and legacy has to come first and as much as I hate it, I have no option.



I stared at the phone on one hand and the crumpled paper on the other, thinking of what to do with both of them.

“Just make up your mind already, I’m getting really anxious right now.” Ashton complained and I sighed. I really didn’t know what to do and I was contemplating either calling her or unravelling what’s behind that stupid piece of paper. The paper was yanked from me and I looked to find Ash holding it in his hand.

“Let’s check the paper first then call her so that we’ll understand, for all we know it might be a clue or something.” He explained. Why didn’t I think of that first, I nodded and he undid the paper to find a message. His eyes quickly scanned the contents before he chuckled then handed it to me

Wait for a week before meeting me at the spot we first hang out. Your phone is bugged so don’t bother calling. Bring Ash along or I’m sure he’ll be in trouble if he lost you again. Be patient young one momma will see you soon ;)

That was all it said, no address no new number, no nothing. This was so CIA style I almost laughed at her. I looked at Ash who seemed to be thinking of something and I couldn’t help but admire in a platonic kind.

I’m sure his future girl will really be lucky to have a really good looking guy with strong and manly features not to mention his honesty, loyalty and sincerity.

He’s a really amazing guy.

 “I know I’m good looking and all but your stare is kind of creepy.” Ash voiced out and I immediately cringed.

I take that back, he’s definitely not an amazing guy.

That was not really why I was staring,

“Then why were you staring?” he asked, his voice full of amusement. I snapped my head up at him with wide eyes before a brilliant thought crossed my mind.

“There’s something on your face.” I lied smoothly, he looked puzzled for a moment before I pointed at his forehead,

“I think it’s a bug or something, it’s moving” I added making him smack his forehead without question. “That was a great face palm, maybe next time you’ll face plant?” I sniggered at him and he narrowed his eyes at me,

“Well played Jade, I’ll get you next time.” He countered in fake anger and I laughed at him. Next time will never happen; I would make sure of that.

I was really starting to hate my life; I felt pathetic and inferior and lonely; all the emotions I never told anyone, not even Ash. All my friends were people who answered to my father and they have a duty to make sure I was safe and the one I called my best friend was nowhere to be seen and I had to wait for a week so that we could meet up briefly.

I was sure that meeting would not be one to catch up from where we last left off because she was tangled up in stuff that could get her killed or something much worse. At this moment, I would give anything to just be a normal girl who was waiting to go to one of the good or at least a decent university and was probably working at a boutique or at a restaurant as a waitress, meet new guys who would either be jerks or future boyfriend material but instead, I’m stuck here hiding from psychopaths who want to open up my head and take a stupid chip which has kept me alive for eighteen years and I didn’t even know it existed.

I know I’m ranting, thank God it’s all in my head, literally or I wouldn’t hear the end of this. I just wish I could get out of this stupid talk and get some strawberry ripple ice cream or a big glass of cold vanilla milkshake because I was dying of heat.

I was still thinking about the sweetness of the milkshake when my name accompanied by snapping of fingers shook me from my sweet thoughts. “You haven’t heard a word we said have you?” Dad asked, his tone was firm and reprimanding.

“I’m sorry, I was really thirsty and it’s really hot in here.” I mumbled innocently, I felt like a child being scolded for doing wrong but it really wasn’t my fault, I just can’t help myself with all these thoughts these days.

“See, you’re doing it again.” Dad’s almost angry voice rang out and I immediately snapped back to reality. “I’m trying to go through the safety procedures with you but you’re not even listening. It’s your life we’re talking about here and I’m really tired of repeating the same thing.” He continued. My mom was about to talk but he wasn’t finished yet; “I want you to take responsibility of keeping you safe but you can’t even pay attention to the procedures. All I want from you is two darn hours so that you can know what to do when but you are not even interested. Why are you being like this, you were never this defiant nor were you this careless. I should have taken the other option because I’m sick of this childishness and if you don’t pull yourself together…” he didn’t finish but I heard what he meant and I wanted to finish his sentence for him.

“You’ll what, you’ll take the chip back or you’ll take me back? You haven’t put yourself in my situation for a minute and see what I’m going through. I don’t have friends except Ashton who still answers to you, I’m not allowed to go out of my own house, and I’m not even allowed to interact with people because it’s not safe. Everyone treats me like I’m either stupid or am too fragile. I’m sick of being told what to do with my life so I will be taking charge of it. Don’t worry dad, you don’t have to put up with me anymore.” I drawled out the word ‘dad’ and scoffed out the last part before standing up and walking to my

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