» Science Fiction » Planetbound, DM Arnold [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

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15 -- A Free Man

Nyk sat at the breakfast table. “That was quite the excitement last night,” George said.

“Nick, what was it all about?” Yasuko asked.

“I don't know how to tell you. I don't know where to begin. I do know what those men wanted -- me.”

“Whatever for?”

“When I was detained before Nicky was born -- I was out of the country and charged with a crime -- one I did not commit.”

“You? What crime?”

“Espionage -- interfering with a government agency. I escaped. Those were alien agents attempting to abduct me.”

“I thought it must've been something like that,” Yasuko replied. “It's like that fellow who was detained by the Russians!”

“Yes,” George added. “You try to expand your business into a foreign country and these are the thanks you get.”

“It's all terribly sensitive,” Nyk continued. “Those agents hadn't counted on George's fortitude.” Nyk looked toward Suki's father. “When I first met you, I told your daughter I thought, two hundred years ago, you would have made a good samurai.”

George grinned. “I would've cut them, too. A man's home is his castle.”

“My God!” Yasuko gasped. “I had no idea such could happen in this day and age.”

“I've been in contact with the advocate who helped me during my captivity. He tells me if I return there, voluntarily, I can clear my name. I was willing to remain here, figuring I was safe. But, after last night, I worry for your safety -- and for Suki's and Nicky's. She and I have talked about it. I'm making travel arrangements now and will leave in two days.”

“Will you be back?” Yasuko asked.

“I've been told it's nearly a certainty, but I haven't been given a guarantee. Even if this isn't on the level -- I will return. Nothing can keep me from Suki -- or you -- forever. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.”

Yasuko looked toward Suki. “Are you in agreement?”

“I'm not happy about it, but I agree. Nicky and I will be fine until Nick's return.”

Nyk held Suki against him. “Tomorrow I make transit. If I believe Kronta, I leave Earth a fugitive and return free and with my privileges restored.”

“I know this is something you must do.” Nyk released her from his embrace. She withdrew an object from a drawer. “Here ... take this.”

He regarded it -- a pin in the form of a silver disk the size of a half-dollar, incised with three katakana characters and with a rose quartz cabochon in the center. The pattern was identical to the golden Kyhana crest hanging on the wall. “Your mother's pin.”

“It brought you luck one other time when you needed to make transit to your homeworld. Maybe it'll bring you luck again.”

He slipped it into his pocket. “I'll take good care of it.”

She looked at him, her eyes brimming. “Remember -- now you're beholding to me. You must come home so you can return the pin.” He held her again and kissed the tears from her face. “I'm afraid, Nick.”

“I trust Kronta. Everything will be fine.”

“Will you see Andra?”

“I don't know. I hope so. I may spend a day or two in Sudal while my affairs are sorted out.”

“If you do see her -- share with her some of the love we've made. And Nick -- tell her how you love her.”

Nyk pulled the shuttlecar into the relay station shuttlebay. The bay repressurized and the pressure door opened. He stepped into the workroom. “Hello?” The station was deserted. He headed for decontamination and then to the wardroom where he placed his personal effects into his locker. His eye caught sight of the stasis capsule containing his ID chip. He carried it to the workshop and took a razor knife. With its point he penetrated the skin at the base of his thumb and slid the chip into the cut. Healing salve closed the wound and he tested the chip on a station vidisplay's scanpad.

A vessel docked with a thud. A young man in tunic and xarpa stepped through the docking tunnel. He was wearing insignia identifying him as an Internal Affairs agent. Nyk recognized him as the enforcer who had run from the house.

“Nykkyo Kyhana?” Nyk nodded. He held out a scanpad. “Please identify yourself,” he said with narrowed eyes. Nyk pressed his wrist to the scanpad and it chirped. The enforcer looked at it. “We'll be underway shortly.”

A pair of technicians stepped through the tunnel and into the shuttlebay. “What're they doing?” Nyk asked.

“The shuttlecar is overdue for service. We're taking it in. Please follow me.” He gestured toward the docking tunnel.

“Wait a moment.” Nyk headed to the wardroom and removed a device from his effects locker. “Here,” he said as he handed it to the enforcer. “You left your stunner on Earth.”

The agent tucked the device into his xarpa. Nyk followed him into a tender shuttle. The agent folded down a pair of seats along the rear bulkhead. Nyk sat in one and fastened a safety harness. “I'm sorry about your partner.”

The officer glanced at him. “We accept the risks.”

The spacecraft undocked and the viewport shutters closed. A white indicator signaled the upcoming warp jumps. A pair of jolts rocked the vessel and the viewports opened. Nyk looked down upon his indigo homeworld. He felt the forces of re-entry and saw an orange glow through the viewports as the shuttle plowed into Floran's upper atmosphere. The craft extended wings and began flying toward Floran City.

Nyk watched as the spacecraft lost altitude and made a final approach to the shuttleport. It taxied to a maintenance terminal. Nyk unbuckled his safety belt. “Please wait here,” the agent told him.

Illya Kronta boarded the craft and conferred with the agent. He approached Nyk. “Welcome home. We have someone eager to see you. Follow me.”

Nyk followed Kronta into the maintenance hanger and through corridors and tunnels to the arrivals terminal. He spied a tall woman with oat-straw white hair. His eyes met hers of the palest blue. “Andra!”

“Nykkyo!” She ran to embrace him and peppered his face with kisses. “I was so worried about you.”

“Let me fill you in,” Kronta said. “Agency Enforcement is being disbanded. Authority to deal with Agents' behavior is being transitioned to the Agents-in-Chief. Tomyka Wells has been relieved of her duties and is in custody.”

“On what charges?”

