» Science Fiction » The Space Noir Bar, Michael Marino [people reading books txt] 📗

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in class I would drop a pencil or pad of notebook paper so I could bend down and grab a quick peek of paradise..I thought I was real nonchalant...well, forget about it..those girls were way ahead of us or at least was way ahead of I would bend low to be subtle and unnoticed..I noticed that she noticed too and at the appropriate moment..her legs would part as wide as the Red Sea..yes, it was a miracle. A goddamned Catholic Miracle...bless me father for I have sinned..over and over again and again...when I die I may go to the Ninth Gate of Hell but in my life I’ve already been to paradise and back ready as always to bite the forbidden to all of you in plaid skirts who walked the holy halls of Catholic are the Eve’s the world...hold out an apple and we’ll follow you anywhere your estros leads us.

Our detective agency was faltering and my secretary, wasn't faring much better as she hadn't received a check either for weeks and she was a Czech, a real one from what used to be called Czech Republic, an autonomous republic no more, world geo autonomy was over, it was one dystopian world now. She was also a former shot put champ of that old Eastern Bloc (now Europa) so you know what they say...never bounce a check on a Czech. Thankfully she had a crush on me and could crush me with her thighs alone .  She thrived on the atmosphere of our office and the lack of pay didn’t matter to her (she had two husbands that were filthy rich..and yes planetary polygamy was also now legal for both genders!) She had nothing better to do with her time or I'd have to answer my own phone.


Now I was in another frame of mine as the shadowy female figure in the hallway loomed larger, closer and began to take shape, I heard the door open gently, quietly, as only a frightened person will do. Fear makes us all cautious…

As she entered. I noticed that she  had quite a set of upper knobs on her and legs! Damn those legs...they could stretch from  Retroplis to Luna and I was ready to ride her rocket all the way from one end to the other. I also noticed, she wasn't the usual brunette  that walks into a cheap detective’s office, in fact she was quite attractive with that Oriental look that brings a man to his knees. and there was something  so familiar about her I couldn’t put my finger on  at first. In my hungover haze there was something so familiar about her but couldn’t put my finger on it….I had seen her a drug induced dream haze? I could’t remember.


I sized her up and guessed she was probably an Asian from the Northwest Territories in Canada where you can’t really gauge a body shape due to the fact of the all the fur they wear...ever see an Eskimo Pinup Girl? Well ,beneath all that layering when stripped away along with pretense you'll find some awesome flesh with  a hidden pubic pot of gold...I digress...and diverge...but I am diverse..


I could see she was a hot package, dynamite in fact, and could smell trouble, or was it that near tuna aroma emanating from somewhere south of her body’s equator where Brazil would be?  It attracted me like a shark to a human happy meal. She dropped her coat to the floor seductively, I sat there immobile, she pulled out a cigarette, fancy French brand from Quebec or the nearby reservation where they're sold at discount prices. I was right...she was Asian, Indonesian in fact, with Eskimo blood that made my blood rush to all the right parts of my body


She walked seductively to my desk to take a seat, and what a fine  seat she had. I could go seal hunting in her warm inviting igloo everyday if she invited me. She said very calmly but with a slight accent I couldn't place, (when it comes to the Bering Straits, accents have no bearing anyway) "Got a match?" I wanted to flick her Bic where I sat so played with my lighter, which you shouldn't do in public but I did anyway until it flamed up and ignited...I leaned in closer to her and her intoxication aroma, her perfume, the fish probably, had me on my flame met her tobacco and the room was on fire..or at least the region south of my pants pockets and belt.


She introduced herself as Asrini Pemalang,  a beautiful name..she was Bacall to my Bogart. The lights flickered in the office...right on cue? For effect? or just bad wiring. I’ll have to get that fixed someday I told myself and made a note on a greasy page of an old notepad that had seen better days. It wasn't my pad anyway, it was a prescription pad I had lifted from my doctors desk the last time I was in her office for a full nude exam and to get a refill of my amphetamine. Which reminds script for Loboto-tranqs was due for an illegal refill. (She was what we call a hymen happy sex as long as you fucked her often and well you got your tranqs. I had been addicted to them since the Big War and had grown quite fond of them...hell, I needed them to function.


Asrini relaxed, she inhaled, and then exhaled, inhale exhale, her chest heaving out forming massive canyons of cleavage you could mush  huskies in...then in her low sexy voice began her tale of intrigue and asked for my help in retrieving her sister from the clutches of space pimps…


I was hooked by this mesmerising Asian Eskimo mix of the north and told her my expenses were 3,000,000 space dollars a day ($200 in 21st Century money)...she didn't bat an eye and pulled out  1,000,000 from her clutch and handed it to me as a down payment..I knew this was going to be trouble..she was beautiful, and smelled like tuna, pungent and intoxicating as a ladies roller derby locker room after a sweaty hour on the track. This sexy little Asian Eskimo was the kind of woman who could make a man an explorer and I wanted to be Henry Hudson and search her Northwest Territory for the fabled Northwest Passage.


