Make IT Real!, Sander R.B.E. Beals [uplifting novels .TXT] 📗

- Author: Sander R.B.E. Beals
Book online «Make IT Real!, Sander R.B.E. Beals [uplifting novels .TXT] 📗». Author Sander R.B.E. Beals
The program features a lot of hitherto unsurfaced footage, apparently made specifically for this documentary. It fills in the blanks, like how come the hole in the Pentagon wasn't at all big enough to accommodate the type of plane they claimed had flown in there: a cruise missile had tried to impersonate the much bigger plane. The president is highly visible during the film, usually superimposed over the actual footage, and pointing out the locations of interest. No clues lead me to believe that this would not be George W. Bush himself. I've seen plenty of the man, and clearly recognize his mannerisms, his way of speaking. If this is not Georgie, then somebody must have cloned the guy. And don't think that that's not yet possible. But still that question keeps nagging: “Who would benefit?” Let's assume for the moment that it is the infamous American leader. Why would he want to make such a compromising video, if he didn't do it? That would be political harikiri, if the “wrong” people got their hands on it. Wrong being of course the wrong word, because in this case the “wrong” people are actually the right people, savvy?
So the intended audience was probably not the audience of CNN, but a much more secretive clique. Maybe the people that tell Georgie when to jump? Apparently, the makers of this film never thought it would attract such a wide and interested audience. Throughout the duration of the movie, lots of names are laid bare, which shows the conspiracy to run rampant in American government circles. As the program continues, the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen shows the reactions in the United States. Reports of riots breaking out first in Washington DC, and then in New York. These are quickly followed by rioting and demonstrations all across the country. After a while, CNN inserts a message that tells us the documentary will be finished first, as they prepare news footage on the resulting riots.
Georgie now comments on the actual collapse of the towers. Proudly he tells how the actual blasting was concealed by the collapsing building, by blowing it from the top to the bottom. On various conspiracy sites I'd already seen how errors in the blasting pattern were actually not hidden by the cloud of debris falling down. Besides, how can you hide the fact that the towers came down at near free fall speed? I guess none of us can control time yet....
It is obvious that the news of the day overshadows the family decision that needs to be taken. We decide to let it rest for now, because staying up top suddenly has become a lot more attractive. It's not every day that you get the opportunity to reshape your world after some event has turned it upside down!
The next few days were what I called the fire-fighting days: almost everyone I talked to was completely consumed by the recent events, and what it would do to our planet. Keeping cool, I indicated to most of them, that signs of what just came out had been there to read on the Web for everybody. It's just that most people don't actually start listening until alternative explanations dare to encroach upon their reality. As long as they can explain it away with either arguments or sheer disbelief, they are not really interested. But obviously, it was too late for that now. But there was no reason to panic: things are never as bleak as they seem, and truth coming out is always positive, no matter how far reaching it may seem.
It was weird to see it happen: the American government fell, leaving a big gaping hole. But Nature abhors a vacuum, and in this case, the hole was immediately filled by a temporary government that had the interest of the people at heart. Never knew that politics could move that swiftly. In a matter of days, the good old US of A was up and running again, only this time based on the original Constitution. But scandals are almost always interlinked because it's the same 'select' group of people that think of and execute them. So the 9/11 domino toppled the one about the London subway bombings, and from there on, lots of other 'secret' stuff. It looked a lot like Domino D-Day 2008. Fortunately, falling governments all across the World met with equally eager representatives standing in the wings to take over. I guess about three quarters of Earth's political structure was remodeled in the weeks following the trigger event.
And that's about when we were ready for the next big thing....
4444AD, Day 297, 13:49, Liberator
“Geostationary orbit achieved”, Haley announces through the ship's intercom. Her husky voice woke me up, from a very pleasant dream indeed. Yes, androids dream, but they don't really do nightmares. Haven't had one of those since that childhood terror back in the incarnation where Selina and I have engineered our coming together. Back then, just like the frequent migraines I had as a kid, the nightmares stopped one day, and pleasant or at least non-frightening storylines took their place.
Selina's seductively covered body shows no signs of coming awake, so I decide to do the preliminary surveillance of our destination solo. I get up, slip into my one-piece flight suit, and walk the corridor towards the control room.
