The Kids Grow Up, Trish Hanan [books you need to read .txt] 📗

- Author: Trish Hanan
Book online «The Kids Grow Up, Trish Hanan [books you need to read .txt] 📗». Author Trish Hanan
“I know, number five, there won’t be anymore after this, honey,” he said and tears filled his eyes. Jake laughed and he kissed them away.
“Oh, babe, don’t cry, we have six wonderful children, we don’t really want more than seven do we?” he teased and Harry buried his face in Jake’s chest and shook his head.
“No, it’s just so final, I can’t have anymore after this,” he cried and Jake lifted his head and kissed him.
“Oh, Harry, you goofy man, I love you, just because you can’t have anymore children after this, that doesn’t mean I won’t still love you,” he told him solemnly. Harry nodded.
“I know,” he said but he didn’t sound convinced. Jake smiled and kissed him again.
“Didn’t I fall in love with you when we were both fourteen and I didn’t know you could have children?” he asked him gently and Harry smiled and nodded. Jake kissed him again. “I loved you then and I love you now and I will always love you, Harry, you are my life, with or without children. They’ll grow up and leave us but you and me, we’ll be together forever, babe,” he said and Harry wrapped his arms around his neck.
“Give me a baby, Jake, I want a son,” he whispered harshly, his breathing hard and fast. Jake nodded and kissed him hard. Then he began his descent and this time they took their time because they knew it would be the last time and they wanted to make it last but they couldn’t because it was so good and the pleasure was so intense that they had to have it. And they both shouted when they found release and it was heard out in the living room where Fran had turned up the view-screen so they couldn’t be heard and she giggled and looked at Abby who giggled and the two men high-fived each other.
“There’s the basketball team,” Billy announced and Billy stood up and picked the two girls up.
“And here are the cheerleaders,” he declared and the two girls giggled as everyone laughed.
In the bedroom Harry and Jake lied in bed with the legs entwined and holding hands, kissing slowly, knowing that this was their last baby and the last time Harry’s eyes would gleam with that special glow. Jake kissed them and felt an over-whelming sadness.
“Oh, babe, I love you so much, thank you for my sons and my daughters,” he whispered. Harry smiled.
“Thank you for giving them to me, honey,” he whispered and they kissed and kissed for over an hour. Then finally hunger drove them to eat and they ripped apart the bread and laughed about what they could possibly do to it sexually and joked about what the others thought they were doing with it. Then they made love again and slept and then took a shower and made love in there, fast and furious the way Harry liked it and finally got dressed and went to greet the others with Harry’s eyes glowing and Jake beaming with pride.
“Yep, he’s pregnant,” Billy announced when he saw Harry standing in the foyer. He got up and hugged them.
“Congratulations, Dads,” he said and they all hugged. Fran’s eyes got misty.
“Our last little one,” she cried and wiped tears from her eyes. Harry’s eyes got wet too.
“I know, Frannie, I cried too,” he admitted and they cried a little together while Abby rolled her eyes.
“You’ve got six already and you’re crying because you’re only going to have seven, what’s wrong with this picture,” she retorted and they all laughed.
“If Harry had ten eggs, we’d probably have all ten,” Jake declared and they all laughed again except for Abby who said they were crazy.
“If he had twenty eggs, would you have twenty?” she snorted. They looked at each other and decided that twenty was probably too many.
“Probably not, but definitely if he had ten,” Jake told her. She rolled her eyes and decided it was time for her to go.
At dinner that night as they watched their family eat Jake and Harry looked around at the happy children and then exchanged a pleased look. They had a wonderful life and should be satisfied with what they did have and what they will have shortly. Seven happy, healthy, beautiful children and what more could two people hope for? They were truly blessed.
The next day they took the kids in for their six-month check up and Harry’s scan and Dr. George let out a big excited yell and everyone looked at him. He grinned.
“It’s a boy, you did it, Jake, you gave Harry five sons just like you said you would,” he declared and the two happy men kissed while their kids grinned.
“I never doubted for a moment your super swimmers, honey,” Harry said and Jake nodded, pleased as he could be. Fiona laughed as she handed out lollipops to the laughing kids. Harry let them play outside until they were done with them and then wiped the sticky off with a wet cloth he always carried with him before they got into the car then they drove home to tell Fran. On the way home they decided to have another big barbecue and invite everyone then the guest list kept growing so they decided to have it at the Center and invite the whole town.
Harry got home and sent the email off announcing the happy arrival of Danny, their fifth and last son and inviting anyone and everyone who wanted to show up to the community center with their grills. He informed them that they were bringing the booze and the beer and the steaks, all they had to bring was some salads and breads and stuff. He even hinted that sodas would be served to entice them and called the kids to get volunteers to donate and everyone did.
