» Science Fiction » Adventures in Halo, MsMario 317, Linny Hill [rooftoppers .TXT] 📗

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muscle tanks when they left their rooms. Biz then walked out and twitched her manbiles into a smile. She was wearing a purple tank-top with white yoga pants. Everyone just stared." WHAT!?" She said angrily." Nothing." The team said. Biz was relaxing under an umbrella later and Mason was standing close to the water with an uneasy look as Andrew and Ian were in the water." Come on in Mason! The water's fine." Ian joked. Mason frowned and put his feet in the water and still ,strangely, got electrocuted. Mason got away from the water and sighed. Biz noticed and saw a coconut near by she picked it up and threw in. It came back down straight onto Ian's head." OWW!!" Ian yelled in pain and everyone laughed. Later that night they were all in a restaurant waiting to get their drinks and order their food. A male waiter walked up and smiled at everyone. He took everyone's orders except for Biz's order." And what will he have?" he asked Mason. Everyone's eyes widened and Biz growled creepily." It's a girl..." Mason whispered to the waiter. As Biz glared angrily at the waiter he quickly fled. The same thing happened with a female waiter and Mason got sick of it. He called everyone outside and they all smiled when the saw a grill. Ian started to dance happily and Andrew got a grilled burger. Mason had made bacon into cubes for Biz and a steak for himself and Ian. Everyone was having a great time and before they retired to their rooms they got a call from Fuller." IM AT DISNEY LAND!!!" He squealed happily still wearing his armor, but with Mickey Mouse ears. Everyone laughed and they all talked for awhile then went to their rooms to sleep. Mason woke up the next morning bright and early. He started to tune up his robotic arm and by 10:00 am he had made it waterproof. He smiled when he saw everyone walk out of their cabins and head toward the beach. Everyone had congratulated Mason on his new arm being waterproof and Biz bought him his own wakeboard. Mason thanked Biz for the gift and decided to use it.Biz's day was supposed to be a relaxing one. She went to get a massage at the spa o ease her nerves. About 1 hour into the spa something went wrong." Can you bend your legs back please?" The lady said nicely." I'm sorry, but I can't." Biz said back calmly." Sorry, but you have too." The woman said and started to bend Biz's leg backwards. Biz yelped and punched the woman in the face and stormed/ limped out of the building. She then smiled as she saw all her friends having fun and she settled down onto a lawn chair with umbrella. Soon she dozed off with her iPad laying on her face.Ian was in a Do You Know The Covenant game show. Of course by being raised by grunts he would know a lot. They asked basic questions and then harder questions like how some weapons and covenant armor was made. He won the grand prize of Richocet armor boots and put them in his room for when they went home in a week.Andrew was in a target shooting contest. Everyone though he was being a smart alic when he chose a needler. During the contest he had gotten to the final round. He aimed and fired a round of needles and made the target explode. He won the grand prize of a needler with green needles. The vacation had only lasted a week, but felt like it had lasted forever. They met back up with Fuller at Infinity where Spartan Miller had welcomed them home.  Alejandro and Team Park

