Solutions: The Dilemma of Patience, James Gerard [i can read with my eyes shut .TXT] 📗

- Author: James Gerard
Book online «Solutions: The Dilemma of Patience, James Gerard [i can read with my eyes shut .TXT] 📗». Author James Gerard
Upon returning to the shelter just days later, Michael concluded that asking for an account of their motives concerning the lack of brevity would have been an act of insensitivity. It was clearly sensed that both ached with guilt and a pain that seemingly stabbed at their thoughts. The need of an explanation was not asked for because their services were more urgent and vital to the needs of the congregation.
Staring at the massive and fortified assault vehicle anchored behind men aiming their assault weapons squarely on them, Michael could understand the urge to at least try and evade capture that seemed the only viable choice to his friends, yet he knew better. By making an attempt to avoid capture would have been met with a devastating and deadly strike of force.
He did not have to voice any more instructions to Philip as far as what to do, for he had submitted to the danger ahead. Two other assault vehicles impeded the shoulder of the road to either side blocking the only alternative escape maneuvers available. If Philip had decided in a moment of panic to try and maneuver around the obstructions, it not only would have been met by the rough terrain breaking the axles, but by the firing of a massive shell out of a cannon’s barrel perched atop the fortified assault vehicle that would have torn them to shreds as well. The truck came to a stop.
Without a word uttered, Michael stepped out first to take the wrath of the small invasion force. Philip and Troy jumped out and stood at his side. At that point Michael realized they all stood as open targets for the armed men to pick off at will.
Confusion set in as the armed men did not advance or shout out any command to one another to begin the torment. He believed for a moment that they were waiting for other believers to arrive before the killing commenced, but logic dictated that was not the case. If they had known they would be coming, he assumed, then obviously the truck was not cloaked nor could anyone else be; they could have seen them coming. No other excuse to explain an unwillingness to immediately release their hatred came to mind.
Just then the passenger door from the vehicle to the left was swung open. A figure, who apparently had secretly watched behind tinted windows, emerged.
“We’re finished,” whispered Troy. “Here she comes.”
“Well, well, well,” the woman joyfully announced approaching the three, “who do we have here?”
Michael instantly recognized the tone of triumph in the voice and the cocky strut in the stride even before she removed a sleek pair of sunglasses that had hid the black eyes and revealed the cruel intentions held in a cold gaze.
“Well,” she laughed staring at Troy, “you certainly had me fooled. I never once thought that you, one of my faithful servants and most trusted staff members, had actually been a believer this whole time. And not only that, you actually had the guts to use the knowledge that I allowed you to have to just stab me in the back like I meant nothing.”
“Shut up,” she screamed. “And Michael, didn’t we just go through this last week? You must be just aching to die the miserable death I’m going to give you.”
“You mean you’re not going to let me escape this time?”
The woman eyed him scornfully and laughed. She then looked to Philip. “I don’t know you, but unfortunately this is not your lucky day. Normally, I’d have you subjected to the fiends back in the lab, but since you chose to fall into the company of these two idiots you’re dead as well.” She looked back to Troy. “Isn’t it ironic that the very method you used to keep you alive has now led to your death?”
Michael knew firsthand the punishing cruelty by those that had suffered her wrath. He stood there waiting for the order to proceed with the execution, but for some reason the death order was delayed by a face that seemed to be contemplating a more violent way to end their lives.
“What do you say boys,” she loudly inquired, “do you want to do it quickly or would you like to take your time?”
The armed men stood quietly. By Michael’s estimation, they were unwilling or puzzled by the woman’s words. Nonetheless, as soon as the order was uttered to open fire he was sure the trigger fingers would not hesitate to answer the command.
“Or,” she seemingly mused over, “will we spare them in exchange for information?” She walked up to Michael and stood feet away. “Information as to the location of the other believers you have tucked away.”
Michael smiled. “What others?”
The woman grabbed a rifle out of one of men’s grip and planted the barrel right between his eyes. “If you’re somewhat reluctant to discuss this in front of your friends, then come with me.”
The woman shouted out instructions to the men in regards to the other two and then pointed the barrel past the fortified truck indicating the direction to head. Michael turned around and immediately felt the blunt end of steel on the back of the head. She corralled him to an area further up the isolated road, to spot that was off to the side. Another vehicle sat there.
Michael recognized it as one of the grand buses the Council had at their disposal to navigate through the city streets in a show of power. However, why it had been driven to such a secluded destination was odd. Nearing the enormous bus he could hear cries and screams.
Oh my God no, he thought. He figured the cries and screams were from some of those found at the shelter and taken into custody. From the sound of it all, they knew they were to to be slaughtered. There would be no deal, he reasoned. No mercy for information. There was no escaping her clutches this time. Whatever the motive, she must have chosen to plan something especially violent, for it certainly appeared she knew who would be on the truck.