Everyone showed up and all the men lined up their barbecue grills together and Dr. George stood up and made the happy announcement and was very excited about twenty-five different DNA’s to mix with theirs.
“We will not have another Bittermen tragedy on Eden, thanks to our brave women and thanks to Jake with his super swimmers and Harry for giving us five Dolphin sons and twenty-five different DNA’s to mix with ours,” he announced proudly and everyone cheered. Max and Charles nudged each other.
“They’ll all probably be little fagola’s like their dads,” Max remarked and Charles giggled.
“Probably, but think of all the different DNA they’ll bring to the community,” he said. Max shrugged.
“As long as my Paul doesn’t marry any of them I don’t care,” he said and both men agreed none of their sons were going to be gay, not if they had anything to do with it.
Harvest came and the pumpkins were fine so they had the pumpkin chunking contest and surprisingly DJ won with the biggest cannon anyone had ever seen. He put three pumpkins in it and all three sailed over everyone’s pumpkins and landed one by one the farthest an amazing two hundred and twenty-three feet. Everyone cheered and his cannon replaced Harry’s in the place of honor.
Halloween came and everyone waited to see what Harry would dress his children up as. When they all walked into the center dressed as rainbow butterflies everyone gushed and Phillip exclaimed that Harry could have gotten a job on one of the cruise ships as a wardrobe mistress. That made Max and Charles giggle hysterically and Jake rolled his eyes.
“They’re little kids costumes gentlemen, not fag clothes, get a grip on yourselves,” he told them. This only made the two men laugh harder and they had to walk away. Harry just shook his head and put the baby in his chair and hand him his bottle of juice.
“Those two really think they’re being funny, don’t they?” he remarked and DJ grinned and patted his wife’s round belly.
“We’ve got a soccer player here, Harry, Cheryl’s been kicking poor Grace all day,” he informed him. Harry gave her a healing back rub which took all the pain away.
“Thanks, Harry, you’re a lifesaver,” she gushed and he had to do the same for all the pregnant women. Nyla was having twins as well as April and both complained of feeling like walruses. Harry laughed as well as all the pregnant women and they all agreed on that feeling.
“When do you think Tammy and the other girls are going to start getting married and having kids?” Linda asked her group of women as they stood around drinking martinis and thanking God they weren’t the ones pregnant. Myra giggled.
“I overheard Sarah and Sissy in the bathroom and they both think Tammy and Abby are lesbians,” she told them. They all gasped with shock.
“But doesn’t Abby live with that alien boy Chan?” June asked and Meri nodded.
“But Tammy lives in that house all alone with Amy, Sarah’s daughter and Sarah’s afraid that she’s turned her daughter into one of those kinds of women,” Myra said. They all giggled.
“Well, Amy is kind of butch, not at all dainty like Violet,” Shelley said and they all looked at Violet who was dressed in a harem girl’s costume and hanging around Susie and they were both floating around Jake and Harry’s table.
“What are they doing over there with all the kids, they should be over with the boys,” Meri said and Shelley giggled and they all looked at her. She smiled smugly because she knew something they didn’t. Linda grabbed her arm.
“Okay, sister, spill it,” she ordered. Shelley giggled again.
“Okay,” she said. “I overheard Kathleen and April at the kid’s birthday party talking about Violet hanging around Jake all the time. It seems she’s been flashing her naked boobs at him when they were in Hawaii trying to get him to notice her, she’s trying to steal him away from Harry,” she told them. They all gasped.
“Doesn’t she realize he’s gay?” June said. Shelley shrugged.
“According to Edna, Susie’s mother, Violet’s got a telescope up in her attic and she uses it to peek into Harry’s living room and spies on them,” she told them and they all laughed.
“Oh, that poor girl’s got it bad,” Meri remarked. Linda frowned.
“Didn’t she used to have a crush on Harry?” she asked. They all nodded.
“Well, now she’s got one on Jake,” Shelley said and they all thought that was slightly demented and stupid. Why waste your time on a gay man?
“She’s always been a strange one, even when she was a little girl,” Myra declared and they all agreed on that.
Thanksgiving came and they let David come with them so he wouldn’t chase the turkeys away and Max made sure he stayed on the other end of the group so David wouldn’t kill him. This made everyone laugh but no one wanted to be next to the clumsy man so they put him on the far end by himself. He got two birds than year but only one in the head; the other he totally annihilated and no one could eat. Jake got his usual twenty and brought home nine to Harry, stopping off at the butcher shop to run them through to save his love that duty. Harry kissed him for his thoughtfulness.