I wanted to find her sister now at all costs. I loved the thought of 3,000,000  plus space bucks a day and the taste of  Asian together we set off for Robotia the last known location of the sister for the madness and adventure that lay ahead for me and this exquisite mesmerizing Asian- Canadian.


Our journey would transport us to the mechanical planet of Roboia for an adventure  that created  one hell of a romance as hot as a sun flare with this rich Asian-Eskimo Goddess.  Her heat could melt the polar bears polar ice caps along with their sizable polar bear balls and freeze the hard-ons in the bordellos of Bangkok..ever been banged in Bangkok before? It's a rustic whorehouse where a  blow job is mere pennies on the dollar...use Space Bucks and she'll go 'round the world' in less than 80 days, minutes, seconds....she was beautiful and talented and had a vagina as strong as a steel trap. had the market on vice cornered in this teeming space colony, aliens  from all four quadrants could fornicate furiously with machines and machinas legally and openly with pubic pelts woven from the genitals of their customers as it was customary to donate some. ... Con artists, hookers from Hale Bopp II, and pickpockets make fantastic promises to eager visitors who are promptly taken advantage of.

I knew about Rotibotia but had never been there or knew of anyone who had been there. It was an artificial planet where humans were transformed into half machine (the men) and Machina (females). I was the one planet in place in space where  machines and machinas will end masturbation for ever!But also one of sexual pleasures at the hardware hands and sex organs of artificially intelligent mechanical Intel processor prostitutes where female and male robots which will be called Eroti-bots come fully equipped with amazingly lifelike vaginas, electro-labias and the genitals will be hard-on happy and hard wired to emit an electronic pulse that will be transmitted through sensors of the heavy metal hymen and designed to deliver a 220 volt jolt the human penis. The future of the Eroti-bots is not just a lap dancing A-I sex kitten for men. There will be eroti-bots for females as well. You've been using vibrators for decades anyway for that all pleasing "batteries not included" stimulation of sexual stimulation. Now you could lay back and let the Danger Will Robinson Eroti-bot do his work mechanically putting some real mecha-he-man push into his pulsating AI penis where you can adjust settings to orgasm, multi-orgasim, mega orgasm or even get juiced up and soaking wet by putting the penis pedal to the metal by setting it to a very intense Orbital Orgasm where you can run sexual rings around Saturn as his member explodes and expands to the size of Jupitor!


The nice thing about the Will Robinson model is that once it ejects its load of synth-cum it will automatically refill itself, and while doing so the timer says, "I'll be back!" The Terminator is now the Orgasimator. The machines will have names, be voice activated and disease free. Pregnancy? A thing of the past, unless you opt for the accessory package that includes frozen sperm from a sperm bank that can be injected and loaded into the load of your mecha-male, and then, through the act of intercourse, of course, voila! You can now give birth to a little R2D2 of your own!


The Female models will also have an Oral setting for one hell of Hoover vacuum blow job. The mouth, as the vagina will be composed of a fleshy realistic sexy synthetic material that will be able to gauge the pleasure level being attained, and in the case of the vagina, it can get tighter have more pull if it's warranted and the synth-mouth will have separate settings much as the penis on the male model has. It will have a low blow job setting of Gentle Genitalia and progress upwards on the sex scale to the tempestuous Tornado Vortex that could to suck a hockey puck inside out!


There will of course be various male and female bots that come in variety of racial models including Asian, so you can bang a gong or at least an Eroti-bot from Bangkok. Then there is the ever popular Black model male with adjustable penis size control from small, medium all the way to Biggie Size just as though you were ordering from Wendys! The Black Female Booty-Bot has one hell of motor hidden discreetly in her "trunk" or rear end and comes with a 300 horsepower thrust and four gears. There are also Lesbi-Bots and Gay-bots and even Trans-bots that have interchangeable sex organs and orientation settings. The Lesbi-bots come with AI strap-on technology devoloped my Microhard in Seattle, and Gay-bot has multiple settings from Oh Boy! to Lets Go Shopping! It comes in two models, Top or Bottom.


The Jetsons Models are a whole family of Eroti-bots that come as a complete set and you can have a robot romp with Judy or Elroy, they are machines so do not fall into the category of Pedi-bots, and will be legal in most countries, you can even have a robot go with Rosie the Maid, and if you’re lucky George and Jane Jetson can be set to "menage a trois" and you can frolic with both at once!


The eroti-bots are coming...the rise of the machines as they say...artificial intelligence and mechanical sex...disease free...emotion free...pregnancy free unless you opt for it, and some will even enter into marriage with their machines and their

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