» Science Fiction » Memoirs of an Alien, Ron Feasel [ink book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Memoirs of an Alien, Ron Feasel [ink book reader .txt] 📗». Author Ron Feasel

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I saw a dwelling and investigated.

I saw the dwelling in a clearing in the trees. It looked deserted so I got closer. Inside it looked lived in. I entered through the door. It was locked but I easily broke the mechanism. There were clothes and furniture in every room. The kitchen was bare and I guessed it was temporarily vacant.
I went through the dwelling investigating everything getting an idea about your living habits. I found reading materials in one room. I sat in one of the chairs and started reading. Using deduction and reasoning I was able to figure out your system or alphabet. Your language was simple after I spent some time reading the different types of literature.
I found clothing in another room and tried some of the outfits on. I knew I needed to look like your inhabitants so that I would be inconspicuous. I settled on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. I attached my devices and used a backpack to carry the rest of my gear.
I left the cabin and continued my journey to a large city that was nearby. It was named Denver. There I would learn more about this planet.
I walked into Denver my eyes taking in everything. It was a residential district I entered. The dwellings were similar and tightly located next to each other. Some had fences that contained a small animal that would run toward me making a territorial sound.
I walked up to one and stared at the animal. It started to wiggle its tail and quit the sound. I reached down over the fence and touched it. It seemed to enjoy the encounter.
Soon I came to a busy street that was larger than the streets around the dwellings and there were many transportation vehicles going in two different directions. I kept moving and came to a different type of structure that had signs and large clear glass openings in the front. People were entering and leaving these structures all the time.
I entered one and stood at the front. It was full of many different types of clothing. Your inhabitants were looking at the merchandise. Some took the clothing and walked through an isle then left. Later I learned that these were stores where your citizens purchased things they needed.
A person walked up to me and spoke. “Can I help you?” I didn’t know what to say so I simply left the building. I tried different buildings and found unusual things in each place. As I walked the people would sometimes smile so I smiled back.
I entered a place filled with books on shelves. It was here that I would gain a better understanding about your planet. The library had computers which enabled me to learn even more.
We use computers on my planet but they’re far superior to what you have. I was able to use the computer to set up a bank account and get a credit card. Using my hacker skills I started with a 500,000 dollar balance. By manipulating the banks computers using my skills I even had a signed agreement and created a false identification.
I studied your language and how to speak. The history and the many cultures on your planet were diversified. One thing that stood out from my research is the violence and destruction caused by the people of your planet. However I was impressed by the creativity and artistic qualities that were evident. The caring and love of many were clearly shown. It seemed like a constant battle between these two contrasting characteristics.
I spent several days in the library learning and thinking. I was looking forward to finding a human that I could confide in. I knew I had to be careful and selective. If I was exposed as an alien to the inhabitants of Earth it could be a disaster.
I would be careful.

It was a rundown neighborhood. Houses needed repair with unkempt yards. Some of the buildings had crude writings on the outside walls. It was late in the evening and the street lights with their harsh lights added to a feeling of danger.
Four rough looking men approached me. They stopped a few feet from me and one spoke.
“You lost whitebread?”
“What does whitebread mean?” They seemed aggressive as they stared at me with a definite meanness.
“Means we gonna kick ur ass!”
I wasn’t sure what he meant but I was sure he meant to harm me. “Why would you do that?”
“You on ar on turf homey and we kick youse.”
I didn’t respond. I was thankful for the force shield that protected me. They all had strange markings on their arms and hands. Dressed in baggy jeans and shiny colorful jackets with baseball caps, they actually looked comical.
“We need ya money.”
I remained quiet waiting for something to happen. The talker pulled out a weapon. He pushed a button and a six inch blade snapped from the body of the device. He pointed it at my stomach the said. “Now!”
I crossed my arms in an act of defiance. He sensed my lack of fear and his anger increased. He thrust the knife at my mid-section. The blade hit my shield and caused his wrist to buckle. He looked at me, then the knife in complete confusion. “Wut da hell.” He said. The others stood there with the same expression.
He tried again with a cutting motion and the blade made a scraping sound against my protective covering. Determined he made a fist and delivered a punch to my stomach. The impact made him withdraw his fist and pain was expressed in his face.
I had enough excitement and decided to end this party. I grabbed my proton beam activator from my belt and sent the thug sailing ten feet hitting the pavement. The four departed in a dead run.
The next morning I looked for a place to inhabit. An apartment is what I needed. I entered the apartment office and the young lady greeted me. “Good morning, how can I help you?”
“Need apartment.”
“What are you looking for?”
She gave me a strange look. “Are you from the US?”
“No.” I was having trouble communicating.
We finally worked through my communication problems and I selected a furnished dwelling. I moved in and began my infiltration of your planet. I toured the complex to get familiarized with my headquarters. The complex had a swimming pool, club house, and exercise facility. After the tour I needed to get some appropriate clothing.
I went to a mall and bought some clothes for my vacation from my planet. Swimming gear, jeans, underwear, and assorted items I might need. I returned to my new home and changed into the swimming trunks. My destination was the apartment swimming pool.
The pool was occupied by a wide range of humans. I sat in a lounge chair to observe this past time. There was a few in the water swimming and playing. Three were lying on lounge chairs reading or just sleeping. A female sat down next to me and started to communicate.
She was attractive and seemed personable. “Hi, you’re new here?”
This was my first real contact with a human. “Yes, just moved in today.”
“I’m Shelly, welcome.”
“Thank you.” I remembered everyone said that a lot.
“Are you from Denver?’
“No.” I wasn’t sure of the normal responses yet. More to learn I thought.
“Where are you from?”
I had decided to invent a person that would explain my lack of social graces. “I was raised by a missionary family in South America.”
“Wow,that’s different, tell me more.”
“My parents were killed in a vicious storm and I was raised by the tribe.”
“That’s sad, sorry you lost your parents.”
“I left the tribe and came here to learn about America.”
“Then you’re new here in a big way?”
“Yes, I’m learning how to speak and how this culture functions.”
“I’d be glad to help if I can.”
“I would appreciate that.”
“What’s your name?”
“Zarukandee, Zark for short.”
“That’s different.”
“It’s my tribal name. I chose to use it since I’ve had it since an early age. Tell me about you.”
“I grew up in Denver. Got my law degree and I’m a prosecuting attorney. I’m single and enjoying my career.”
My first encounter went well. Now I had someone to help me understand this culture.
I’m looking forward to this.


Publication Date: 06-23-2010

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