“Attempted willful and malicious temporal interference. Your wife is in custody, also.”


“She is scheduled to undergo interrogation this afternoon. She'd like to see you.”

“Illya -- Senta meant no harm. She's not evil -- just headstrong and accustomed to having things go her way.”

“That's what I expect to come out of the interrogation. She volunteered for it -- to clear her name.”

“Let's go see her.”

“Follow me.”

Illya led Nyk and Andra into a detention cell within the ExoService complex at Government Center. Senta was sitting on a bunk in a confinement tunic and with a stun collar around her neck.

“Senta,” Nyk said and chuckled.

“That's right -- laugh it up. I've never been so humiliated.”

“I'm sorry,” Nyk replied. “I'm not laughing at your situation. It's -- that tunic matches your hair.”

“I suppose I'm getting what I deserve. You were right -- you were right all along.” She looked at Andra. “How did you know? How were you so sure what he was doing was right?”

“I wasn't,” she replied. “Nyk and I are bonded and friends for life. We trust each other with our lives. I had faith he knew what he was doing.”

“How will you ever forgive me?”

“I have already forgiven you,” Nyk said.

“You have? After all the trouble I made for you and Sukiko?”

“Senta -- I've been forgiving you for years. This is no different.”

Her jaw dropped. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You were just being you.”

“If Nyk forgives you -- so do I,” Andra added.

An attendant entered the cell. “Dr Kyhana?”

“Yes?” Senta replied.

“It's time for your interrogation.” Senta sat on the bunk and stared at her feet. “Come along.” A tear formed and rolled down her cheek. The attendant grasped her upper arm and began to lift her. “You don't want me to have to stun you and carry you there.”

“Can they come?” she asked. “Can they be with me?”

“Until they start the procedure -- yes.”

“Will you come with me? Please? You two are my only true friends. I hope you're still my friends.”

“Fine, Senta,” Nyk replied. “We'll come with you.”

Nyk and Andra followed Senta and the attendant down the corridor to the interrogation room. Inside was a therapeutic pallet and equipment similar to what he had experienced in Sudal. An attendant greeted them. “Dr Kyhana -- there's some treatment garb behind the screen.”

Senta stepped behind the screen. “It's is an outrage,” she exclaimed. “I am NOT wearing this.”

“You don't have much choice,” Nyk replied. “You might as well cooperate.”

“It's for your safety,” the attendant added, “in case we have to treat you during the procedure.”

Senta emerged barefoot and wearing a loincloth, her arms folded across her chest. “This is SO undignified... You ARE enjoying this, Nyk ... I know you are.”

“I'm not, Senta -- believe me.”

“Please have a seat on the pallet,” the attendant said.

Senta sat and swung her legs so her feet rested against a restraint. The attendant began reclining the seat. Another attendant attached electrodes to Senta's scalp. Her green eyes darted around the room.

Andra sat beside her. “Don't worry -- both of us have been through this and we survived -- right, Nyk?”

“Just relax and it'll be over with.”

The first attendant fastened a probe over Senta's breastbone and another on her side. Then she produced a drape and covered her with it. “There... Are you comfortable?”

“I'm frightened,” Senta whimpered. “I've never had a medical procedure -- I've never set foot in a hospital.”

“Have you had any food today?” the attendant asked.

“No,” Senta replied, “they said I couldn't...”

“Good. We request an overnight fast for interrogation subjects, but they don't always remember...” She examined Senta's arms. “Hmm... no suitable veins.” She touched one on her ankle. “We'll use this one.” She started to insert the IV in the vein in her leg. “Please keep still -- I don't want to have to poke you more than once.”

Nyk knelt, held Senta's foot and caressed the top of it. “Ow!” she exclaimed as the nurse punctured her vein.

A medic entered the room. “We're ready to start.”

“You'll have to go, now,” the attendant said to Nyk and Andra.

“NO!” Senta exclaimed. “Can't they stay until ... until I'm under?”

The attendant looked toward the medic. He nodded. Nyk took a seat on Senta's left and Andra on her right. Each held one of her hands.

“Start the agent,” the interrogator said.

“Nyk -- I'm frightened!” Senta exclaimed.

“Just relax,” Andra replied.

“Zero-five,” the medic said.

“I feel it in my leg!” Senta gasped. “I'm afraid!” She clenched Nyk's hand in a white-knuckled grip.

“Zero-seven ... One-zero ... One-five ... One-seven...”

“Relax and give yourself to it.” Andra spoke soothingly and caressed her forearm. “You'll be all right.”

“I can't,” she shrieked. “I'M SCARED!”

“Two-zero ... two-two ... two-five...” Senta's grip relaxed and her eyes glazed. “She's under -- finally,” the medic said.

Nyk nodded toward the door and Andra followed him. “I felt sorry for her,” Nyk said. “I saw real terror in her eyes.”

“I think they used a lot of drug,” Andra replied. “She's apt to suffer from it, later.”

“Let's go to the commissary and get something to eat. We'll check on her once she's in recovery.”

Nyk and Andra approached Senta's pallet. She was lying on her back with her eyes closed. Kronta was reviewing a vidisplay. “She's still under,” he said. “We'll release her -- as soon as we have medical clearance.”

“What did you learn?”

“Her motives were strictly personal...”

“I would have told you that,” Nyk replied.

“...her attempt to exercise her authority over you, I'm afraid. It's all here, in her interrogation transcript. Would you like to see it?” He held the vidisplay toward Nyk.

“No, Illya. I learned from my own experience that truth drug is nothing less than the rape of a mind. I don't wish to be party to it.” He pushed the display aside.

“Since there's no evidence of malice against the hegemony,

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