» Science Fiction » Solar Warden, Jakob Waechter [book club suggestions .TXT] 📗

Book online «Solar Warden, Jakob Waechter [book club suggestions .TXT] 📗». Author Jakob Waechter

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top at the dead end. There should be ropes now. If they reinforce. Tell them to retreat.” Knight started to fire again. Grenades exploded, bullets sparkled off and plasma was absorbed by shield. It went not well and there was no clue to improve it.

“It must be creating a strong electromagnetic field. Continue shooting with the plasma rifle. This must cost a lot of energy,” Newman said which was now recording what he saw.

The machine ignored Caine and moved to the lift while raising the left arm. The plasma Gatling gun on the right was not rotating anymore.

“Get up!” Ryan shouted to Blair which was now on his way to the rope.

“Caine better lay down on the side to give cover fire if needed,” Ryan ordered. Caine went to the right.

The machine was closing in on Knight’s position. If they run to early the machine would probably turn around and cut them off. His rifle was now depleted. He didn’t want to reload it. At closer distance the high speed ammunition would be dangerous. “Anderson, give me your rifle and run. The same is for the others.”

Anderson which was close to Knight gave him the rifle. Knight continued firing and stepped around the corner, shots of the other arm from the machine were passing. This was only a gun mount at the top of the arm, which fired much slower.

Pearce also took over the other alien rifle, but went further back. He checked the open door. There was no one to see with his infrared support. Was the machine their last option, he thought.

Finally, Knight went on the run. Pearce was now at the end. He used no cover there and was aiming for the probably coming machine.

Riley was on the corner close to the lift. The others were heading for the ropes.

“It’s turning. You will be cut off!” Riley shouted.

“Go up! There is nothing you can do,” Pearce shouted back and went for the corner.

The machine was faster than Knight. It didn’t matter anymore. Pearce fired. The machine reacted to this and fired back. He went just in time behind the cover. But soon there was no cover. One more shot went off then he retreated back. The machine was close before him.

Riley was on the rope now trying to get up. It turned to Riley ignoring the shooting of Pearce.

Caine was also firing again and nearly depleted.

“Watch it! On your back!” Ryan shouted.

Riley turned around. The left arm was pointing on him. He let the rope go. The shot went off and missed, but the second one didn’t. Riley went down. It turned.

Both, Knight and Pearce, which were firing while stepping back, were now out of options. There was nothing to hide or run to. The arm was targeting now then fired two shots with a short readjustment delay. It was over down there.

“The lift door is closing!” Diaz shouted.

“Run back. Drop the weapons!” Ryan shouted.

Everyone went for the entrance.


It took a bit till the lift came up again and the door opened. The machine stepped out and accelerated towards the entrance.

Everybody were sprinting as long as they could. They were now in the corridor which led out. Mighty steps were coming closer from behind. Caine was the last one. But Samuel was on his limits. He could not keep the speed. Feeling the pain, he tried to override with his will. Focusing kept him a bit longer running. The cut hole was close. Then around the corner. This machine was taller than the cut. Still the door did not move up.

Samuel slowed a bit down. Caine was close to him.

“Go, go, go!” Caine shouted. A shot was passing. They went around the corner. Samuel slowed further down.

“Don’t stop!” Caine shouted. Samuel did his best to keep up. It was only the mind which kept him running now.

The machine went on the opening. Still the door did not open. Now three sentries fired. It also seemed to do nothing. From the left arm three shots were fired and the sentries were down.

Samuel was now on slow jogging speed.

SW-2 returned fire, to keep the machine occupied, while the others made their run on the side of the cave.

After exchanging some shots, finally, the machine stepped back.

“It must have respect from the combat drones,” Ryan said a bit out of breath. He was with Newman already out of danger a bit down the hill.

Now Samuel came also to the for now safe zone. He broke down fully exhausted and went to the ground.

Even here the radio seemed to be not working. Ryan could connect to the ones close to him, but the Icarus was not available. He went close to the relay station they had. Then he got a connect.

“Captain we lost man down there. I didn’t count yet. Also here our communication works not very well,” he reported while looking around.

“What happened down there?” the Captain asked.

“They encountered a heavy armored mechanic machine on legs. It also had some kind of shield against the alien rifle. We had nothing to damage it. I will draw back to the landing zone and check the data we got. Then you get the numbers and names who are missing. I guess we need then also resupplies.”

