» Science Fiction » Redemption, M J Marlow [best way to read ebooks TXT] 📗

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father is. I love each and every one of you.”
“And we love you, angel,” Andrew choked. What a family they were going to make, he laughed as he took her to him with even more gentleness and care than before the news. He heard the door open as Marit drifted back to sleep and Daro was there. “We’re having a baby, Daro. Tell our brothers, we are going to be fathers.” He stroked Marit’s bare back and she sighed in happiness. “Or I will,” he said. “I should go inspect my new home with Major Domo Brek and make certain it is properly laid out for children.” He nodded to the bed as he dressed. “Take over, brother. She’ll be pleased to have you there.” He went to close the balcony doors, frowning as he saw the Captain standing on the parapet. “I suggest we keep these doors closed from now on. The guards on the near parapet can see into the room. He finished dressing and kissed Marit on the lips gently. “Try to let her sleep, Daro.”
“I’ll be as gentle as a lamb,” Daro nodded as he followed Andrew to the door and locked it behind him. When he turned he was beaming from ear to ear. “A baby! We are having a child with our little angel!”
Andrew smiled as he made his way down the main stairs. He looked over the place and liked the layout immensely. It would be quite easy to defend, should the need arise. He saw Brek coming out of the kitchens, a strange look on his face. Like he had run into a wall and wasn’t certain if he should be happy about it or terrified. He jumped as Andrew signaled to him.
“Major Domo,” he said as he joined Brek. “I would like you to ask the Cook to pay special attention to my lady’s diet. She is having a child and I want…”
“A child?” Brek’s eyes lit up and he let out a whoop of delight before he remembered who he was supposed to be and where they were. “Congratulations, my lord,” he said as some guards came running. “I know you and your lady have been trying for over five months to have a child.” He saw the stunned expression on the face of Canby and then the north man behind him; the one called Raven. Now why should a Northman care about the pregnancy of a lady of rank? He would have to tell Canby to keep an eye on the man.
“I am certain the guards will take special care to keep your lady wife safe, my lord Atherton,” Canby said, bowing his head slightly. He came up with a goofy grin only Brek and Andrew could see. “Raven,” he turned on his heel and led the guards away.
“We’ll alert the house staff,” Brek said and hurried back to the kitchen. He ducked as the cook threw a pan at him and it struck Andrew in the chest. The Cook went pale and fell to her knees, blubbering. “It’s all right, Cook. His lordship is not paying enough attention to anything at the moment to be offended. He has just been informed by his pretty wife that they are going to have a child.” He saw the woman’s face brighten with joy. “I am certain you will do your utmost to make certain that she eats properly.” A horn sounded and he and Andrew went out to the top stair down to the courtyard. A carriage was pulling in. “Oh my God!” Brek whispered as he saw who was getting out. “It’s the king himself, Cap.”
“Your Majesties,” Andrew beamed as he bowed low and approached them. “We have only just arrived ourselves. We didn’t know to expect you.”
“My lady queen was eager to see your lady wife, lord Atherton,” Marius told the man. “Is she about?”
“My lady is resting,” Andrew told him. “It was a long journey for a woman in her delicate condition.”
“A baby?” Margarete’s eyes widened in shock and then joy. “My baby is having a baby!”
“Major Domo,” Andrew said to Brek. “Please see if my lady is well enough to receive visitors.” He turned to Marius and saw the man’s dark look. He leaned forward. “We don’t know, Your Majesty,” he told him bluntly. “During her breakdown, your daughter slept with each of us.”
“That will stop immediately, lord Atherton,” Marius said coldly. “I’ve always wanted to visit this fortress. I had heard it was quite magnificent.”
“And quite easily defended,” Andrew smiled and followed Marius inside. “My lady will be quite secure here.”
Marit was up and dressed and seated on the lounge with a book Daro had brought from his room as he stood by the balcony looking scholarly when her parents swept in. Daro ran from the room after the briefest introductions, terrified by the force of nature that was his angel’s father, and the goddess that was her mother. Marit smiled weakly as they kissed her and sat down near her to wait her pleasure.
“You can’t hide here forever, daughter,” Marius said as an opener, making his wife groan. “Well, she can’t my love.”
“I have only just arrived here, Father,” Marit sighed. “It is going to take some time for me to remember who I was here, and decide if I even want to be that person.” She smiled softly as she thought over the past five months. “I have been very happy at sea.”
“Having multiple lovers is not happiness, daughter. It is confusion,” Marius snapped at her. “And now we are told that you are having a child, and that your lovers have no idea who the father might be.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Marit said simply and saw her father go ballistic. “I am happy with my life the way it is in this moment and this place.” He did not calm and she turned to her mother. “Do I need to explain it to you, Mother?”