Dinner was a happy affair as usual and everyone was excited about the last baby and Monroe and the older kids were happy because Jake told them he was going to
“I know, number five, there won’t be anymore after this, honey,” he said and tears filled his eyes. Jake laughed and he kissed them away.
“Oh, babe, don’t cry, we have six wonderful children, we don’t really want more than seven do we?” he teased and Harry buried his face in Jake’s chest and shook his head.
“No, it’s just so final, I can’t have anymore after this,” he cried and Jake lifted his head and kissed him.
“Oh, Harry, you goofy man, I love you, just because you can’t have anymore children after this, that doesn’t mean I won’t still love you,” he told him solemnly. Harry nodded.
“I know,” he said but he didn’t sound convinced. Jake smiled and kissed him again.
“Didn’t I fall in love with you when we were both fourteen and I didn’t know you could have children?” he asked him gently and Harry smiled and nodded. Jake kissed him again. “I loved you then and I love you now and I will always love you, Harry, you are my life, with or without children. They’ll grow up and leave us but you and me, we’ll be together forever, babe,” he said and Harry wrapped his arms around his neck.
“Give me a baby, Jake, I want a son,” he whispered harshly, his breathing hard and fast. Jake nodded and kissed him hard. Then he began his descent and this time they took their time because they knew it would be the last time and they wanted to make it last but they couldn’t because it was so good and the pleasure was so intense that they had to have it. And they both shouted when they found release and it was heard out in the living room where Fran had turned up the view-screen so they couldn’t be heard and she giggled and looked at Abby who giggled and the two men high-fived each other.
“There’s the basketball team,” Billy announced and Billy stood up and picked the two girls up.
“And here are the cheerleaders,” he declared and the two girls giggled as everyone laughed.
In the bedroom Harry and Jake lied in bed with the legs entwined and holding hands, kissing slowly, knowing that this was their last baby and the last time Harry’s eyes would gleam with that special glow. Jake kissed them and felt an over-whelming sadness.
“Oh, babe, I love you so much, thank you for my sons and my daughters,” he whispered. Harry smiled.
“Thank you for giving them to me, honey,” he whispered and they kissed and kissed for over an hour. Then finally hunger drove them to eat and they ripped apart the bread and laughed about what they could possibly do to it sexually and joked about what the others thought they were doing with it. Then they made love again and slept and then took a shower and made love in there, fast and furious the way Harry liked it and finally got dressed and went to greet the others with Harry’s eyes glowing and Jake beaming with pride.
“Yep, he’s pregnant,” Billy announced when he saw Harry standing in the foyer. He got up and hugged them.
“Congratulations, Dads,” he said and they all hugged. Fran’s eyes got misty.
“Our last little one,” she cried and wiped tears from her eyes. Harry’s eyes got wet too.
“I know, Frannie, I cried too,” he admitted and they cried a little together while Abby rolled her eyes.
“You’ve got six already and you’re crying because you’re only going to have seven, what’s wrong with this picture,” she retorted and they all laughed.
“If Harry had ten eggs, we’d probably have all ten,” Jake declared and they all laughed again except for Abby who said they were crazy.
“If he had twenty eggs, would you have twenty?” she snorted. They looked at each other and decided that twenty was probably too many.
“Probably not, but definitely if he had ten,” Jake told her. She rolled her eyes and decided it was time for her to go.
At dinner that night as they watched their family eat Jake and Harry looked around at the happy children and then exchanged a pleased look. They had a wonderful life and should be satisfied with what they did have and what they will have shortly. Seven happy, healthy, beautiful children and what more could two people hope for? They were truly blessed.
The next day they took the kids in for their six-month check up and Harry’s scan and Dr. George let out a big excited yell and everyone looked at him. He grinned.
“It’s a boy, you did it, Jake, you gave Harry five sons just like you said you would,” he declared and the two happy men kissed while their kids grinned.
“I never doubted for a moment your super swimmers, honey,” Harry said and Jake nodded, pleased as he could be. Fiona laughed as she handed out lollipops to the laughing kids. Harry let them play outside until they were done with them and then wiped the sticky off with a wet cloth he always carried with him before they got into the car then they drove home to tell Fran. On the way home they decided to have another big barbecue and invite everyone then the guest list kept growing so they decided to have it at the Center and invite the whole town.
Harry got home and sent the email off announcing the happy arrival of Danny, their fifth and last son and inviting anyone and everyone who wanted to show up to the community center with their grills. He informed them that they were bringing the booze and the beer and the steaks, all they had to bring was some salads and breads and stuff. He even hinted that sodas would be served to entice them and called the kids to get volunteers to donate and everyone did.
