» Science Fiction » A Cursed Gift:, Nick Venom [historical books to read .txt] 📗

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in a day to meet us. You’ll see our location on the watches. Remember, however, to have everybody time travel at different times. We don’t want to incur the wraith of Father Time.” The soldier nodded before walking away.

“Prepare yourself.” He told her as he began inputting in the information. “Our mission, as I declare, will be to inform the younger James Winter and to keep the timeline in one piece. Let’s go.” He said, finished with all of the preparations. “Ready?”

Agent Rogue nodded. She placed her hand on his shoulder. He was a few inches taller than her but it didn’t matter much. “Let’s go.” She insisted.

Agent Seven nodded, pressing the large red button that whisked them away. Their bodies disappeared, leaving no traces behind. They were taken into the Timeless Void, a time that neither flows or exists. Timeless Void connected the millions of different time periods together. This allowed time travel to work as all of the time periods was packed closely together, allowing people to be slingshotted to the beginning of time or the end of it.

Agent Seven and Agent Rogue were teleported to the same date that Alpha and the others went to. However, they were placed in a different spot. They arrived in downtown Iron Wall, right outside the house of James Winter - his childhood house.

They looked around, recognizing much of the neighborhood as it became a piece in history after brutal protesting dug a spearhead into the community and forced Winter’s hand. He sent in the army, who then destroyed his neighborhood, alongside other blocks of his childhood. 

“We’re in the right time?” Agent Rogue asked as she took the hood off her face. She revealed her blood-red hair that she had styled into a ponytail. “There wasn’t a flub in the web of time?”

“Those are rare and we would get a notice about any problems before we arrived.” Agent Seven responded, following her lead and taking off his hood. He had short blond hair that was combed over with the tips brought up by gel. 

“Let’s go.” He ordered as he approached the house. He rattled his knuckles on the beige door, waiting for a response. Agent Rogue stood behind him.

The door opened, revealing a young James Winter. He stared at both people, confused at their arrival. “Who are you and what do you want?” He asked them, one arm hiding behind the door with a knife in hand. 

“Mr. Winter, My name is Jordan Mizer. My partner here is Brianna Hall. We were informed to bring this to you. It’s of most importance.” Agent Seven, revealing himself as his real name, declared, handing the folded note to Winter.

Winter grabbed the note, opening it up with an eye on Mizer and Hall. He skimmed through the note, going through several expressions before landing on a grin. 

“My campaigning works then… Perfect.” He muttered. “Now, where are the people who are trying to ruin my future?”

“Currently, they are some distance away. In a day, the Time Task Force and your secret branch, the Elites, will arrive. Until then, we’ll be remaining with you for added protection in case they come directly for you.” Mizer informed him.

Winter nodded. “Come in, come in.” He told them, beckoning them in. Mizer and Hall nodded, entering the house before he locked the door.

Winter turned around to face them. “I’m not sure who this ‘Alpha’ person is or any of these individuals, but there’s no way I’m letting them ruin my prosperous future. Based on what my future self says, the world will change for the better. I cannot let these terrorists ruin it.”

Mizer and Hall nodded. “We’ll do everything for the future, sir.” They said simultaneously, kneeling in front of him.

Winter grinned. “Good… then kill them. I want them strung up like those terrorists in the middle east!” 

Mizer nodded while Hall was caught off-guard by her comment. She worked under the Elites for a significant time, but never spoke to Winter much as her work never allowed her to. This confirmed to her that it was good that she never had a long conversation with him.

He was a horrifying crude and poison-tongue man.


The next day, the Time Task Force and other members of the Elite arrived in clumps of four. Anything past four would allow for intervention from Father Time. The last intervention saw a person being written out of existence - being Alpha’s wife.

Winter allowed them into his two-story grand house, sitting them down in his large living room. They all complied with his orders, even though he wasn’t the same Winter that they swore loyalty to, and waited for him to speak.

“From what I learned, there are three terrorists on their way here. I want spies to gather information on them. Everybody else will wait here and lure them in. We’ll ambush them here, out of sight, and deal with them without mercy. Then you’ll all return to your spot in the timeline and everything will continue as normal. Is that clear?” He asked. Everybody nodded their heads in agreement. 

“Good… then let’s prepare the ambush. We’ll be waiting to hit them when they arrive and fix the timeline. For our future!” He shouted. Everybody, except Hall, cheered. She wasn’t as ecstatic as she once was now that she heard his earlier statement. It had been gnawing at her, but her mind told her to ignore it. Winter had said nastier words before. 

Yeah, nothing’s wrong here. I need to focus on the plan. That’s all. 




Publication Date: 03-07-2019

All Rights Reserved

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