» Science Fiction » Light and Darkness, Pitt Michael [classic english novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Light and Darkness, Pitt Michael [classic english novels .TXT] 📗». Author Pitt Michael

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in this town?"

  Toffler trembles even more seriously, only lying on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

   Roger tweeted a magic missile, three missiles hitting Tofler's scalp on the ground, forming a neat equilateral triangle on the ground around his head. Ian was shocked to see Roger's magic control so precise and deeply worried. When I saw Tofler doing this again, my heart rose even more.

   "Toffler, the quasi-head of the next magic missile is not so bad!" Rogge said calmly.

  Tovler raised his head, his face as gray as death, he looked up at Ian and lay on the ground again.

   "Say! How much tax will I tell you?"

   "Yes, yes" Toffler's battle, finally whispered: "This year is a silver coin per household."

  One stone stirs up thousands of waves. With a bang, the crowd immediately became a mess. Interrogations, scoldings, accusations, and suspicions are intertwined. If Ian was struck by lightning, his face turned white.

   "So what did you tell Mayor Ian?" Roger pressed harder. "It's three silver coins! Your Excellency, my lord, your majesty, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be greedy for silver coins. I swear I will never dare again!" Toffler cried out loud. Ian just felt countless thunderbolts exploded in his head, his body trembling with rage, his lips trembling, and he couldn't even speak. The townspeople talked in a low voice, at a loss, and some suspicions and contempt were cast in the eyes cast on Ian. Franco and Lens glanced at each other and heartily praised Toffler's acting skills.

Ian rushed over and raised his staff to hit Toffler on the ground: "You little man! I, I killed you! I understand, you are colluding!" At this time a young man The woman also rushed out and shouted to the crowd: "Don't believe these damn nobles! They are demons! This Tovler is with them, he deceived my father!"

   Kate jumped before the horse, screamed, milky grudge flashed all over him, and swung the gun and opened Ian's staff. The people in the town immediately screamed: "Holy fighting, he is a holy knight!" Kate rejoiced in his heart. Unexpectedly, there were people who knew the goods in this deserted place. With a certain mind, the fighting immediately disappeared without a trace. Holy knights are loyal to faith, upright and good, and cherish honor more than life. In addition, they are also the most steadfast believers of the Most High God. In short, the holy knight is basically equivalent to the incarnation of justice.

  Kate's hand was revealed, and some people shouted: "Listen to what the Knights say." The townsmen were immediately quiet. Ian and her daughter had an uneasy look on their faces. Although the Holy Knight had always been just, this person was obviously in the same group as Rogge, and he had to worry about it.

Kate's deep voice sounded: "Mr. Ian, you said you are innocent. But Mr. Rogge claimed that you used improper means to gather wealth. And some people accused you of hiding ice and silver fox mercenaries in the house. To prove your innocence. , May I be allowed to visit your house?" Ian stared at Roger fiercely, and said: "I'll do it all my life, let you search it, what's the point! But if I can't find anything, I'm Never stop this way." Sai turned and walked to his house.

   behind Roger said leisurely: "A good one who lives upright, I don't know who is the one who hooked up with Snow Fox, but who is it?" Ian shuddered, Quan did not hear.

  The crowds of people surrounded the small building of the town mayor's house. Several townspeople were elected to search the building together with Kate, and Ian Tieqing followed Kate with her face. After everyone walked to Ian's bedroom on the second floor, they ended the search for the entire building and found nothing. Ian sneered again and again.

   "Wait a minute!" Lens, who possessed the thief's stunt, walked to a wall and fumbled up and down for a while. With a click, a secret door was pushed open. Ian sneered: "There is my magic lab, what can you find out? No more evidence can be found, but don't blame me!" The words fell, and Ian suddenly found the terrible silence in the room, and he tried hard. Away from the two townspeople in front, they looked at it, and they froze.

  The opening of the dark door, piles of gold coins, brilliant gems, emerald green, and magic armor shimmering in the light, scattered throughout the room. The plain mountain people have seen such a wealthy scene, all eyes are straight. Poor mountain towns, the people of the whole town have not eaten or drank for a hundred years, and cannot accumulate much of this wealth. Ian's money has come from unknown sources. Shan Min remembered the taxation of the five gold coins again, and realized that he realized.

  Ian suddenly became cold all over, and the staff in his hand fell to the ground. He knew that everything was over.

The mayor’s daughter threw herself out and cried, holding Ian: "Father, tell them, those are not yours! Tell them that someone is framing you!" The old mayor calmed down and caressed her daughter lovingly. Hair, said: "Fira, my child, it is not important whether these treasures are mine. From then on, my father can no longer take care of you. Remember, child, don't avenge me, these people are not you can deal with. Yes. Be an ordinary person and live a happy life." The girl cried even more. The old town mayor looked at each of these nobles one by one, and when he saw that everyone was expressionless, all of them were awe-inspiring, and he could not help sighing, "Ah, I am still old, and the Yangtze waves are pushing forward."