“Talk to me, little one!”, I say as I set myself down in the left seat. “How can you say that? Dimension-wise, I am far greater than you.”, Haley replies. I laugh, and explain to her my predilection for using terms of endearment, that as far as I'm concerned are in no way derogatory. Actually, I've always been quite fond of the 'little ones'.
With that out of the way, Haley is back to her usual very matter-of-fact self: “I'm reading a very regular structure down there, like this planet is the same all the way down to the core.” I reflect on that for a moment, for that would mean it is artificially created in some way: Gravity has the naturally formed planets all ending up hollow, simply because of its nature. In the center of any mass, gravity is essentially zero, because all gravitational vectors cancel each other out. So basically, as you go deeper into a body of mass, gravity diminishes. Physics 101, if you think about it. And any inconsistency in the centering of the central suns is equalized out by the fact that the planet revolves around it.
“Can you tell me more about the internal structure? Is it safe to visit?”, I continue my interrogation. “Breathable atmosphere,” Haley replies: “and I'm sensing a very regular structure indeed: it is shaped in onion-like layers, consisting of hexagonal spaces, most of them filled by much material, and others mostly empty space. The patterns I sense in the different layers are like gigantic snow crystals, eight to each layer.”
“Let me think, mostly semiconductors, forty-two times the size of the Earth”, I think out loud. “42.8571428571428571 times to be exact.”, Haley interjects: “and that number repeats its last six digits ad infinitum”, she almost proudly adds to that. “What will we find down there?” I wonder out loud. “Lots of electrical activity, at least in the crowded spaces. But the open space connect together like a highly regular maze of tunnels”, Haley adds to her already very verbose explanation. I decide it's is time to go wake Selina, for this was fun solo, but proper planetary exploration requires her brilliant female take on things.
I should have known that waking a beautiful woman takes time. Not that you can't get them awake, it's just that once awake, you might get caught up in their affections. And not being one to shun affection, it is around three before I can free myself from Selina's embrace, and ask her to accompany me down to the planet. We have Haley pick a safe spot, somewhere close to the surface, where the air is breathable, and we will be shielded from the cosmic radiation that is so prevalent on the surface. We step onto the pad, and watch the confines of the Liberator make way for a decidedly caramel interior: we've landed smack in the middle of a hexagonal room, with lots of doors in the walls. I quickly count seven doors in each of the six sides of the hexagon, but our view of them is peculiar to say the least: all are glass doors, except the center door of each side. That is opaque, and one of the colors of the rainbow. The view through each of the doors is as varied as a mail order catalog. Selina and I wonder about these strange doors, and how their placement in these walls would suggest they open up to the same room behind the wall, but how the view through the glass doors is highly indicative of something far more mysterious at work.
Just that moment, we both hear a voice, that seems to come from inside our heads: “Welcome, Sander and Selina. It is an honor to receive you here”. We startle, for how on Earth could this unknown voice have known our names, when we are not even in our own universe? “I know all, about everything there is to know”, the voice continues. “Who are you then?”, Selina says, because she never believed in wasting opportunity. For one fleeting moment, there is a silence. “If you are referring to the 'planet' you are on, it is but one of my nodes. Reading your query for information, I could probably most eloquently identify myself as 'the Akashic Records', the library of the Cosmos”, the voice says, but it immediately adds an afterthought: “but that is in fact just a persona. I simply am....”
In awe of the humbling presence before us, both Selina and myself stay silent for the next minute or so. It is enticing to believe the wild claim, but being of limited intelligence compared to this entity, we wish to be convinced of his or her claims. “You really don't fully realize yet, do you? That you are both one and the same, and so am I?”, the voice says. We look at one another, and for the first time, that feeling of true oneness kicks in. I no longer have to talk to my lady, to know her every feeling: she's in awe, but not in any way frightened. Her mind forms a question, to which we both know the answer.... “November 11th, 2011, is when you Selina, rang Sander's doorbell to initiate the crucial meeting that brought you together in that life, which you engineered from this one, prior to your coming here”, the voice states in a matter-of-fact tone, proving (s)he is on the line into our minds as well. We are literally blown away. Such a complete answer, and even before we had actually asked!
The next few hours we talk to the voice, and discover her to be knowledgeable about a lot of things. But more important than the things we did talk about, was the fact that a lot of things not talked about
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