» Science Fiction » The Seven lost Orsa's - book one - Defiance, E FromHebs [readict .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Seven lost Orsa's - book one - Defiance, E FromHebs [readict .TXT] 📗». Author E FromHebs

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"Where do you think Dane is?" I asked Sophia, she shrugged, and that's when I spotted him.    

Chapter four

He was tall and handsome, with stunning golden hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked so familiar  but I can't remember where I have seen him before. Before I had the chance to question Sophia about it, Dane walked in. His hair was scruffy, and his t-shirt was covered in blood. Luckily, nobody seemed to notice, except us.

"Dane! What happened!?" I almost yelled across the room. He came to sit with us.

"Just something I had to take care of" he said, as if it was none of my business.

"Like what?" Sophia asked

"Why does it matter?"

"Look at your shirt, who's blood it that?"

"Not mine, and that's all you need to know"

I leaned over to whisper in his ear

"See that guy over there?" I whispered, changing the subject. I pointed to the man that was sat across the table from us, the one that I recognized.


"I know him from somewhere"


"I don't know, that's why I am asking you. Do you know him?"

"I don't think I have ever seen him, yet I do recognize him"

"What are you keeping from me now?" I looked up, Sophia's cheeks were flushed with anger

I whispered to her what I told Dane, and she said exactly the same thing. Before we got the chance to discuss it any further, the waitress came over with our drinks.

"Thank you" said Dane

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress had a slight Finish accent

"Yes. Can we have three classic margarita's please"


She took away our menus. I was about to open my locket, when I remembered that alot of people would be after it, so instead I tucked it inside my dress, keeping it hidden from the outside world. When our food came, we all ate in silence, not daring to say anything with that man just across the room, who probably had super sonic hearing. Once we paid the bill we walked back to the warehouse, I immediately went to my room. I drew out the piece of paper from my locket and read it over and over again until the words didn't make sense - not that they did anyway. Just as I was putting it away, Dane walked into my room, carrying a photo album.

"Why have you got that?" I asked

"You know the man we saw in the resturant?" 


"Well..." he flicked through the album to find the right page. He layed it down in front of me and took out a picture. In the picture, there was me (I could have seen myself from a mile away) and that man stood next to me. Still, I couldn't remember him. I opened my mouth to speak, but then closed it again when Dane turned it over. Words were written on the back, in my handwriting. He passed it to me, and I read it.

Me and my brother 2010




I layed in my bed, moonlight shining through my window, trying hard to remember Chris. I was told that Chris was my brother, but if he was my brother, then how come I couldn't remember him? I have no recolection of him, but I remember my childhood. Another strange thing, is that when I saw him, I didn't see any memories of me, so maybe this is a mistake, or so I hope. Now I really wanted to go and find him, obviously with the help of Sophia, after all, she is a Tracker. Or maybe I could just do a quick tracking spell, yeah, that's what I'll do.

I went over to my drawer and took out a blue candle and an old book, and sat on the floor with crossed legs. I found the right page and read the instructions. First I had to do a chant, out loud. Great. If they find me doing this, I will not be alowed to even find him with the help of Sophia. 

"cum candela in manu teneo, et quos proximos carnem, et perierat donec inveniat illam cantus in animam viventem" I chanted, well, whispered. Suddenly, I dropped the candle, and a massive flame shot up from it. I quickly backed away and watched it work it's magic. It blew out, so I went over to see what it had done. A large map was engraved on my carpet, so much for making this secret. 

I crawled over to it, it looked very old, and had lots of words that I didn’t understand on it, in five minutes Sophia and Dane would wake up, so I would have to hide this. I grabbed my pink blanket from my chair and covered it up.

Us Seekers are not alowed to perform any acts of magiks outside of the boundery, and the maximum fine for this crime could be a life in prison. Luckily for me, I know the Primicerius quite well, and I’m sure that they’ll let it slip just this once, if I’m lucky. After all, they need me, as I am one of a kind. About every one in a thousand years a seeker like me is born, so they wouldn’t risk loosing me just yet, not when I could be helpful. We have no real name for Seekers like me, but our talents always vary, and mine just happened to be knowing everyones lives inside out. Not such a bad gift. Our gifts come directly from the Gods, well, it goes along the time line. So if my great great great great (so on) grandma had this particular talent, it would be passed down the line, until it got to me, which it did.

