» Science Fiction » The Antic Six, Mzamo Duke, Sifili [good books to read for beginners txt] 📗

Book online «The Antic Six, Mzamo Duke, Sifili [good books to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author Mzamo Duke, Sifili

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saw him as a loser. But losers turn to be heroes. She was now jealous of Jenny.


The technique was fighting and forming at the same time and by that it combined the virus cells with the blood cells creating strong physical phenomenon cells that changed the body system's behaviour forming phantasmal abilities.


Now they had guns and supernatural cognition, they felt that their bodies were light and for their weapons as well. Jake told Russ shoot at that fly. Russ speedily snatched his gun and shot at the fly and bullseye he got it.

He told Russ that he can lock on target meaning his vision made everything slower for him to take the advantage. He said to Johnson to run as fast as he could, with the zoom Johnson vanished and found himself at the bottom of the hill. He had the speed of the flash. Johnson appeared in front of them and told them that there's a heard of deceased coming this way.

“Don't be afraid guys this is the moment we've been waiting for!, let's take this as training”, said Jake.

“let's go we'll kill them all, asiba sabi!”, said Johnson.

“Come on blood suckers come and taste conclusion!”, Russ added.

“Let's train guys, lets go!”, said Jake.


They came across the zombies. This was amazing to watch it was like the western wars, soldiers with guns. They used their weapons to defend themselves. Russ was now not missing a creature and Johnson was enjoying his speed and killing more of them. Jake was grabbing and kicking them and landing down the hill.

“You're messing my favourite spot you blood suckers!”, as he fights them his also tossing them down.

“taste that, here you too, loving this guys!”, said Russ as he keeps on shooting at every head of each zombie”.

 As Johnson fight his battle is like, he is invincible because his powers are faster that the eyes could see. But to the two's progression they could see him. Phiwo was amazed by this but too late for her, she was busy stubborn and she could have been strong too if she went to meditate. They trained and trained until they could defeat a thousands of them. They finally killed them all.


Jake was thinking about Jenny. she was in grave danger if he would delay time. But he thought that they should hunt the thugs who killed Russ's family first. They got inside the car to sleep. As his friends are sleeping Jake got out to think. He wanted to commune with Jenny just to hear her voice again.


Down the hill he saw some thugs and woke Russ. “Russ wake up bro, come and spot this”, shouted Jake waking Russ. But Russ was in wonderland, he went to him to wake him up. He almost kicked Jake.

“Dude do you know those guys down there? Come on wake up”, Jake asked and Russ replied that he knew those guys. “Those rascals robbed my home one night and we reported it, they got arrested and got out the same night and threatened to kill every breath of my family”, said Russ. Johnson was snoring like hell and Russ woke him up.

“Dude wake you snore too much I can't even breath”,said Russ waking Johnson up.

“Ha ha ha, yeah well I didn’t sleep because of you snorey cat”, added Jake teasing Russ.


They went down and to run into these thugs. “Hey Puwe look it's the kid that snitched us out to de cops”, one thug said, the other one said, “Yeah, shouldn’t you be dead by now”.

Puwe said, “How was your family kid are they dead”. The thugs laughed and they went to capture him. Puwe noticed Phiwo in the car and told one of his guy to capture her. The guy went to her and Russ was loosing himself and threatened to kill him if he would hurt her.

“She's your girl boy!, she is quite beautiful my boys and I hadn't got the meat in years now I think she is quite the meat type, right boys”, said the Puwe and his guys were happy to finally meet a woman to release themselves.

“Now you scam-berg! You they call Puwe, you heard my friend here, he said don’t touch her and was it you who did that to my friend's house?”, Jake asked.

“So what if it's me kid are you gonna kill me, we're just gonna play with her nothing more”,answered Puwe, and his puppies laughed.

“I don't kill humans but in this case we have no choice you murdered my friend’s family first”, answered Jake.

“Get out of town kid unless you want to be meat, what do you think sweetheart should I kill them”,said Puwe and touching Phiwo.

“Is that a threat coz I hate when someone threatens me”, said Jake.

“Kid you're starting to disgust me, kill him boys!”,said Puwe.

They ran to Jake and his friends. They hold them down and they couldn't move. Phiwo was screaming and trying to get him off her but he grasped her until she screamed. The thugs underestimated their enemy and made a careless move.

“Guys we have no choice but to strike”, said Jake.

“That's it I've heard enough of this guy”, said Russ.

Puwe laughed but had no idea that these kids possessed tremendous cognition. “Is that your car right there it's mine now!”, said Puwe.

Jake was so angry at him and told his friends to beat the crap out of these guys. Russ went to fight Puwe while Jake and Johnson are battling the thugs. They took a rope and tied them at an electricity pole and went to Puwe. Phiwo was so pleased with Russ's bravery and kissed him on the chick, he defeated Puwe.


“So you’re still alive huh”, said Jake. “Please spare me please, I beg you”,said Puwe while crying.

