» Science Fiction » Synarchy Book 1: The Awakening, DCS [best biographies to read TXT] 📗

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of a woman. Some just didn't choose theirs carefully enough. From the inside of his suit jacket he removed a thickly packed envelope and handed it to her. "Every penny, bonus included."
She exchanged disc for cash, opening it immediately to count every bill. "Thanks X."
"No Lisa…" Xavier tucked the CD carefully into the same pocket, a silent thrill rushing through him at the thought of the information he carried. She had no idea how important this was, but she would soon enough. "…Thank you." Standing a good ten inches above the woman, he was forced to bend to kiss her painted cheek before walking quickly out to the waiting car and his three man personal security team. The razor thin cell phone was already against his ear as he climbed into the backseat, silence reigning for exactly thirty seconds until he heard the "click" that meant the other line had been answered. For right now there was only one message he needed to transmit.
"Our girl came through for us. I'm on my way."

Chapter 2
“Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.”
- The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, chapter 64

June 6th, 2012
S.V.T. Think Tank
Alexandria, VA 10:10 AM

Dr. Derek Vaughn III pulled off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose to fend off an incoming migraine. It was from lack of sleep. He glanced at his watch then flicked his pen back and forth over the tops of his fingers impatiently. They had to have found something by now. He was risking not only their careers but their lives, all because one night a little over a month ago, everyone on his team had interconnected dreams.
He was thirty-eight and a man of science, not some self-proclaimed New Age mystic. Never-theless he was a little too smart to grant mere coincidence to the fact that all six members of his team shared the same experience. Each of them carried the piece of some puzzle that days later they still remembered in such vivid detail they were able to draw pictures, and repeat conversations verbatim.
Derek tossed his glasses on the spotless surface of his desktop, standing. He turned to the full wall window that provided a breathtaking view of the proudly glowing skyline of the nation's capital. Tucking richly bronzed hands into the pockets of his jeans, he propped a shoulder against the glass, beguiled by the sudden obsession to discover the truth.
He had told himself over and over that they had a lot more important things to do. There were vaccines to create (or acquire), terrorists to arm, weapons to manufacture to sell to the world's only super power, and further advance his employer in any and all areas. Making all that happen was his job, not playing Indiana Jones.
The sudden ring of his cell phone pulled him out of his thoughts. He flipped it open, staring at the tiny screen where the face of Dr. Shirley McDermot appeared. Derek felt his heartbeat begin to race when he caught the expression on her face.
"Derek, you are not going to believe this..."


June 6th, 2012
7 miles below Antarctica
Rainbow City 9:11 AM

"We have to stop it, Menes!" Loki shouted, his aura glowing red with his mounting anger and frustration. "Humankind was never meant to know the whole truth!"
Menes looked intently at his young protégé, though Loki was far from young. They were all tens of thousands of years old. "If you recall, the Mayans did very well with the knowledge we shared with them."
Loki snorted, slamming his hands on his mentor’s desk. "They did well, Menes, because we only gave them part of the information. As civilization progressed we were not the ones to share those secrets with any other culture. They are evil and unintelligent! They should remain as slaves to the Anunnaki!"
Menes pressed two fingers against his temple, and said, "Even with the veil wrapped around this planet, the Mayans ascended before the collective was ready. And the Anunnaki visited them frequently." He smiled warmly at Loki. "Calm your soul my friend, all will be well. If the time is not right then the Cave of Creation will not expose itself and the Akashic Records will not be found. But I believe it is time."
Aggravated with the response, Loki began pacing the golden floors of the office. "Menes, of those that came with us only ten remain, and we have lost contact with ourselves above! We are running out of time, if we let this happen there will be nothing left!" From the few hundred that escaped the destruction of Atlantis, fifty came to Earth. The rest had gone to Mars as instructed by spirit. Loki stopped pacing, and pointed his finger at Menes to emphasize the gravity of his point. "It is a trap just like before. The four horsemen have been unleashed. The war is not going well; you and I both know this. They will destroy this planet just like they did Atlantis!" Panic edged his voice and made his aura burn so brightly Menes was forced to squint.
"Loki…” Standing, he walked over to his distraught brother, placing his hands soothingly on Loki’s shoulders. "You can no longer hear yourself because of the fear in your heart. You must regain your trust in Spirit, in the goodness of God. You must remember that we want nothing but the best for you. You must believe this completely. It is time. We keep secrets no longer. The Phoenix Cycle completes December 21st, 2012. This planet will ascend and it will be marvelous."
Loki broke roughly away from Menes’ grip. "You are a fool," he spat angrily. As he waved his hand, a section of the stone wall slid open and he stormed out. Menes sighed disappointedly as Loki left. Once again they were faced with the end of an era and he prayed the disturbing images that had recently plagued his dreams were not solely all the future would become.


