» Science Fiction » Solar Warden, Jakob Waechter [book club suggestions .TXT] 📗

Book online «Solar Warden, Jakob Waechter [book club suggestions .TXT] 📗». Author Jakob Waechter

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habitable one. There were no other signals of a civilization detected so the decision was made without worries. They jumped closer to the uninhabited planet and used him as cover. They found two more much smaller moons not suitable for cover around the habitable planet.

This time they had to stay longer to evaluate everything. But as here also no uncommon signals were found and visuals seemed to have found nothing of importance. They skipped to send shuttles down. It was time for their essential approach to a planet with possible life. Already their scans showed water and indication of vegetation. They jumped into hyperspace and moved to the cover position of the moon. They decided to use the quick active scan again.

“Nothing found. We are clear to go,” Clark informed.

“Exit hyperspace. Send the scout probes closer to the moon and scan.” It was the altered protocol for a habitable planet they worked out which the Captain now used.

At once the sensor officer scanned with the passive ship sensors as it was his duty. But even after one hour there was no sign of uncommon activity found.

“Send the stealth probes to the orbits and move closer to the moon. Get the scout probes back,” the Captain ordered.

Newman also was on the bridge and checked on a terminal the incoming data.

“Suggestions?” the Captain asked.

“As planned, one-day scanning of the planet with the stealth probes. Then we have to decide to send one to the planet,” Newman replied.

That day was a very long one. The shift changed and Newman was nervous enough not getting to much sleep. Others had the same problem. Finally, the shift switched to them again. They used three shifts to get the best quality out. This also helped for the sleep problems a bit. The one-day scanning was over. They had a planet like Earth with a bit less gravity. But life is there for sure. Still there were no signals of a civilization nor other signs they searched for.

“With that data we have, the decision for me is easy, I would send a stealth probe now. Any objection?” the Captain had time. It would not matter now if he sends the probe now or some days later.

Also Commander Knight was on the bridge.

“Well there is no way back if we do this,” Newman noted.

“Sure it is, we jump into hyperspace and fly home,” the Captain countered.

“For that we need to fly further away from the moon first,” Newman replied.

“Yes, but why should we leave at once. Our probe finds something, gets scanned or even intercepted. At what point is there an imminent threat that is important enough to stop collecting intel. We also should get our stealth probes back. Therefore, we stay closer to the moon.” The Captain waited. It was a bit of silence now on the bridge.

“Well, at the end I think everyone wants to know what’s there,” Newman said.

“Newman, to get intel we have to risk something,” Commander Knight noted.

“OK. Send a stealth probe to the planet,” Fisher commanded, knowing there was anyways no other choice.

“Probe away,” Clark replied.

“Now we can plan for our next action. It will take quite some time till the orbit of the planet and then another day till the full orbit scan is done. The next step would be to jump, orbit the planet and send the shuttles down or only jump near the planet.” The Captain didn't want a faster scan also the probe had to stay in sight to transmit the data in real-time.

Everyone were on their duty now while the stealth probes sent the data to analyze.

The probe nearly reached the orbit, as suddenly an object appeared, coming from the backside of the planet.

“Sir, we got an incoming vessel on the probe,” the sensor officer informed.

It was the next shift. The executing officer was on duty.

“Inform the Captain. Wake him up if you need to,” he replied.

“It's accelerating. There is also a satellite spotted now and a second one which are scanning our probe,” the sensor officer notified.

“I hope the automatic scans the incoming vessel. It would be bad if we send commands to the probe. But our moon probes can be informed to focus passively on the vessel. So focus with them now,” the XO ordered.

“Affirmative,” the sensor officer replied, then continued. “Incoming active scan on the probe. We get now data of the vessel the probes automatic has been triggered.”

“On screen,” Portman the XO commanded.

They saw a similar vessel they had in their archives. It was of the kind with the hyperdrive. There was light coming now out of the front and moved very fast against the probe. Then the data stream was lost.

“Probe destroyed,” the sensor officer reported.

“And the vessel?” the XO asked.

“Seems heading back to the planet,” came the answer.

“Do we have the satellites on sensors?” the XO wanted to know.

“No, only the probe near the planet could detect them. But we have their course and can estimate their position,” the sensor officer replied.

“Captain on the bridge,” someone called.

The XO turned and reported what happened.

