» Science Fiction » Dragon Dreamer, S. G. Ricketts [best ebook reader for pc txt] 📗

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okay, Love. I’m just inside the city a bit further than you,

she reassured. She felt numb with surprise. She had never been this far away from her dragon since the queen had hatched. The pair walked quickly through tunnels, and Steephi was haunted by the memory of the bronze rider, Suvian, and that whole experience. She shuddered, but Misson just continued to drag her on. Abruptly, she stopped. Talarth was withdrawing from her.
Misson tried once to drag her on, but she held. “Oh stars, what are you doing? Johua will be mad!” he growled, trying to pull her again.
But Steephi ignored him. Even she was a bit surprised by the force that she had to stay. A little voice in the back of her head kept telling her that the farther back she got from her beloved, the more Talarth would leave her. Breath caught in her throat, and worry filled her. Stifling a sob of fright, she called, Are you okay, Talarth? Are you alright?

The calm, sweet voice of her dragon filled her mind, and love and adoration followed, if not tinged by a bit of irritation. Talarth hated to see Steephi so upset. Yes came the irritated reply. I was just starting to fall asleep. Thank you for waking me up!

Despite the harsh words, Steephi could feel the dragon’s smile. She was sure that Talarth was the only dragon on the whole of Syrnyai who could smile.
Laughing hesitantly, she glanced up at Misson. “Sorry about that! Dragons,” she said, and he nodded his head in understanding. Shaking her skirts smooth, Steephi let him take her to the room. He was much gentler now, but his fingers were still strong. Finally, the great wooden door stood in front of them, and Steephi tried her best to walk regally into the room. Stifling a gasp of surprise, she saw all the dragon generals in the room. “Umm…hi!” The men all stared at her, so she cleared her throat. Their blank expression made her so angry. She was new here! They should be helping her, especially if she got to choose which one would be the new Dragon Leader! She could feel her face twisting into a grimace, and carefully, pulling on the love from her dragon, she smoothed her face into a mask of serenity and calm. “So…what do I do? I haven’t done this before!” Her voice was hard with suppressed anger to her dismay, and she strode purposefully across the room as if her voice was always like that. She couldn’t trust her voice to say anything, but she forced herself to be calm. “I’m sorry. Growing dragons!” She rolled her eyes and smiled softly, getting a few chuckles from the men. Now she was proud of those horrid years she had spent lying for her family. Clasping her hands in front of her, she glanced around the room. Spying Johua, she curtsied to him. “My apologies, Dragon Leader. I was not told…” The man watched her, then blinked slowly. Steephi was surprised. She had thought the man to be much more caring and not as stiff before this. At least he had been helpful enough with Talarth.
She glanced over to Misson, hoping he would help, but he was laughing silently behind his hand. Her eyes searched the crowd of faces. Eight Generals, more lieutenants, and then just some ordinary riders filled the room. Finally, a young man that she had never noticed before raised his hand. His eyes danced with amusement, and she felt a flush rise to her face. “Yes—Arely?” His eyes widened, and she silently blessed Talarth, as he pointed slowly to the only open chair left. Of course! Why hadn’t she seen it! Steephi felt so stupid! Embarrassed, she lowered herself into the chair and folded her hands into her lap, blushing as she felt the oily stains under her fingertips.
You aren’t stupid!

Talarth argued. And you were oiling me. It was Misson’s fault for startling you!

Steephi smiled, and the men watched her carefully. Realizing her slip, she turned her smile to the young blue rider. Arely smiled back, as if relieved. Anyway, I’ll bet the other Dragon Lady had as much trouble as you’re having,

Talarth babbled on, and Steephi just barely kept a straight face and stifled a giggle.

She replied sarcastically. You’re a big help, you know?

