» Science Fiction » Perishing World, Russell Spears [classic reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Perishing World, Russell Spears [classic reads .TXT] 📗». Author Russell Spears

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says “I… I… I’m he… her… here. What’s going on with you Isabella? Isabella says “I’m going to activate the reactor before it’s too late.” As Isabella's trying to withstand the blood she lost. Isabella says “Ray… mond before I die I want to tell you something, please live for me.” Isa... bella wha- what - what’s going on w-wi-with you? I activated the reactor so live, live on with your friends, please. Isabella drops the phone and animal-like sounds starts, there are crunching sounds. Isabella, Isabella, ISABELLA! It’s my fault, it’s all my fault. I already got over the deaths of Christine, Kody, Jacob but, now Isabella. I can’t, I can’t live.


I’m going now, the world is alright now, people don’t need me at all. Bye, I’m happy that the world is done perishing. Tell the other that I’m glad that I’ve met them, that I was happy besides them. I was really happy when we all hanged out and spent time together as a family. My time has come to an end. Amanda says “It’s been three years now since that incident. We all honor Raymond for stopping the world from perishing. He’s a hero and a savior. He survived something we couldn’t bare. We're trying to locate him but, it’s been impossible.” Bethany says “ Where is he at?”


. . .

Chapter 3


It’s been three years since I left that world. I’m exploring the Universe trying to find a new world that I can start a new life. I’ve found over 100 livable planets so far but, only 20% of them have human-like creatures. I’m going to The planet 0495, I named that planet after Christine’s first initial, Kody's first initial, Jacob’s first initial, and Isabella’s first initial. I’m landing on it. It’s about the same size of earth, it has more land than Earth. It looks like the population is half of Earth’s. This would be great to live here if there were more animals. I’ll make genetically modified animals so that I can live here. I don’t want to live here just eating plants for a living.


It’s been three days, there was no one near me, I wonder why? There are loud noises outside of my house but, when I check outside I don’t see anyone or anything out there. It’s been a week now, I still hear noises out here. It’s morning, I’m checking the area where they live. I see a few of them, I don’t see all of them from before I landed on this planet. I created a device that looks at the population of living organisms. I have to collect all of the living organisms and that means I have to go on a journey.


I have all the equipment for the journey. I only have a limited amount of time. I’m going to a cave I found while looking for the humans that live on this planet. There are not really many materials, I think that’s why their homes are not as advanced like Earth. Wait I see a light source down here. Who’s there, anyone down here? Hello, hello, anyone? The light source is getting farther. I’m going after it, come back here. My name is Raymond F. Elliot. The light stopped, I see his or her face. It’s nice to meet you, sir, what’s your name. The old man says “My name is Richard Elliot, it’s nice to meet you son.” WAIT, I-I-IT CA-CAN-CAN’T BE. My father died twenty years ago. He died in a plane crash, I was the only one who survived.


Richard E. says “oh, your from that world.” Oh, Ok. I get it now your from the first Earth and I’m from the second Earth. I went to the first world to stop the reactor because I messed up on my planet. I let them all die because of me. That’s why I went to the first world to save them. May I say something to you. Richard E. says “yes, go ahead.” I saw your son while traveling here. Richard E. says “WAIT, WHERE!?!?” I checked it out, there was a dead body, no vital signs. I’m sorry. Richard starts crying in front of me. I helped him with the sadness. It’s ok, you can get through this. Richard E. says “I’m glad that you told me that. I looked for years for him.” It’s been a day since we stopped crying. So can you tell me about this planet? Richard E. says “This planet is very strange. I don’t know most of the living organisms on this planet. All I know is that whenever you go close to the people they'll hide in their buildings.” I’ll try to figure this planet out. See ya Richard from world one.


   I’m on my journey to figure out this planet. I’m gathering all the living organisms on this planet. I got most of the plants, I see a big plant over the hill. I think it’s going to take a day or two to get that plant. Wow, this jungle is amazing, I wish I could stay in here. A loud roar coming from out of nowhere. What was that “looking all over the place to figure where it came from.”  A wild beast came out of nowhere. It looks like a mix of a tiger, cheetah, and a lion, with web feet and feathers on its legs.


This planet is crazy. Staying still to see if it doesn’t come after me. The beast pounced on me but, I got passed it somehow. I need to run, staying still isn’t going to do anything. I need a weapon but, I don’t have one with me. Richard E. comes out of nowhere, capturing the wild beast with a high tech device. Richard E. says “I got your back, Raymond.” Thank you for helping me. Richard E. says “No problem, these beasts are hard to tame so I need you to get some ingredients that are rare.” Wait, did you say tame. Richard E. says “Yes, if we tame the beasts on this planet we can travel farther. Here are the ingredients.”


Taming Ingredients


Ravager eggs


Tinky Mushroom


Flippered Plants


Ord Bark


And Ridged hair


Richard E. says “These are the ingredients for taming this creature.” OK, the only thing is, how am I supposed to know what they look like? Richard E. says “You’ll know when you see them.” Ok, I’ll see you when I’m done getting the ingredients. I’m off to look for these weird things. So the first thing I’m going to get is the Tinky Mushrooms. It would be great if he told me what they looked like. Well, I didn't ask him soooo... that's my fault. Well then, this is going to be hard. I think I know what the Tinky Mushrooms look like. Tink means a high pitched sound sooo... the mushroom has to make a sound that nobody else hears. I got, a high dog whistle pitched sound. I'll make a device to follow that sound. "It's been three hours since." I made the device and made a weapon. My weapon is called the "Clockwork Blade." Now that I have the device and my sword, I can look for the Tinky Mushrooms. I'm following the sound, it's leading me towards a cave. It's dark, I'll get out my light.


Text: Russell Spears
Images: No one
Cover: No one
Editing: Russell Spears
Translation: Someone
Layout: Something
Publication Date: 01-17-2019

All Rights Reserved

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