» Science Fiction » DUSK, Esther Machethe [free e reader txt] 📗

Book online «DUSK, Esther Machethe [free e reader txt] 📗». Author Esther Machethe

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mention boyfriend?” I challenged him. His face morphed into one of pure confusion it was almost cute.

“Isn’t Ashton your boyfriend? I mean, the way you talk about him, I just assumed he was your boyfriend.” He explained and I couldn’t help but laugh at him. Poor soul.

“Like I said before, Ash is like a brother, I never had those types of feelings for him and it would just be weird.” I made myself clear and he only gave me a cheeky smile in return. Maybe he wasn’t that bad after all, aside from his cocky attitude. Maybe we could be friends.




Finally, I’ll get rid of her once and for all.

All my life, adult life, I just wanted to be loved and Elroy gave me that love. He was the sweetest man on earth and I was the happiest woman when he proposed and I said yes.

Everything was perfect until that ugly night.

The night I found out I was pregnant was the worst time of my life. I wasn’t ready to have a child yet, I was just at the brink of success and having a child meant I would have to give up everything I’ve worked for and I couldn’t have that. I went to the bar that night with my colleagues for a celebratory drink and I made sure I was drunk; it didn’t matter that I had something growing in me.

I remember that night like it just happened; Anthony, my partner and closest friend wanted to take me home but I couldn’t agree because I couldn’t face Elroy just yet so he took me to his house. Next thing I know, Elroy barges into the room I was sleeping in and he started shouting, blaming me for breaking his heart. I tried to go to him but I found myself stark naked and Anthony was next to me and his state was similar to mine. We broke up on that day and no matter how hard I tried to tell him that I never cheated, he never believed me.

I had lost everything in just one night; my career, because of this thing inside me, and my fiancé who also took my heart.

My life became dull, drinking every night to dull the pain and working all day to keep my mind off him. He learnt of my pregnancy but claimed the child might not even be his. That was a low blow, even for him. That was the day I ruined my life forever.

I thought I had the right formula and had ultimately found my break but nobody wanted to volunteer so I decided, against my better judgment, to test it on myself. That was my worst mistake ever.

It’s funny how one man can be perfect for everything; he fixed me but also broke me. My career was over the minute I opened my eyes; not to mention that I was now uglier as well as the fact that I almost went to jail. My colleagues lost the contract and it was given to the same man who fixed me. It was official; I had lost everything.

 Even my love for him.

I hated him with everything I had in me and I swore vengeance.

First, I took away his right as a father; he never gave me the chance to show him that Chloe was, in reality, his child. Next; after that little brat had been born and that chip was developed, I made it my sole purpose to make sure that he’ll never have to spend time with her. I told all the crime syndicates that dared to listen the goodness of having this chip which Chloe had and drove them to hunt for her so they could get their hands on it. After that; I made sure, with the aid of my mole to always disclose Chloe’s location. I even volunteered to get her on some occasions even though the men didn’t know what my real intentions were. No one really knows.

Now that I’ve sold her to those idiots; they don’t actually know what they have coming because I have a plan that will finally get rid of my dear daughter and her lovely father.

They took everything from me; it’s only fair that I return the favour.

They have no idea what they are in for.



I was lounging in my room, looking for something useful to do when my door burst open and two bulky men busted through the door and made a bee-line for me.

“You’re needed in the training room.”

Before I could answer, someone else answered for me.

“That’s odd, Ilana didn’t tell me anything and I’ve just come from his office.”

“Shut up pretty boy, of course she wouldn’t tell you; after all you’re only good for satisfying her needs.” One of them sneered at Sam pointing his finger at me. For a minute I thought Sam was going to explode with anger but his lazy grin caught everyone off guard. He walked towards me and draped his arm lazily over my shoulders.

“You see boys, what you said was probably true, I do satisfy her needs but it’s something you both wish you could do and plus I’m head of everything that concerns her so I would advise you to watch how you speak to your superiors if you don’t want to lose your jobs, or worse, your lives.” He stated it like it was the most obvious thing.

