» Science Fiction » Grailem, Gary L Beer [motivational books to read TXT] 📗

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the story that he was involved in an accident where his mind controlling microchip in his head became damaged. Free of Arct control he escapes in the starship where he discovers the microchip's and robots. Explaining in a technical jargon that no one understands he describes how he altered the microchip's and took control of the legion of robots.
Briefly recounting his exploits and total destruction of all Arct, Grailem makes every effort to appear humanoid.
Finishing his tale Grailem looks around at the stunned audience; "Now that the Arct are gone you have no need of missiles or military and can lead peaceful lives."
"Disarm, so that your legion of robots can come in and take control, is that what you really mean?" asks an angry voice at the back of the auditorium.
"How do we know what you have told us is true? You claim to be like us but you are more alien to us than the Arct." says another angry voice in the crowd.
"What do you mean I am alien? Yes, I am alien in that I do not come from this planet, but we are of the same race." replies Grailem defensively feeling out of his depth. Something has given him away as not being humanoid; he can see that plainly by the suspicious looks aimed at him.
"The defences that we have protecting our planet are not for the Arct. We have been aware of them for generations and they, in all that time, have never visited us. The defences are there for your kind." continues the same voice as armed soldiers step out from behind the curtained wall and aim their rifles directly at Grailem.
Confused, Grailem looks around at the several hundred soldiers who totally encircle the auditorium. Keeping still and making no hostile move Grailem shouts to the room in general; "What do you mean 'my kind'?"
"We have been aware of who you are since you first landed, our sensor and X-ray equipment is the most modern in the universe."
"Why is it that you fear me? I have done you no harm, in fact I have annihilated your enemies as the Arct, with the help of the robot legion, were planning on invading this sector and killing every humanoid that lives."
"We only have your word for that, we have had personal experience of your kind. Two came from another planetary system and killed half our people before we fully developed the high plasma bomb and destroyed them. Since then we have been fully armed and have feared your coming for many generations."
"I am no threat to you, I came on my own with only a few service robots and left my legion in deep space to show you my true intentions."
Grailem is not given the opportunity to say anymore as all of the soldiers, acting as one fire their phaser rifles directly at him.
The repelling screen comes on automatically and returns each phaser power to its source. The phaser rifles explode dramatically in a burst of energy and flying metal. The bits of rifle fly around the auditorium like shrapnel and kill or wound most of the government personnel and soldiers holding the rifles.
Realising his defensive actions will be misinterpreted as aggression Grailem steps quickly off the stage area and runs to the nearest elevator and pushes the 'up' button. The elevator doors open immediately and Grailem steps inside pushing the button for the ground floor high above.
Preparing his armaments by filling his cheeks with grenades and removing the caps from his fingers exposing the phasers, Grailem waits patiently for the elevator to stop. An eternity passes as the elevator speeds towards the surface and when Grailem begins thinking that the elevator has been tampered with it starts to lose acceleration.
Coming smoothly to a stop the elevator doors slide open and Grailem is met by an empty foyer. Not caring where all the people have gone he runs across the foyer and out into the street. The pavement is crowded with people who scream and run at his appearance.
Stepping in front of an auto vehicle he holds his hand up for the driver to stop. Sheer terror covers the female drivers' face and she puts her foot on the accelerator in error and smashes into Grailem's legs. The repelling field automatically returns the force of the impact but not before knocking him over. Grailem picks himself up and walks over to the driver. Yanking the door off its hinges he leans in and grabs hold of her by the shoulder. Tightening his grip the female driver screams as Grailem pulls her out of the vehicle and throws her carelessly behind him.
Getting into the vehicle Grailem studies the simple controls, the engine is still running and he puts it in forward gear and drives towards the spaceport. The traffic is thick and congested in places but by using the wrong side of the road and at times, the pavement, Grailem makes good time and is soon in sight of the spaceport.
Wirelessly transmitting instructions to the robots on board the flagship, Grailem orders them to ready the ship for flight and to start warming the engines.
Grailem had lied to the humanoid government in saying he had only brought service robots with him. Two hundred fully armed military robots awaited his instructions in the cargo hold. Ordering them to secure the spaceport for his arrival Grailem breaks the transmission and tries to get more speed out of the tiny vehicle.