An ODST ran as fast as he could while keeping pressure to his right shoulder after being shot by a plasma reaper . An Elite Zealot was following close behind as he ran for his life only be armed with a pistol. He ducked behind cover and threw his helmet to the ground. He was in tremendous pain as old memories of his old friend Mauve, when she was deployed as a spartan who became know as Noble 6 filled his mind.They found her dying on Reach about 3 months ago from a energy sword slice in her abdomen. Currently she was in intensive care while he remained out in the field. When they found her she was bleeding badly as the ODST helped her to her feet. She coughed up some blood as she stood and was quickly taken to earth for rehab. The ODST shook as he cried he put the pistol to his temple as he heard the Elite get closer. He pulled the trigger, but heard a click which ammo. This ODST's name was Alejandro Peterson.  He flung the pistol across the road and screamed in anger. He ran out charging at the Elite and tackled it to the ground beating it senseless until it died of internal bleeding. Alejandro sighed and stood walking toward the pelican landing zone that was 9 miles away. This was going to be one long walk. Alejandro walked for about 5 miles and stopped to take a rest, the Elites blood was still on his hands as he rested in the corner of a dark alley. He had retrieved his helmet and put it on so he would be alerted of any enemy movement as he slept. Soon he dozed off in a healing sleep. About 4 hours later he awoke to the radar going off. He started to run again, but tripped. He cried out in pain as a piece of metal dug deeply into the back of his knee. He tried to stand, but failed miserably as he fell back to the dirty concrete. He whimpered as the Elite Ultra got closer to him. The Elite reached out a hand to the ODST and tilted its head as if asking if he needed help getting up. The Elite wasn't wearing standard covenant military colors in its armor. It's armor was black and crimson." Can you walk?" The Elite asked in a feminine voice. Three Spartans came up behind her and looked at the wounded ODST." N-no I can't." Alejandro said in a weak voice as he was loosing blood. The Elite nodded toward a Spartan with white and blue armor who then picked up the ODST." Who are all of you?" Alejandro asked weakly." I'm Biz." The Elite said in a happy tone." I'm Ian." The shorter one said." My names Andrew." The one said wearing red and green armor." And I'm Mason nice to meet you." The one holding Alejandro said in a caring tone." Would you like me to request an EVAC?" Biz's AI Sezi said through Biz's helmet." Yes Sezi. Tell them we have a wounded man."      The team walked for another 2 miles and stopped as they heard a Phantom. They ducked into the alleyway and stayed put. It seemed that the Covenant had found out about their EVAC and were planning on stopping them from leaving. Biz sighed and and found a nearby health kit. She treated the ODST's injuries carefully and gently." Do you think you can walk now?" Ian asked Alejandro. Alejandro got up and nodded." What's an ODST doing out here by himself anyway?" Andrew asked as he was looked at his prized needler." I'm looking for my squad. By the way my name is Alejandro." He said and smiled behind his helmet." Sezi cancel the EVAC." Biz said in a firm tone." We're finding those ODSTs." She said as a memory of almost getting blown up while looking for already dead marines." Here you'll need this." Biz said and gave Alejandro a DMR." I have no use for it anyway. Okay guys weapons at the ready." Biz said and got her sword ready. Mason raised his shotgun, Andrew readied his needler, and Ian cleaned the scope on his sniper rifle. The team killed a few grunts along the way to where Alejandro said his team would be. They ducked behind some cover as 6 Elites came into view." Ready Biz?" Mason asked her as he gave her a plasma reaper. Biz nodded and had her sword in the holster." Hello comrades." She said in her native tongue to the others as she walked proudly over to them.  They chatted for a little while and Biz unsheathed her energy sword. She walked behind the leader of the others and stabbed him in the neck." It's the heretic!!!" They yelled in their language. Biz easily took out the lower class elites and broke the last ones neck." Alright were clear." She heard an unknown person say in the back alley. Alejandro got up and ran over to where he heard the voice one from." Guys!!" He said happily to the group of ODST's. They all came out from the alley and introduced themselves. Then shots were heard. Ian and Andrew were shot by a ton of needles and both fell to the floor. Mason headshot the grunt that shot the both of them and ran to his friends. Biz growled angrily and ran to gem as well." We need to get the needles out before they explode." Mason said and grabbed one. He pulled them out of Ian while Biz was getting the needles out of Andrew. It took 5 hours to get back to the EVAC zone where a Pelican was waiting for them. Ian and Andrew got patched up and Alejandro was welcomed home after being lost at the location for a week along with his squad. Alejandro's squad leader Sergeant Spoons was proud of him for killing an Elite Zealot by himself. Back on infinity they were all having lunch in the mess hall." So what is an elite ultra doing in the UNSC?" Spoons asked with a frown." Helping you guys win this war." Biz said and growled slightly at the Sergeant." Just asking no need to get defensive." He said and continued to eat his ham sandwich. Roland had informed the group that a group of wraiths had been deployed on earth and needed to be stopped. Biz twitched her mandibles into a smile, because destroying wraiths was one of her favorite activities aside from driving a ghost. 


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