“Good, the vessel we could spot so we would see it coming. Move the ship further away from the moon. I want to be able to jump within one minute if needed. For now, I think they haven’t detected us. So we can think and plan our options. Let the current shift plan, if something is heading to us jump away in time and head for Earth. Retrieve the stealth probe if you can do that undetected. I go to sleep and check the plans tomorrow,” Fisher ordered.

“Yes, sir,” the XO replied.



3 Decisions

Two shifts later Ryan and all other SW team leaders were in the briefing room with the Captain.

“You all seen the analysis done till now. We encountered an alien race. Probably from the ship design the one we got the hyperspace technology from. There are two satellites sighted in the orbit and we assume that it will be three orbiting the planet in the pattern we calculated. To gain more intel our options are quite limited if we don't want to expose the Icarus. The plan which I think makes most sense is to send another stealth probe escorted by two combat drones. Those drones also can be used to scan the planet and if they succeed to protect our probe they are able to destroy the satellites which opens up the possibility to move the Icarus near the planet unseen. Suggestions?” the Captain looked around.

“Well, they started shooting. But when we continue with that, things might escalate faster as we want. It also would be more difficult if we decide to land or plan to make a peaceful contact. So I suggest we send two shuttles to the orbit of the moon to make contact with them. This gives us an option to talk. Also to send commands to the probes and drones while the Icarus and the stealth probes on the moon stay hidden. The shuttle can be unmanned. They are just a decoy to suggest the probes and drones came from them. This means we have still the option to withdraw with the Icarus unseen while we have full control of our forces. But also we should be aware that they can analyze our drone command communication then.” Ryan worked out the plan with his team earlier.

“This sounds good. But from the behavior of this race in the Sole system I assume they are hostile. It is a nice attempt. But even if they respond we should be cautious. Such situations are very information dependent. This means the one with the better reconnaissance has a clear advantage. The question here is, if we start to talk they might identify us coming from Earth for sure. Then if we have to retreat they know where to go,” Commander Knight worried.

“That's a good point, Commander Knight. Can we send a message without exposing us coming from Earth? I mean till now shooting down a sensor probe is the same thing we do in our Solar system. That might be just a common behavior. Those probes could be on their travel for hundreds of years. When we do act further they know at least someone is still in their system,” Captain Fisher argued.

“I see the problem, too. As soon we act again they might call for reinforcements or start a search after they cleared our next attempt. Then we have for sure limited time to do something. But the point is for sure how much we want to give away from us and what risks we want to take to gain more intel that we need for sure. I mean if we send a very simple binary message they might not understand it. If we send a more complex one, they can determine for sure who we are. But at least understand it,” Ryan added.

“The point is I need to know what they have on the planet. Flying back without that information gives us nearly nothing to prepare for and we sure have to come back. Also they already know of our existence and of our capabilities except the hyperspace ability. So they are sure in advantage. It does not matter which plan we use, the risk of exposing us coming from Earth is there. We can limit that by reducing the content of the message. That will do it I think. The behavior from them then could also give us useful information. But we know they already probed us. It’s time to get even. Our mission is to get as much intel for a risk we can handle. So we stick with Ryan's plan. Is there any objection?” Fisher asked. There was none.

“Good. Then things will be go faster from now on. Prepare your teams for landing on the planet. One way or the other. Dismissed,” the Captain made a decision.

One hour later everything was prepared. They started the stealth probe, drones and shuttles. It took a while to get to the visual position to the planet. The shuttles stopped and the other vessels continued their journey. After waiting a quarter of an Earth day, they started to send the message on different frequencies and repeated it for an hour. It was a simple message trying to say we come in peace but protect our vessels. The probe and the drones continued their travel and finally closed in for the orbit. Still there was no answer. But additionally to the satellites a vessel appeared again coming from the backside of the planet. It headed straight for the probe's position. The escorting combat drones went for an interception course. One of them further ahead than the other. With the programed behavior they did not need to send any command to the drones. Still there was no answer or anything that could be one. So no abort command was sent.

The alien ship which now was identified as the same triangular ship as last time made the targeting scan, immediately the combat drone made an evasive maneuver. The light on the front of the alien ship went on. This was a further indicator to alter the course again. A fast lighting beam headed to the first drone and missed it. Immediately the second drone

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