» Science Fiction » Power Rangers Turbo, Heather Ray [ebook reader web .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Turbo, Heather Ray [ebook reader web .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Six

I carry a smile when I'm broken in two
And I'm nobody without someone like you
I'm tremblin' inside
And nobody knows it but me

Adam's eyes shot open, the memory fading like a dream. But the hurt still remained.

"I love you, Tanya," he said firmly, lifting his head from the desk, "I love you so much, it's killing me being without you! Why couldn't I just tell

you? Why did I let

you put an end to what we had?!"

Chapter Seven

I lie awake it's a quarter past three
I'm screamin' at night if I thought you'd hear me
Yeah, my heart is callin' you
And nobody knows it but me

"You... you just don't have time for me anymore. We've been clinging onto something that's not there any longer, Adam. I think it's in our best interests to just let it go."

But she was wrong. She had to be wrong. Adam certainly knew living without his angel wasn't in his best interests. He could more easily part with his right arm, or the air he breathed. Having Tanya Sloan in his life was as vital as anything else he could think of.

How did he let her leave? How did he let something as passing as college tear them apart? He left Angel Grove to work toward a fulfilling career, but what would it serve? What does success matter, without someone to share it with?

Adam just had assumed Tanya would be patient with him. He didn't realize that, since she wasn't yet in college, perhaps she didn't understand the pressures he was feeling during his first term.

Still, despite all the time he spent thinking on the matter, there was one question that lingered... Why didn't he try to make

her understand?

Chapter Eight

How blue can I get, you could ask my heart
But like a jigsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart
A million words couldn't say just how I feel
A million years from now you know I'll be lovin' you still

Somehow, he knew that was the key. The only way for him to hold on to his sanity, and finally live his life again, was to patch things up with Tanya. He knew she still loved him... that's why she was so upset he hadn't been more attentive to her. She probably didn't want to be in his way.

If only she realized how much she mattered to him! She was his life's blood... his reason to make something of himself. She was his muse of inspiration, the light in his future. Why couldn't she see that?

Because, he never told her.

All that he had suffered, was all his fault.

Chapter Nine

The nights are lonely the days are so sad
And I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missin' you
And nobody knows it but me
Nobody, nobody, but me...

"I should have just talked to her," he reasoned, gazing at his computer screen. The image of Microsoft Word had vanished awhile ago, leaving the blank screen of standby mode on. In the black glass, Adam saw his reflection staring back at him. He looked as hollow as he felt.

"Three simple words, could have spared all this pain. All I had to do was convince her of my love for her! I know

that's all she really needed! I don't believe I didn't give it to her! Why am I being tortured with this insight now... when it's too late?!"

But... was it too late? Was it really? Was everything lost beyond all reclamation?

Or was there a chance... albeit slight... that he could be reunited with his angel?


Tomorrow morning I'm hittin' the dusty road
Gonna find you where ever, ever you might go
And I'm gonna unload my heart
And hope you come back to me

The first genuine, hopeful smile that crossed his placid face in weeks materialized from the depths of his sorrow, bestowing upon the enamored young man the courage and determination needed to fix the mistakes he made.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm handing in my paper, and taking the earliest flight to Angel Grove possible. I know we can make things right again. I just know it."

Satisfied, Adam lifted the telephone from its stand, and dialed the number of a close friend.


groaned a exhausted voice.

"Hey Jimmy! It's me, Adam."

^Adam, why the hell

are you calling me at... three-thirty in the morning? Is the building on fire or something?!^

Adam smiled at his friend's semi-conscious ramblings. "No, but something important has come up. I'm not going to be able to go to Chicago after all. I have some things to take care of at home."

There was a short silence on the other end. ^Good luck with Tanya,^

Jimmy said, a smile evident in his voice. Adam chuckled slightly, and rested the telephone on its stand once again.

They knew. They probably all knew. All the people he tried to hide the truth from had perceived his true feelings.

Yeah, said when the nights are lonely...
The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
And I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missin' you
And nobody knows it but me...

"I'm don't have to be alone. Not anymore."

Character Thesaurus

Turbo Rangers

After traveling to Earth, space pirate Divatox abducted an alien wizard named Lerigot to use his magical key to go to Muranthias and free her fiance Maligore. The Rangers weren't about to let this happen, and so they upgraded to Turbo Powers, since the Zeo Powers wouldn't be enough to take on Maligore.

Practicing for a martial arts tournament, Rocky injured his back, and later sent Justin in his place to become to the new Blue Ranger and help the team on Muranthias, where they used the Turbo Zords to destroy Maligore. An infuriated Divatox swore vengeance on the Rangers, and returned to Angel Grove to terrorize it with detonators and monsters.

The Rangers continue to battle Divatox, with the help of new mentor Dimitria, and new assistant Alpha 6, who arrived after Zordon and Alpha 5 left for home. Tommy, Kat, Tanya, and Adam were relieved of their duties as Power Rangers, so that they could pursue other aspects of life, and they passed

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