“Now, run along and tell dear old Ilana that Chloe will be there in the next few minutes.” He instructed, his tone taking a drastic change from bored to firm and his eyes had hardened considerably to instil fear to the men who shuffled off muttering profanities under their breaths. I tried to glare at him but even I couldn’t contain my smile at his sense of authority.

The two guards walked out with scowls clear on their faces. They didn’t like the fact that they got served by someone younger than them and the promise of revenge was clear in their eyes. They would be back for more sooner or later.



I watched the two guards walk out and it was clear that they were not happy with what they had been told by that insolent boy along with the little lady. I wanted to laugh at them but I was supposed to be lower in rank compared to them. If only they knew who I was, they’d be bowing their heads lower than the grounds to me.

“The boss needs you in her office.” The guard who was supposed to take over my shift called out and for once I was relieved that I wouldn’t be standing out here any further.

I brusquely walked to her office and marvelled at the design. It always took my breath away, every single time.

“You called for me, your Grace,” I tried my best to bow but it came out more like a terse nod; luckily she took no notice of it.

“Yes, I want you to sit in this meeting I’m having, we’ve found a potential buyer and I want your input in this matter.” She said it like she was talking about the weather.

For a moment, my muscles tensed and my heart dropped to my feet; shad she found out my true identity? Could it be some sort of test to see if I would reveal my true status?

“It would be an honour, your grace, but if I may ask, why me when I’m just a lowly servant?” I tried to gauge her reaction but she didn’t give me what I wanted; she still was as infuriating as ever.

“I admire your loyalty, and I trust that you won’t tell me lies just to please me, am I right?” she questioned mischievously and I could only nod with a faint mumble of ‘yes’. “There is a traitor in our midst and I want you to help me sniff out the little brat before he sells me out to everyone.” She hissed the last part to herself and I wanted to laugh at her. If only she knew. This was going to be easier than I expected.

“I will prove my loyalty, your grace, it would be an honour to assist you in any way possible.” I stated, a real smile on my face as I marvelled at how my plan was easily being carried out for me.

“Good, I’m counting on you to make this work.” Her lips curled up into a cruel smile and she nodded once to dismiss me. Phase one was complete, successfully might I add. Now on to phase two.




It was almost midnight and still no sleep came to me. I wondered what would happen to me after I was sold to those people, would they take the chip from my head or would they let me be and then install the latest edition of who knows what or would they just adopt me like their little pet. Maybe they’d change me into a robot and erase all my memories. That’d be one way to go. At least I did something good in my life. That gave me a thought. I had to do something that they’d remember me for the rest of their lives.

“You should be sleeping right now.” Alex’s voice called from the door; when did he get here?

“So should you, what are you doing in my room?” I asked, not really in the mood to argue with him especially in the dark.

“I came to check if my ‘best friend’ was alright.” He replied, and I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smirking; lucky idiot.

“Huh, I wonder who that is, such an unlucky fellow.” I shrugged like I didn’t know what he was talking about it.

“Off the record, I think of you as my best friend too, but if you tell anyone that then I’ll deny it and punch you in the face.” He declared and I almost laughed when I imagined the frown on his face.

“Aww, sounds like big, bad Alex cares about little old me.” I mocked him and heard a faint chuckle that made me, despite my resistance, smile. I felt the space beside me dip indicating that he’s joined me in bed. I didn’t know what to do next.

“So, tell me something I don’t know about you.” I tried my luck now that he was here.

“You don’t know anything about me” he chuckled and I resisted the urge to smack myself. This guy would be the death of me.

“whatever.” Was my smart comeback after failing to come up with anything better than that.

“Well, aren’t you the smart cookie,” he retorted sarcastically and I was a minute away from kicking him out of my room.

“I never felt like I belonged anywhere.” He blurted out and my head just went blank. What to say to someone who always looked so sure of himself and fit in everywhere?

“Why? I mean you’re the coolest guy I know and I thought you fit in everywhere?” I blurted out the words and immediately smacked my head for thinking that he was the coolest guy.

“You don’t have to flatter me princess, I know I’m no one’s favourite and I accepted it a long time ago. I mean even my own father didn’t want me

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