That made me wonder if my brother had a talent, he is related to me, so that means he must. Maybe his gift is erasing memories, because when I saw him, I saw now memories of him, and I certinaly can’t remember him, but I remember that night at Anna’s welcome home party. Just not him. I really need to find him, but I’ll wait until tonight. I’ll pack a bag, leave a note, and then follow the map to where he is supposed to be. Or, I could just wait and ask Agatha, that is only a two day wait. That’s what I am going to do, I’ll ask Agatha.

Agatha was related to Elizabeth Crinstine, only by a small fraction, but that gave her a huge amount of oppertunities, which she denied. Even though she is very old, she still lives in her families old country house, it is so big, that I have never actually seen all of it. Once she has told us what to do, we will go to the Primicerius in Lankawi and talk them into helping us. As far as plans go, it’s not bad.

I heard footsteps down the corridor, and then my door knob turn. Dane walked in, with a suspicious look on his face.

“What have you been doing?” he asked

“N-n-nothing” I stammered, trying not to sound too guilty

“Seriously Nadia, I think we’re past the point of keeping secrets”

I took a deep breath, ready for a long life in prison

“I did a spell”

“You what?”

“I wanted to find out more about my brother, so I did a tracking spell, and-“

“And what?”

“It drew me a map”

“Show me”

I picked up the pink blanket off of the floor, and looked up at Dane.

“So?” I questioned

“Do you know how much trouble you’re going to be in!?” I was worried that with his loud voice he would wake Sophia.

“Yes, but. Dane, he’s my only family left, and if you expect me to just-“

“You don’t understand Nadia! Do you know the punishment for this!?”

“Yes” I whimpered

“I just. Why?”

“You know how it feels to loose every one that you love” I looked up at him, and his face softened.


“At least I have someone left”

“It’s too-“



“I’m past that. We could have discovered the thing that nearly every Seeker in the history of Seekers have been looking for. Then, just after that, we discovered that I have a brother, yet I have no recolection of him. Do you think that all of this is just a coinsidence!? Obviously not! It is too darn linked together!” I was screaming at the top of my lungs


“NO! Just, don’t say anything”

He stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I fell to my knees and started crying. Useless, that’s all I am, useless, useless, useless. I would have lived a better life not knowing about any of this, I would have been happier not knowing about any of this, but instead it was brought upon me. Maybe this is my gift, hurting the people that are closest to me, until they despise you.


I couldn’t bare to do this anymore. I stood up, wiping the tears from my eyes, put on my jacket, got my rucksack (and in it put the picture I drew) and my purse, and ran to the door, not stopping to tell Sophia where I was going. Instead I walked along the pavenment, trying to think happy thoughts, imagining that it had never happened, until I reached the train station. I went up to the front desk.

“Excuse me” I said. The man looked about seventy, and had very large glasses.


“Can I please have a ticket for the next train to Yorkshire”

“That would be in twenty five minutes”

“Perfect”. He typed into his till and then gave me a ticket.

“Eight pounds thirty please”

I handed him the cash and told him to keep the change. I went to platform two, and sat down on a wooden bench. I reached up to touch my necklace. I traced the pattern on the back with my fingers, they were roses and vines. I always found it comforting to touch the necklace, it had grown on me, literally, I never took it off.


Twenty minutes later, my train arrived. I chose a window seat in the quiet area, and as the train started moving, the lady came around and stamped our tickets. As I was about to go to sleep, a man (I would guess he was in his middle ages) walked up to me.

“Can I sit here please?”


He sat down opposite me, and from his pocket, drew out a small brass pot and placed it in front of me. Just as I was about to speak, he explained.

“I know who you are, I know what you’re doing here, I know why you left” he had an English accent

“Wait, what, do I-“

“No you don’t know me, well you do, look, it’s complicated. Let me make this very quick before they see us, open this pot when the time is right”

“W-H how do I know...who are you?”

“No time for that my love, but I can ensure you that we will meet again very soon”

Abruptly, he was gone. Just like that. He vanished into thin air as a group of people came wondering past me looking for spare seats. I took the pot in my hands, it was only tiny, no smaller than my locket. There were words engraved around it, they were hard to read, but I managed to read most of them.

Numquid melior es amica mea esto velox

You better be quick my love.


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