“kill them”, said Phiwo.

“No we don’t kill humans, let's let fate decide what to do to them”, said Jake.

Russ was angry but Jake managed to settle him, he wanted him to suffer the way his family suffered when his mother and brother did.

They tied Puwe to the rest of his crew.


Night was almost there and the zombies were almost gathering themselves waiting for the shadows to egress. Johnson took a stick and lighting it with fire and thrown it to them, “don’t let it burn out or you are all dead”, he said. They rushed and took the stick trying to scare the zombies away but their hunger was most terrifying. Jake and his friends took their car and left them struggling to scare the zombies away but they were not succeeding. The stick reached the end, the zombies got in the game. They ate them up till their souls vanished to hell.
























Jake was hitting zombies in the road. Russ and Phiwo were sleeping at the back seat. Her head was on his shoulder.


They droved for a long distance through the R310 passing the Wolfgat Nature Reserve. They entered Mitchell’s Plain through M49 road.


 Their car heated up and stopped in the middle of the night. They switched off the light but too bad for them they were spotted by one zombie and thought they were safe. But underestimating their opposition, it outcry its roar and calling it's friend to prey. The zombies came from the shadows to eat and now Jake and his friends found themselves in an unplanned occurrence. They thought if they stay for long and hide in the car the zombies would outnumber them and they’ll be surrounded having no way to run.


They got out of the car and ran for shelter. They found a barren shop at the Tafelberg street and stashed in, inside they found zombies eating someone and they layed low to be unnoticeable. But Phiwo kicked a can by mistake and the zombies stopped and looked at the direction. They rushed there and Jake and his friends snuck out of the shadows and fought them, fortunate for them the zombies were not too many. They killed them all and checked if the place was really barren just to make sure.


They made dinner with the food they found and locked all doors. In the morning they made a cup of coffee and ate bread. Jake told them that they should check the mall to find what to wear and Phiwo was loving this idea 'shopping'.


They took the M32 road passing the AZ Berman High School. They took the right going with the Katdoring street passing the Mitchell’s Plain Traffic Department and turned to the fourth Avenue.


“Guys we're here take out your weapon we might get into something”, said Jake

Russ and Johnson took their weapons out, “Here Phiwo I made this weapon for you”, said Russ.

“I'm too beautiful for weapons hold it for me” said Phiwo and Jake was starting to get annoyed.

“Beautiful, tsh!,” said Jake. “I’m guessing that I’m more beautiful than that girlfriend of yours.” said Phiwo.

Jake turned to her and now she was dismayed. “You know what I think I’m going to leave you hear, start mentioning Jenny again and see what happens don’t shuffle me I’m warning you girl!”. She just stand there for a minute and ran to them.

“So her name is Jenny huh, a wonderful name”, said Jake.

He was starting to get more annoyed by her and wanted her to leave. As they are getting inside the mall, three guys appeared out of nowhere and armed with guns. They told them to freeze and some of them got out of the shop. “Who are you and what are you doing here”, one of the guys said.

“Well we're us and would you let us in?”, Phiwo thinking her beauty will work but just made them hostages. They were taken to the store room and stripped their weapon and food. Jake was praying so that they do not take his puppies. Unfortunately they took them and everything inside the car.


They were tied tight and found other people inside the store room. “See what you just did, I could have talked to those guy but you just blew it, I’m so sick of you, Jake we should leave her behind”, said Johnson. Jake and Russ calmed him down. “Phiwo didn’t do anything good to them but succeed into driving us into trouble”, said Johnson.

“Guys she did what she thought was right”, said Russ.

“Protecting her now huh, seducing is not a right way into persuading someone and she's young, those guys were older then her, are you a prostitute?”, Johnson asked and Phiwo just sat there and watched.

“Guys come on (looking at her, disgusted), we've come a long way just to fight over a girl she's not even worth it, yes but that's what they want us fighting together, not against them pull it together!”, said Jake trying to calm them down and stopping them from fighting, “I’ve figured something out, to escape out of here, there’s a window right there and we can use to to get out”,said Jake.

“But how are we going to get out of here first”, asked Russ. “I have a knife in my back pocket, come and grab it Russ”, said Jake. Russ took the knife, cut loose himself and loosening Jake and Johnson. He gave the other people who were captured to loosen themselves up.


They used the window and found stairs. “Guys what about me I’m to beautiful to stay in a place like this?”, Phiwo asked them. “Oh no! This place suits you best, you’re on your own”, said Jake angrily. “You’ve done enough, I’m sick of you” said Johnson.

“Russ, not you too, please”, she said sympathetically but Russ just look at her and went out of the window leaving her behind but Russ seemed to like Phiwo but she was so all mighty to see and now she's on her own.


“Shouldn't we be going down”, asked Russ. “So you’re suggesting that we should leave our weapons and my puppies I’ve came a long way to leave them here. Now everything was clear to Russ and now he missed his riffles and his sniper. “Yeah you're right I

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