Yet even in spite of herself, she couldn’t repress a smile. How she loved her dragon! Her life had been empty before. Someone in the room cleared their throat and snickered, but she didn’t know who. A pair of light green eyes watched her, and the girl snickered again. “Sorry” she said curtly, not in the least sorry. The girl watched her intensely. “Talarth was just telling me how much poor Clarith hated the drills because of her rider.” She had picked up on a dragon name and used it. To her satisfaction, the girl blanched. “Yes, it seems as though the poor green would rather not fight. Wants to clutch herself.” She laughed lightheartedly at thought, and others joined in. The green rider stood up, her face black, and Steephi smiled gaily at her. “Careful with that dragon of yours. She’ll get you into trouble,” Steephi scoffed, still smiling, but her eyes were icy cold. The girl sniffed and walked out of the room, dragging a young brown rider with her.
She returned to watching her audience. They had all grown silent, and she gazed at each one in turn. There were a few more female green riders, and, to her surprise, a female blue rider. Talarth primly informed her that the blue, Scarith, was also female, by a quirk. Nodding politely to the woman, whom she had been staring at, she coughed, and started again. “So, you will all have to help me. Even after being here for so long, I hardly know you all.” She smiled sweetly to Misson, who blushed as deeply as his tan would allow, and a few of the younger riders snickered at her boldness. She looked around the room and arched one eyebrow. “Okay…umm…you,” she pointed to an older rider who wore a brown’s knot on his shoulder. “Help me out. What’s supposed to be going on, since no one else will tell me.”
Sitting up from his slouched position, the man grunted. “’ello Miss.”
“My name is Steephi, thank you.”
“Sorry Miss Steephi,” he grunted, reaching up to scratch his head with grubby fingers. “This is just a meeting to determine who will mentor you.” He grinned, showing brown teeth worn with age. “Me name is Moher. Me dragon is Interth. We’re usually the watchdragon, but Johua” He looked over to the handsome man, then back to Steephi, daring her to say something of his slip. “Johua suggested I come to the meeting. Good thing I did to, eh Miss?”
Her fingers gripped the fabric of her dress tighter. “It’s—” His eyes danced at her discomfort. Loosening her grip on the dress, she smiled at him. “It’s nice of you to have come, Moher. Yes, Johua did make a good choice in having you come to the meeting.” She glanced over to the former Dragon Leader. His handsome face was lined with sadness, and his eyes looked old, despite his mere 35 years. His Lady’s suicide had hit him hard, and yet he still managed the training and leadership of the Dragon City. His eyes were the only part that showed his weariness. His hair was neatly brushed, and his shirt was tight over his muscles. Looking around the room, Steephi saw that most of the dragonmen in the room looked similar: bulging muscles, tan faces, and dark hair. One or two had red hair, and a couple more had blonde, but they were all so alike.
Johua nodded to her and stood up. “Very good, Dragon Lady Steephi. You handled that very well. Siani shall be in good hands.” Steephi couldn’t detect any bitterness in his voice as he gave her the title of his former mate. He must have been a wonderful leader. “Like you said, I should introduce all the men and here today.” His voice drifted off, and Steephi absently nodded to each man in turn. Fillip of blue Casinth, Garrett of bronze Gareth, Cimeeron, Garrett’s twin, of brown Asenth, Arely of blue Sath, Mehuu of green Janicth, Jothan of bronze Hathon, a couple more browns and blue, an ancient green rider, and one or two bronze riders were introduced. The man paused, and the blue female rider blinked patiently at him. “And this is Salone, rider of blue Scarith, and Morgan of green Katrionath.” Both nodded politely. Johua cleared his throat and glanced almost anxiously at the clock. After a few minutes, he sat back resignedly in his chair, and she couldn’t help wondering who else was supposed to be here. “Now that you’ve met everyone—“
The door to the room slammed open, cutting off Johua. “Sorry, Johua. Master Degger called me out to help him move some of the smiths’ equipment. It took Bomarth and Sonarth all day.” The Dragon Leader shot a stern look at the man, and he grinned. “To waste time is a crime!” he almost sang Johua’s favorite saying, and got a sterner look in response from the man while others snickered behind him. “What did I miss?” he asked, shoved forward a few steps as a brown rider ran into him.
“Hurry up and move! Stars above, Bryan, I don’t want to be in too much trouble!” the other man hissed, and Bryan let him pass.
“Anyway,” he continued. “Bomarth told me there was something important back here. You could hardly expect me to miss it.” The man was hardly nineteen, and he had shockingly blue eyes. Scraping a chair back, he sat down and looked expectantly at his leader.
Stifling a giggle, Steephi said, “I guess, Sir, I haven’t met everyone

yet, have I?” Johua looked mildly surprised then smiled. Turning to the newcomer, Steephi smiled at him. “Hi, Bryan, glad you could make it.”
The rider shifted his gaze from Johua and looked over at her. Pulling off his helmet, he ran his fingers through light blonde hair. “Umm, hi…” He blushed and glanced back over to Johua. “I’m Bryan. I ride bronze Bomarth. Sorry about being late, Miss.”
Before Steephi could say a word, Moher grunted. “Her name is Steephi, you fool! Don’t you know your Dragon Ladies?” he mocked, batting invisible lashes at the bronze dragonrider. “We wouldn’t want to offend her majesty, now would we?” His stony gaze had shifted onto Steephi, and she felt herself burning with embarrassment.
She desperately looked around the room for a face to help her, staring purposefully away from Bryan. “She is no majesty, Moher,” a calm voice responded. Shocked and furious, she turned to look at the speaker. Terevoor winked at her and continued in

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