The cries and screams would not cease. The barrel of the rifle was taken off the back of the head.
“Turn around,” she said.
"Just get it over with. Shoot me in the back of the head," responded Michael.
She hit him with the barrel of the rifle in the back of the head and shouted, "Turn around."
Michael, believing she was going to make him look into her eyes before shooting him in the face, turned around slowly. To his surprise, he saw a face that looked like it was wracked with worrisome thoughts. The change in demeanor was puzzling, but knowing the cleverness that lay behind the mask, he concluded it was just a masterful ploy to attain additional information she sought.
“I need your help.”
A puzzled expression had now invaded his quiet countenance. The thoughts mulled over the words that were spoken. “Did you say ‘I need your help?’”
“Are you deaf Michael? I need your help.”
“You need my help? The great and powerful defender of the state, Torres’ enforcer, needs my help? You don’t need anyone’s help.”
She pointed to the bus. “I want you to see something.”
Michael, still wary of her wicked cleverness, abided by the command and cautiously approached the door.
The cries and screams shattered what had been a tranquil landscape and a place to which an escape from the absolute commands imposed on the dregs of society. The peacefulness had ceased to exist.
Michael believed that once the door was entered, there would be no escape from death.
An Unlikely Change“Hi,” a voice was heard saying through the cries and screams.
Michael was both stunned and enraged to see a face that was sweetly smiling below eyes that simply sparkled with joy. For a moment he was mesmerized by the young woman’s expression of happiness, but the deafening wails of cries and screams overcame the moment and cast him into the violent reality.
“My Lord,” he whispered in reaction to the utter madness of the scene.
Young men and women, boys and girls, were sprawled out on the cushioned seats screaming bloody murder while others were anchored in the aisle sobbing. In an instant rage overtook the shock and consumed the mind.
Michael screamed while jumping off the steps with hands ready to strangle the very life out of the evil-minded being, but she quickly fired a round into the ground.
“If you think….”
“Wait,” she shouted. “Just listen.”
“Listen to this,” he shouted and lunged towards her, but she again managed to dodge the assault and fired yet another round into the ground.
“Just wait!”
Michael stared into the dark eyes and was astounded to see that a look of fear had uprooted the evil residing in an unfeeling heart. In a moment, still feeling the burning impulse to inflict as much pain as he could on the cold-blooded creature, he calculated that the new found fear flourished in the absence of her personal security force ready to subdue any threat on the drop of a dime. But now she was alone with a rifle that could only momentarily halt the body from fulfilling the mind’s desire. One quick lunge, he thought, and she will know pain.
“Please, just listen to me,” she said as the rifle took aim at his chest.
Michael saw the defenseless posture before him, but the opportunity for vengeance was passing away. He could not immediately understand why calmness had intervened in front of the hound from hell, yet, reaching down deep for an inner-strength, he could understand how just well.
“I told you, I need your help. Now just listen to me.”
“You need help with what?”
“I need you to take care of them,” she said.
“What do you mean take care of them? Who are they?”
“Get back on the bus with me and I’ll explain.”
Michael turned the attention back to the door and then motioned to the woman to enter first.
“Jacky,” the sweet smiling face with sparkling eyes gleefully yelled out. The young woman held out her arms and the woman fell into the loving embrace.
“I missed you so much Valerie.”
“Where's Mary?”
Michael instantly recognized the name. In a flash the tortured young souls were revealed. “I don’t believe it. What’s this all about?”
The woman tenderly kissed Valerie’s cheek and with reassuring words broke free from the tender embrace. “She keeps asking for Mary; who’s this Mary?”
Michael smiled. “Julia,” he shouted with joy, “she is asking for Julia!”
“Then who’s Julia?”
The chaotic scene was transformed into a show of beauty and power unlike any he had ever seen. The binders were removed from the corner of the eyes to witness his Father’s hand reaching out to hold them safely with a love so powerful that tears began to flow.
“She is one of God’s children Jacqueline,” he managed to whisper from the stream of tears choking off the voice. Michael spread out his arms and shouted with glee, “Oh my Lord! Once again you have proven to be perfect in your ways.”
“Excuse me,” shouted Jacqueline, “you think you can put away the gushing and answer me.”
Michael stared into the puzzled gaze, “She is the one He appointed to keep these precious souls safe from the wickedness of the world.”
“You’re talking about the nurse? The nurse at the hospital? The nurse we’ve been hunting for?”
“She’s alive?”
“Alive? Alive you ask?” shouted Michael. He stepped to Jacqueline
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