» Science Fiction » The Truth, E FromHebs [motivational novels .txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth, E FromHebs [motivational novels .txt] 📗». Author E FromHebs

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Would you do anything - Luke's P.O.V

Sail 693, that has to mean something.

"What does it mean?" I ask

"I don't know, I'll go and get my laptop" 

A few seconds later she came running back with her purple laptop and opened up BING. She then typed into google maps 'Sail 693', it came up with a location.

"Yes! That's it!" I yelled with excitement

"Slow down, it might just be a coincidence"

"Yeah, but it's worth a try"

"Fine" she stood up, ready to go



"Where are we headed?"

"Down by the quay, there should be a row of boats, the is one with the number 693 written on it, that's the one"


We almost ran the whole way there, the problem was, we couldn't take the car, because there wasn't any parking down there. So we had to walk, but after 10 minutes or so, we were there. In front of us was a massive ferry with the number 693 printed on the side of it.

"Well, this is our boat"

Nearly dead

Dead? Not quite. Alive? I'm not so sure. It's about time that I just gave up on them, maybe they made it all up, maybe they worked for the Darkness, and this was a plan all along. I always imagined what my first kiss would be like, and now I know, not all boys you can trust, but how was I to know they were working for the darkness? I wonder what I would say to him if I ever saw him again, I thought it over in my head.

Luke, did you really lie to me? Are you really evil? Did you ever even love me? 

If I was ever to write a book called 'A thousand things to do when you are kidnapped' then that would be number one. The sound of metal on metal has become familiar to me, but I have never known what it really is, and that is what made me curious. Much as I would like to know what is going on in the outside world right now, I know that if I ask, I have about 50 percent chances of living through this, and that's not enough.

Abruptly I heard a different sound, the sound of flesh on wood, and alot of shouting, but should I take the risk of shouting myself? The answer was obvious.

"Help!" I shouted, as loud as I can, which was hard as my throat was dying

I heard that metal on metal sound coming from outside my little cell, and then the door flung open, and (hopefully) for the last time, light flooded into my eyes.

"Lena?" I heard a voice, I knew it from somewhere

"Open your eyes" the voice said, I opened my eyes, and me jaw dropped.

"Luke" I said


He pulled me into his embracing arms, now this hell was over, or maybe not quite.

"What happened to-"

"We took care of it, for now, which is why we have to get out of here, now"

 He helped me out of the cage, and put an arm around me. It's been so long since I've stood up that actually it feels so wrong. I looked around me to see where I was being kept prisoner, it was large, and kind of fancy, with tea cups and tables.

"Where are we?" I ask

"On a Ferry"


I hobbled along next to Luke, trying to keep up as best as I could. But then he stopped in the middle of the doorway up ahead.

"Luke, what's-"

But what I saw almost made me faint. A woman stood in front of us, short black hair and very green eyes, she opened her mouth to speak

"Hello dear"

Alive for now

I dreaded the words before they were even said.

"Lena, honey, it's me. Mum" the woman said

I couldn't take it any more, I let go of Luke's hand and limped over to her.



I hugged her, the way I had done when I was twelve, tears ran down my face as all of the memories came back.

"But, but how, why, wh-"

"I'll explain later, but we need to go before it wakes up"

We found the exit to the ferry and before we knew it, we were by the quay.

"Shoot, we don't have a car" Luke said

"Don't worry, I have one" Mum sounded alert and frightened

We walked over to her car, and I was lifted into the back seat, with Luke and Saphire sat next to me.

"You're going to be okay now" Saphire reassured me

I nodded, in spite of everything that has happened, I didn't feel that hurt or scared.

"How did you find me?" I ask

"Your postcode, it was a number and a word, and we followed it, and it led us to you"

"Clever" I teased

We were driving towards the house, and then the car bolted around and headed in the other direction.

"Mum, where are you going?" I demand

"It's not safe there anymore"

"Why not?"

"Because it's there"

That made me silent. And everyone else. Was life always this difficult? I have just been abducted by a fairy tale character, and now I am stuck in a car with my presumed dead mother and have absolutely no clue where we are going!! I just remembered, my Grandma.

"My Grandma!" I shouted

"What about her?" asked Luke

"Well, she'll be so worried!"

"Not, necessarily"

"Why not"

He sighed, "Let me explain"


What he told me was beyond belief, my own Grandma, a part of this! Apparently she was the one that told Mum and Dad to go away, for my own protection, and then - the next part made me want to jump out of the car - he told me that my parents were light warriors 

 too, which is extreemley hard to take in, but there is one question that was still floating in my mind.

"Mum" I ask, "Where is Dad?"

She didn't reply at first, and then she took a shaky breath


"No, no no no, you said that-"

"I didn't say anything"

"But Luke did" I looked at him, and his expression was hurt and upset, I touched his arm.

"Sorry" I say

"No, I am, I didn't know-"

"That my Dad's dead, yeah, I know"

My future will be quite messed up now. Torn apart by love, reunited by family...

Remembering - Cassia's P.O.V


I walked through the door of our large apartment, the smell of fried chicken and potatoes hit me like a brick wall. I went into the kitchen, where Liam was stood, cooking dinner.

"Hello, your back early" he said

"Yes, they let me leave earlier than expected"

"I can imagine"

"Where's Lena?"

"I put her to bed a few minutes ago"

"I'll go and say goodnight"

I walked to the pink door with the name plate 'Lena' on it, and pushed the door open. Lying on the purple bed was Lena, five years old, a spitting image of me. When she saw me walk in, she sat up in her bed.

"Mummy!" she cried, so happy to see me

"Yes I am here" I went over to hug her, when I saw the book in her hands

"What's that your reading?" I asked

"I don't know what it's called" she handed me the book, and I looked on the front cover. No. That can't be right.

"Sweetie" I said, suddenly panicking, "I think it's time you go to sleep"

"But Mummy it's only six"

"Go to bed dear" I kissed her head and then frantically walked out of the room and back to Liam.

"Did you know she had this!?" I was angry, but then when I showed him the book, his face went straight.


I looked down at the front cover of the book again.



"Mum? Mum?" I ask, suddenly worried

She snapped out of her trance


"What were you doing"


"Remembering what?"

"When you were little, I had come back from work, and you Father had put you

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