“We still can observe the area. Report back as soon as you can. Can you send some data, now?” the Captain asked.

“I let all transfer their records before we leave here,” Ryan replied then activated his record transfer.

“Everyone to the relay station and transfer your records up. Then we regroup at the landing zone!” Ryan shouted.

Freeman went to him. “Three bikes are down. Some have to walk.”

“The first ones on the landing zone come back to pick up the walking!” Ryan shouted.

Then all went to the relay station and loaded up their records. There was always a record running if not turned off. But additionally it was possible to record something into an extra file. Even with different settings.

The first ones left after transmitting the data. Ryan went with SW-6 on a walk till they got picked up.

He had already the number that three were missing and it was clear that Pearce and Knight were not there. Arriving at the landing zone Freeman told him that Riley was the third missing.

It was a short check now as the communication worked, then the missing ones were verified.

“Captain, we need a new battle plan. Knight, Pearce and Riley are missing. Lee and Chavez are well. This armored machine is denying us the access to the cave. With this communication disruption field, we cannot operate with drones very well or at all,” Ryan reported after his short troop check.

“We pinpointed one of this jamming transmitters. Now fighters will try to destroy it. Then we could have at the cave entrance a better situation. Inside this mountain base we can do nothing, then get the position of the next one. This armored machine seems to be a problem. Trying to destroy it with rocket launchers would be difficult and dangerous,” the Captain replied.

“Yes, I check now the options with Newman. If we have something I report at once.”

“Good, we will now also search for a solution. We keep you informed,” the Captain said. He had already given the order to find a way to destroy the machine. He followed now the approach of the fighter. The craft flew in attack range near the mountain. Then the pilot fired his railguns and microwave guns similar like a drone would do it. He flew a bit slower than the drones, but used the attack assistance system which aligned the guns to the correct position. So he had only to fly at a five-degree angle to the target.

The three seconds burst hit and the jamming signal of this transmitter vanished.

On the tactical display the fighter flew away. There was no defense system. They had already checked before as good as they could. But this was a strange behavior. What is a jammer worth without being defended, the Captain thought?


10 The machine

Ryan was discussing with Newman, Samuel and the other left team leaders while Newman had already done some analysis.

“Our only option till now is to use rocket launchers in the cave. This would be a dangerous if not impossible task. The combat drones cannot go in. Without control they are also very dangerous. Also I won’t recommend to use troops and combat drones in the same target area,” Ryan said.

“But I guess the combat drones are our only option. It is very likely that the rocket launcher will damage the machine and the cave. This only would work in an area that would be large enough to inflict less damage on the cave. It is very unlikely we can force such a situation. Also if we send combat drones in, there should be none of us there. To overcome the jamming, we need more surface drones. They have to fly close to each other. Let’s say ten meter. There are signals they can’t jam that easily. But they have to be in sight as we will use IR signals. So we scout around the corner with the surface drones, while two combat drones are ready to engage. Also we have the schematics of the base now. This means while Samuel and I are checking with the surface drones the mountain base, the combat drones will follow. We mark the target, then the combat drones adapt and do the job. After that we recall them. There is a bit programming needed for both drones, but it should work. Still there is also the risk that we damage the cave structure,” Newman suggested then waited for the responds.

“This means drone commanding near the enemy sensors. Is there a risk that his backfires?” Ryan asked after thinking a bit.

“This target marking we already done with the Omega protocol. There the advantage was a fighter made this with nearfield communication for the target area. We will do the same. But here it is very likely that the enemy also can receive the signal. This signals are encrypted and we also do some precautions that it is not possible to use it against us. However, they will learn something about our drone communication,” Newman replied.

“This is our only plan that make sense, yet. I will inform the Captain about it. Does anyone else have something?” Ryan looked around. The other leader shook their heads. “Ok, take your time to think. Meanwhile I inform the Captain.”


Fisher was also not very pleased with it. But it was the best they had. “Proceed with preparations. We will try to come up with something else. But as soon as you are ready we have to act. I send more bikes and surface scout drones down.”

“There is another thing. Sure we must get rid of the machine first. But what then? This door will be locked again or they have a second machine,” Ryan added his concerns.

“Kelsey had some success while the operation down there was running. When the machine is no threat anymore. We should try to disable the jammer. Then plant charges on the door, after disabling their cameras. Somehow then we have to get them to open the door. If there is another of those machines,

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