“No, child,” Margarete smiled and saw Marit’s mind on the matter. “I will try to explain it to your father in the simplest terms possible.” She laid her hand on Marius’. We did not come here to argue with you. We merely wished to see if you were well.” She laid her fingers on Marius’ lips. “And how could you not be. You are having a child with someone you love.” She heard Marius snort. “If you can not be civil, my love; go find somewhere else to be a grump. Your negativity is harming your grandchild.”
“I do not mean to yell at you, child,” Marius said as he kissed Marit on the cheek. “I only want what is best for you.” He looked at Margarete. “I will be waiting for you in the courtyard. We should not tax her on her first day in her new home.”
“There’s trouble, isn’t there?” Marit asked, sighing.
“When isn’t there, child?” Margarete smiled and leaned over to kiss Marit on the forehead. She leaned her cheek against her daughter’s cheek. “I think it’s kind of exciting, the multiple partners thing. Just don’t get too wrapped up in it that you lose sight of what really matters.”
“Are you certain you can not stay the night,” Marit asked her mother. She saw her mother blush and knew it was probably wiser to let her parents go home. She could just imagine the scene if her father came across more than one man coming out of her chambers. “You’re right. It’s probably much too soon.”
“As for the law,” Margarete said as she started out of the chamber,” it is up to you. While it might be strictly acceptable in other parts of the borderlands, Atherton is your domain. If you want multiple husbands, then it is for you to say. But,” she smiled as she saw Andrew coming up the stairs, “you really should know who the father is, just to keep from being confused when it comes time for them to marry.”
“Thank you, Mother.”
“I may not agree with your decision, daughter,” Margarete told her bluntly, “but if it makes you happy; that is what matters.” She bowed her head slightly to Andrew. “Lord Atherton,” she smiled briefly. “It has been an interesting visit. Next time we will send word ahead of us.”
“Your Majesty,” Andrew bowed his head, smiling. “It was indeed an interesting visit.” He closed and locked the door and went to Marit as she held her arms out to him. She massaged his neck and shoulders and he turned to claim her lips. “My love,” he said bluntly; “you have some very odd relatives.”
“Get used to them, my love,” Marit smiled at him. “Because they will be yours if you accept my proposal.” She told him what her mother had said and he was smiling. “So, we will discuss this with the others tonight?”
“If that is what you wish, angel,” Andrew sighed as his muscles relaxed. “You may lose some of us.” He felt her stiffen. “I think that Brek is forming an attachment to the Cook.”
“I want you all to be happy,” Marit replied; though she had never thought it might be away from her. “I’ve come to depend on my men.” She knew what he was thinking; “maybe a bit too much.” She put her arms around his neck and rested her cheek against the top of his head. “You won’t leave me, my lord, will you?”
“I haven’t seen anyone I could possibly love as much as I do you, my lady,” Andrew told her fiercely. “Are you certain you are strong enough, angel?” he smiled as her hands moved down under his shirt to stroke and caress. “I don’t want to weaken you…”
“Weaken me?” Marit laughed and twisted around so she was in his lap. “Let me show you how not tired I am, my lord.” There was a knock on the door and she frowned and got to her feet. “Whoever it is needs to learn better timing.”
“We have time, my love,” Andrew smiled at her and opened the door. He fell back as Canby fell into the room. He was bleeding copiously from several wounds on his body. “Canby!”
“You call a guard and send for the healer,” Marit cried as she sank down next to Canby. “I’ll do what I can until they arrive.”
Andrew bowed his head to her and ran. Marit locked eyes with Canby and he looked up at her, relaxing as he felt her seeking to help him. He sighed as the worst of his pain flowed out of him. But then he saw the same pain entering her eyes, and knew what she was doing. He shook his head and tried to pull away, but she was not letting him go. He caught her as she collapsed at the end of the healing and carried her to the bed.
“She should have let you die,” Raven said as he came into the room. He glared at Canby as the man turned. “Wearing herself out to save your life may prove a waste of time.”
“Something’s wrong.”
“Yes, sir,” Raven bowed his head. “There is an army camping out on the shores of the lake.”
“Keep close watch on our lady,” Canby scowled at the guards on the door as he started down the corridor. “Have they sent word, Captain?”
“Not as yet,” Raven told him as he fell in at Canby’s side. They went to the parapets and looked out across the lake at the banners flying in the breeze. He saw Canby’s slow smile. “What is it, sir?”
“That is no invading army,” Canby told him. “You are looking at emissaries from the clans allied with our lady through marriage or relationship.” He looked over at the banners. He frowned as he saw
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