  The old town sighed a long way, and the townspeople stepped out of the small building with contempt, and the nobles silently gave way. When I stepped out of the door from the dark building, Ian was dazzled by the dazzling sunlight. The bitter cold wind made him feel thin for the first time, and Le Mans came really early this winter.

  The figure of the old town mayor is so old and lonely. The townspeople can't help but feel sad when they think of two decades of getting along. Fira fell to the ground, looking at his father's back with tears in her eyes, sobbing silently, her beautiful back shook. Her eyes turned to the nobles for help, but the lustful noble scum had clear eyes, and walked past her, ignoring them.

Ian walked to an empty place, turned around, and asked calmly: "Which one would give the old man the glory of dying in a decent duel? Or should he ask the old man to commit suicide by himself." Look at it silently. Although none of the aristocratic scums present at the moment reached the tenth level, no matter which one of these orthodox magicians almost wins, of course, the means are not so glorious. Finally, Roger lifted the axe and said, "I'll come."

   Ian squinted at Roger and chuckled. "I really underestimated you at first. Although this strategy is simple and crude, it is practical and vicious. At your young age, your tactics are so ruined, the city is deep, and the future is unlimited. The old man is planted in your hands today, which is considered to be oral. It’s just a cycle of heaven and earth, and bad retribution. No one can escape the constraints of the law of space. Things can’t be done in the future.”

   "The law of space?" Roger said a few times in a whisper, as if he had touched something in his heart, but he couldn't grasp that feeling, and it was a bit annoying.

   There was a staff of Ian, and he began to chant the spell. In an instant, a yellow luster flashed on the surrounding ground, and a thin layer of grease covered the ground. Subsequently, a shield against physical damage was formed. Roger smiled, he seemed to be a magician who treated himself as a warrior. No wonder, there is no magician who can wear full body armor.

   The fat man carefully observed Ian's third spell, and still chose not to move.

   Two dark black magic circles appeared on the ground. Two tall skeleton warriors wearing half-body armor stepped out of the magic circle. The huge two-handed sword plowed two small ditches on the ground. The appearance of the Skeleton Warrior caused panic among the townspeople, and the crowd crowded back. The noble scum on the field also frowned and clenched their weapons.

  Roger compared a few simple gestures, chanting softly, a black mist drifted, and Fengyue appeared with a long-handed sickle. For a few days, the scythe became sharper and darker in color. The blade had a folded body, shaped like a curved lightning bolt, and the blade edge shone with cold light. Rogge flicked his hands quickly, yelling in his mouth, and a quickening technique was applied to Fengyue in a blink of an eye.

   Ian was taken aback, never thought Roger was actually a mage, and the spellcasting was still so fast. Seeing that the two skeleton warriors could temporarily entangle each other for a while, Ian hurriedly read the next spell, with a magic symbol drawn in both hands, and the magic energy driven by his fingertips left a shining track in the air.

   Fengyue is known for its speed. After being accelerated, it is even more powerful. It walks around the two skeleton warriors without stopping. From time to time, it is a knife. No matter whether it is in the middle or not, it will leave in one blow. The long-handed sickle has turned into a black gas, and it makes a screaming sound that makes people feel shocked. When faced with two higher-ranking skeleton warriors, Fengyue never fell. Roger took advantage of this gap and applied magic armor and haste to himself.

   At this time, Ian's spell had been completed, and a small yellow-green light ball emanated from his hands and flew towards Roger. Franco's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Roger avoids! It's a decomposition technique!" Roger was taken aback, not expecting Ian to be a tenth-level wizard. Before thinking about it, the fat man turned around and ran away. The yellow-green light ball made a turn in the air and followed again. Rogge ran as hard as he could, rushing towards the townspeople like a cigarette of light. The townsmen were crying and howling, and fled. Rogge rushed into the crowd, quickly grabbed a yellow dog, and threw it back at the light ball. The yellow-green light ball silently entered the yellow dog's body. In the blink of an eye, the yellow dog was stained with a piece of yellow-green. The yellow dog flying in mid-air barked and stopped, then fell heavily on the ground, exploding into a yellow-green dust. The light wind blew through, erasing all traces of the poor yellow dog in this world.

  Roger was sweating as if he had just been taken out of the water. As long as the fitness is slow, he may be decomposed, and even the resurrection will not be possible. The fat man escaped from here, but Fengyue's scenery was infinite. The roar from the long-handed sickle became more and more sharp, and at the end it was like crying at midnight. The black air lingered around and greeted the underframes of the two tall skeleton warriors.


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