» Science Fiction » Grailem, Gary L Beer [motivational books to read TXT] 📗

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attached to the computer terminal he activates the viewing screen and the surrounding cameras.
At first Grailem is unsure what he is looking at until he realises it is himself. He now possesses a humanoid shaped head that is made of high pressure metal clusters similar to those of the skeleton. The metal shines, reflecting the overhead lights making the human looking eyes, of a deep brown, appear out of place. The eyes, though they look real are not functioning as Grailem is receiving the images via the communications terminal.
Below his head of bright shiny metal, the trunk of a human body has been expertly grafted onto it. Connected directly below the skull the body has a short neck and along with the lack of arms, legs and sexual organs looks grotesque. Shocked by what he has become Grailem moves the new body in agitation as the head scientist enters the room.
Looking down at Grailem and seeing Grailem's eyes staring at him he forms his mouth into an attempt at a smile; "Good to see that you are awake, I am Doctor Levashe and along with my team we will help your conversion."
Using the communications terminal Grailem initiates a new program that will speak his thoughts; "What have you done to me?" he asks.
"We have installed your brain into the metallic head that you can see before you on the viewing screen. It has been necessary to connect you to an organic body to enable your brain to function correctly. This is not the body that will be your final body but some of the neural connections need to be fitted."
Chapter Two

As Grailem grew and matured mankind's dream appeared to be becoming a reality. Grailem's brain was developing as originally designed by the scientists and so far fitted the computer prediction. The cross-mutation with the alien wasp proved to be a complete success as Grailem was immune to all disease. Deliberately exposed to deadly viruses like smallpox, rabies and even the common cold his living brain rejected them all.
The newly designed skull enclosing the brain had also proved a success as the nutrient levels remained steady during the years of study. An improved bioplasm had been created that reproduced the life giving nutrients required. His brain had now become self sufficient and by all appearances would remain alive; forever.
The mechanical eyes were connected and proved vastly superior to the blurry image he generally saw, though they did appear cold and lifeless. Capable of high magnification and unusual wavelengths from infra-red to X-ray Grailem could now see everything around him.
The telepathic part of his brain did double in its capacity in his first ten years and he soon learnt to be able to read people's thoughts. Grailem also learnt that those people who had been designated to care for him; cared less and less for him as the years passed.

Unable to move other than wriggling along the floor like a deformed maggot he spent most of his time lying on a hard bed. Though Grailem was so badly physically impaired his 'carers' with the aid of the computers, taught him of the sciences, history and religion.
By the age of twelve he had degrees in physics, chemistry, biology and via the communications terminal, able to speak five different languages. The intelligence came at a price as at an early age Grailem learnt that he was different from other people; and that difference had been created deliberately.
Keeping the ability to read the minds of those around him a secret and aware of the control the laboratory carers had over him he always tried to do as they asked. Even though he was severely disabled Grailem felt he was superior and the promise of immortality strengthened this belief.
Being so helpless he had to depend on the laboratory carers and technicians for his every needs. Every carer who had looked after him had at more than one time, abused him in some way. Being so disabled brought a dislike towards Grailem that was instinctive to the humans around him. He was regarded as a liability and even a nuisance at times; especially when it came time for him to excrete waste matter.
Many times Grailem was left to lay in his own excreta and would remain thirsty and hungry for hours. If he complained he was usually abused by being pinched or slapped and kept to wait even longer until he could lay on clean sheets.
Grailem soon learnt to keep his mouth shut.
Over the years he nursed a deep anger against those who had created him; and all the carers around him. He never saw what happened to the other active brains that had been moved to the desert. Integrated into missiles their life expectancy would be short, but he felt there were similar brains in the same position as his own.
Some of the experiments they carried out on him were a second stage development of organics. The building blocks of brain cells and tissue had already been formed by something, or someone else and inserted into him for his brain and system to complete.