Everyone showed up and all the men lined up their barbecue grills together and Dr. George stood up and made the happy announcement and was very excited about twenty-five different DNA’s to mix with theirs.
“We will not have another Bittermen tragedy on Eden, thanks to our brave women and thanks to Jake with his super swimmers and Harry for giving us five Dolphin sons and twenty-five different DNA’s to mix with ours,” he announced proudly and everyone cheered. Max and Charles nudged each other.
“They’ll all probably be little fagola’s like their dads,” Max remarked and Charles giggled.
“Probably, but think of all the different DNA they’ll bring to the community,” he said. Max shrugged.
“As long as my Paul doesn’t marry any of them I don’t care,” he said and both men agreed none of their sons were going to be gay, not if they had anything to do with it.
Harvest came and the pumpkins were fine so they had the pumpkin chunking contest and surprisingly DJ won with the biggest cannon anyone had ever seen. He put three pumpkins in it and all three sailed over everyone’s pumpkins and landed one by one the farthest an amazing two hundred and twenty-three feet. Everyone cheered and his cannon replaced Harry’s in the place of honor.
Halloween came and everyone waited to see what Harry would dress his children up as. When they all walked into the center dressed as rainbow butterflies everyone gushed and Phillip exclaimed that Harry could have gotten a job on one of the cruise ships as a wardrobe mistress. That made Max and Charles giggle hysterically and Jake rolled his eyes.
“They’re little kids costumes gentlemen, not fag clothes, get a grip on yourselves,” he told them. This only made the two men laugh harder and they had to walk away. Harry just shook his head and put the baby in his chair and hand him his bottle of juice.
“Those two really think they’re being funny, don’t they?” he remarked and DJ grinned and patted his wife’s round belly.
“We’ve got a soccer player here, Harry, Cheryl’s been kicking poor Grace all day,” he informed him. Harry gave her a healing back rub which took all the pain away.
“Thanks, Harry, you’re a lifesaver,” she gushed and he had to do the same for all the pregnant women. Nyla was having twins as well as April and both complained of feeling like walruses. Harry laughed as well as all the pregnant women and they all agreed on that feeling.
“When do you think Tammy and the other girls are going to start getting married and having kids?” Linda asked her group of women as they stood around drinking martinis and thanking God they weren’t the ones pregnant. Myra giggled.
“I overheard Sarah and Sissy in the bathroom and they both think Tammy and Abby are lesbians,” she told them. They all gasped with shock.
“But doesn’t Abby live with that alien boy Chan?” June asked and Meri nodded.
“But Tammy lives in that house all alone with Amy, Sarah’s daughter and Sarah’s afraid that she’s turned her daughter into one of those kinds of women,” Myra said. They all giggled.
“Well, Amy is kind of butch, not at all dainty like Violet,” Shelley said and they all looked at Violet who was dressed in a harem girl’s costume and hanging around Susie and they were both floating around Jake and Harry’s table.
“What are they doing over there with all the kids, they should be over with the boys,” Meri said and Shelley giggled and they all looked at her. She smiled smugly because she knew something they didn’t. Linda grabbed her arm.
“Okay, sister, spill it,” she ordered. Shelley giggled again.
“Okay,” she said. “I overheard Kathleen and April at the kid’s birthday party talking about Violet hanging around Jake all the time. It seems she’s been flashing her naked boobs at him when they were in Hawaii trying to get him to notice her, she’s trying to steal him away from Harry,” she told them. They all gasped.
“Doesn’t she realize he’s gay?” June said. Shelley shrugged.
“According to Edna, Susie’s mother, Violet’s got a telescope up in her attic and she uses it to peek into Harry’s living room and spies on them,” she told them and they all laughed.
“Oh, that poor girl’s got it bad,” Meri remarked. Linda frowned.
“Didn’t she used to have a crush on Harry?” she asked. They all nodded.
“Well, now she’s got one on Jake,” Shelley said and they all thought that was slightly demented and stupid. Why waste your time on a gay man?
“She’s always been a strange one, even when she was a little girl,” Myra declared and they all agreed on that.
Thanksgiving came and they let David come with them so he wouldn’t chase the turkeys away and Max made sure he stayed on the other end of the group so David wouldn’t kill him. This made everyone laugh but no one wanted to be next to the clumsy man so they put him on the far end by himself. He got two birds than year but only one in the head; the other he totally annihilated and no one could eat. Jake got his usual twenty and brought home nine to Harry, stopping off at the butcher shop to run them through to save his love that duty. Harry kissed him for his thoughtfulness.
Dinner was a happy affair as usual and everyone was excited about the last baby and Monroe and the older kids were happy because Jake told them he was going to
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