Arriving at the spaceport Grailem can see his military robots have formed a defensive circle around the flagship. Humanoid bodies litter the concrete and armoured trucks burn and smoulder. Grailem drives up to the door of the flagship and hurries inside. Ordering his robots into the cargo hold he waits the few minutes it takes them to enter the ship with impatience.
Finally the green indicator light shines showing the cargo doors are closed and the ship is secure. Operating the controls himself, Grailem powers up the engine and blasts off from the planet. Keeping the throttle wide open the ship reaches eighteen gravities as it enters space. Setting course for his legion of robots Grailem sits down in the captain's chair and thinks back over the past few hours.

The government meeting deep below ground especially holds his attention as several comments made remained unanswered.
The defences of the planet were a defence against beings like himself. Only two had arrived on their planet and almost destroyed it. Were these creatures really creations like himself, or were they something totally different?
Only two of these creatures had visited their planet, why were these people so convinced that more would follow; and why hadn't they blown him up on sight?
His home world, the possible origin of such creatures, had long ago been destroyed in what must have been a planetary nuclear war. The readings he took of the radioactivity implied the source had originated sixty-three thousand years ago. How many like himself had been made before the destruction of the planet?
He had proved to be unstable as his killing spree showed, maybe those that followed had been more controlled; until something went wrong. He had been aware of other experiments similar to his own when he was growing up. Kept away, and all knowledge of them was denied to him, even though he knew several were years older than him.
The thought that after all this time he may not be alone in this universe, that there may be other beings like himself who he could feel at an equal with, gave him hope and brought him out of his deep depression.
His attempt at becoming humanoid had ended once again in disaster, making him feel more alone than ever. By ridding the universe of the Arct, Grailem thought he was doing mankind some good; instead they hated and feared him.
The knowledge that there may be others like himself had the reverse effect as loneliness suddenly covered him like a dark cloud; and more than ever he craved for death. Death would bring the peace he so badly craved; but his creators had built him too well. His living brain would still function even if he removed his head. Hardwired to his brain were inhibitors, powered by the very electricity generated by his brain that made it impossible to harm himself.
His early childhood (which was not a happy one) involved many suicide attempts as soon as he was aware of his deformed body. Assurances that he would have a perfect body did not alter the fact at the time that he was totally disabled. After numerous attempts in which he nearly succeeded, the suicidal cells in his brain were identified and destroyed by laser and an organic pre-programmed microchip put in their place.
Instead of wishing to commit suicide, the microchip altered his brain waves to have the reverse effect and make him want to live. Such was the power of the organic chip it was at one time impossible for him to even contemplate suicide or self harm. The long drifting in space did give him good reason to want to die – but even out there he was prevented from committing suicide by the inhibitors.
The question he asks himself as he is aware of the organic chip, and its purpose, is why is he now wishing for death?
The chip should control enough of his mind for him not to have such thoughts.
Was the organic chip failing or was his mind evolving and becoming stronger? He knew that bone grew into artificial joints, as he remembered some of the artificial body parts were specifically designed to combine with bone. If his brain was growing into the microchip, maybe it was being fully integrated and not working as a separate entity. The experiences and rejections he had received from his fellow humanoid's did have a strong effect upon him. Maybe the micro-chips power was being reduced as its actions were proving illogical to Grailem's hurt mind.
Why live when living was meant to be filled with happiness? Something he had never really experienced.
Whatever was happening to him would have to take its own time as the realisation keeps flooding back into his mind that it is possible he is not alone after all in this universe. The two that had visited Dangilhooley had obviously gone rogue, with probably the same reasons that had turned Grailem into a killer. The humanoid's who had encountered these beings would never trust and accept him or any of his kind ever again.

Chapter Seventeen

Meeting back with his fleet Grailem wonders what he is going to do with them. To search with a fully armed legion of military robots would hardly show peaceful intentions, but who knows what is out there? His legion might prove a necessity to his very survival sometime in the future.
Instructing the computer to give him a readout of all habitable planets within five parsecs of his position he stares impassively at the robot navigator. The navigator in the form of the young male sits inactive at its post
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