Menes was wrong. Sound was the universal language and since the dawn of America, the world's great superpower, the first and second dimension frequencies had been screaming in pain. For centuries they had watched humans de-evolve. No, they just weren't ready. He had to help stop it.
Loki stood on the deserted street corner, looking around him. They had worked hard to create Rainbow City. Using the knowledge taught from their destroyed home they had constructed a dome deep beneath the frigid waters, iridescently radiating through the blackness of the ocean. It was a suburb compared to the grandeur of Atlantis, but it proved how advanced technology had been when used in conjunction with the natural energy of a planet, which by its very nature provides for all children who inhabit it.
But out of fifty, there were now ten. Their brothers and sisters had chosen to let go of their hold on physicality, worse, some had been taken by dis-ease, which was what happened to a human body when the energy portals, or charkas became blocked. This made the situation far worse. If there were no Ascended Masters left to teach the humans and they discovered the Cave of Creation it would end in disaster. They were not passive. They would immediately wage war on the Anunnaki for the part they played in the manipulation of their genetic code and the creation of the veil. The Promise would be forgotten and the world would end again. He could not, would not allow that.
His resolve steeled, his destination was the temple. The Pyramid was in the center of their city, standing out as clearly as a diamond glinting in the sand. Its power lay in the sacred geometry of its shape, and the energy channeled by the two giant crystals inside it. By recognizing his connection with everything around him he was able to blend with those energies and fly, much like a passing breeze, into the holy space. Loki descended long enough to drop to his knees in a moment of silent reverence. A wordless prayer was given to the pair of glowing crystals suspended in mid air, touching at their diamond shaped tips. If one was removed the balance of energy would shatter and their city would fall.
"Forgive me for what I must do," Loki whispered. Rising back into the air he closed his hand around one of the golden rods.


June 6th, 2012
5 Miles below Antarctica
Shackelton Ice Shelf 9:22 AM

Dr. Abe Donahue had zipped through his college career earning a degree in marine biology, and a PhD in internal medicine. After that he decided to join the Navy, just because he liked boats, and spent the next six years in an attack submarine. It was why he felt confident enough to nap in the tight compartment of the midget submarine. The pulsing lights of the computer system running on auto pilot beeped in rhythmic quiet around him.
It became a cacophony of noise.
Suddenly, every system released a high pitch scream, ripping Abe back into consciousness. He bolted into an upright position just as a wave of white light rolled through the pitch black waters right into the thick titanium. Metal whined as the tiny ship went whizzing backwards, smashing into a piece of rock.
"What the fuck was that, Abe?!" Dr. Shirley McDermott emerged from the only other compart-ment in the submarine seconds after the explosion. Worry clouded her dark brown eyes.
"I have no idea." Abe’s voice was steady, but his fingers were flying over the keyboard running through system checks to make sure the weight of the ocean wasn't about to come crashing in on them.
Shirley jumped into the chair across from him, poking at the touch screens. "Looks stable. Guess we just banged her up."
"General Kahlo is going to be pissed if that left a mark." He winced and shoved his hands back through his hair. "Now let me see if I can figure out where the hell that came from."
"Abe." Shirley was suddenly digging her nails into his bicep.
"What?" He was busy trying to make sense of the strange readings he was getting, but both the tone of her voice and the sting of her nails made him look up. For a second he thought he was hallucinating.
A man was floating through the water. His hands were gripped around one large golden pole. On top of it a diamond shaped crystal threw out a gentle green light that surrounded his body.
She had a PhD in physics and psychology. She knew what was possible and what was not. What was happening in front of them was not possible. The tons of pressure should have killed him, but there he was floating like a fish.
"Get this thing moving, Abe! Follow him!"
"I'm…I'm on it." He couldn't get his hands to stop their sudden shaking as he pressed a button on the control panel to turn the machine around. The bright spotlights from the vessel illuminated the figure of the man as they trailed slowly behind him.


June 7th, 2012
S.V.T. Think Tank
Alexandria, VA 1:11 AM

S.V.T. Think Tank, subsidiary of the Dion Corporation, was only eight years old. It had been created to utilize the vast streams of information that was gathered by S.V.T. Securities, a corporate security watch dog that subsequently spied on the organizations it was safeguarding.
S.V.T Think Tank’s mission was simple; improve weapons, design vehicles, update computer systems, video and audio surveillance equipment, anything that was required or not yet thought of.
Since Derek was the
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