At the age of twenty, and four days after his birthday Grailem's skull was injected with a large amount of the gold coloured fluid. Immediately unconscious his living brain in its metallic skull was removed from the imperfect body. His brain was accessed by a small opening that led from his right ear into the bioplasm that surrounded his brain. By the use of micro surgery, computer chips and behavioural microchips were hard wired to his brain. Unsure on how he would react and being of superior strength to the scientists, the behavioural microchips should be able to control any adverse reactions.
Satisfied that the microchips could totally disable him if need be the skull with Grailem's brain inside, was fitted to the new human looking body.

Grailem adapted quickly to his new body and soon realised that his creators had made him too well; He was indestructible and with a superior intelligence to all those around him; and also impervious to disease due to the alien wasp genes. Also carried in the wasp genes that was incorporated in his brain was its advanced intelligence. The wasp was an aggressive predator with strong reasoning powers, now combined with Grailem's own angry mind it made him into a dangerous killer.
Once he had fully mastered control of the new body and learnt that the behavioural microchips had no effect upon him, he planned his revenge on all those who had abused him over the years. Reading their minds as they abused him he soon learnt who took the most pleasure from the abuse they inflicted.

The telepathic part of his brain had expanded further once the brain had been inserted into the new body; and he soon learnt how to influence the thoughts of those around him.
After being monitored for only two weeks Grailem convinced the scientists around him, using the power of his mind, that he was safe to mix with the population. Most of the scientists were easy to persuade as their minds had little interest in real life beyond their laboratory. More interested in their experiments and computer calculations they agreed to every reassurance from him of his safety.
One scientist, a Professor Marian Florentia, an ancient shrivelled being who was nearly two thousand years old was more difficult to persuade. She seemed immune to Grailem's telepathic influence and seemed unaware of any suggestion he put in her mind.
Not having learnt the full power of his own telepathic mind he made his suggestions into a demand. The result brought the appropriate response from the Professor as she brought him a glass of water as he had 'commanded'.
The problem was that unlike the other scientists she was aware of his actions; "You cannot control me like you do the others." she tells Grailem in a harsh voice as she throws the glass of water over him!
Grailem is shocked by the impact of the water as it hits him directly in the face; but he is more shocked at the Professor's words.
"I have watched you and the way you order my colleagues around and have been wondering when you were going to get around to me." she almost shouts in the same harsh voice.
"I have been trying to influence your thoughts for weeks." Grailem admits with a shrug of his shoulders and a wry smile; "You are the only one who is aware of my capability; and we do have an old score to settle." he finishes in a threatening voice.
"What do you mean?" asks the Professor, the fear in her voice raising it a pitch.
"When I was ten years old you came to my bed and told me you were my friend. Then you attached electrodes to my brain and connected me to your computer system. I remember the pain and me screaming for you to stop; until you stopped my screams by disconnecting the audible connections."
"It was necessary to map your cerebrum and cerebellum so that the inorganic parts that we fitted to your brain would be of the right dimensions." answers the Professor defensively.
"I was only ten years old then; why was it another ten years before I was fitted into this body?" he screams at her in anger; "Why did you torture me for ten years?"
"It was necessary for the research, your brain may have rejected the implants and it was necessary to observe the absorption - you are after all amongst the first."
"You did not care that you were hurting me; I read it in your mind." Grailem replies, the hatred he feels for this woman rising to the surface. His anger reaches into a part of his brain that he had been unaware of; as he feels his mind drifting forward towards the Professor.
Entering her mind is as easy as walking and he senses a damaged area in her brain; it is a tumour that is slowly strangling her blood supply. Finding he has the ability, he helps the tumour do its work by enlarging it and backs out hurriedly from her mind.
Professor Marian Florentia looks at Grailem angrily as she dies silently and slumps to the floor.

Grailem calls the medics on the internal phone who arrive within a few minutes. As they try to resuscitate her one of the medics questions him intently. Grailem looks suitably solemn as he explains that she just passed out in front of him. He explains that she had been telling him of her latest findings and assumed, with a shrug of his shoulders, that the excitement was probably too much for her.
The medic who had been trying to resuscitate her gave up and passes a body scanner over her. The scanner detects the abnormality of the tumour in the brain and Grailem is questioned no more as they carry her away.
Killing the Professor brought a feeling of justice to Grailem, he did not interpret the feeling as pleasure but revenge on someone who had tortured
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