Accelerando, Charles Stross [classic novels for teens .TXT] 📗

- Author: Charles Stross
- Performer: 0441014151
Book online «Accelerando, Charles Stross [classic novels for teens .TXT] 📗». Author Charles Stross
been messing with your phenotype?” he asks suspiciously.
“No, this is what I used to look like. I think. Back in the naked ape
again, after all these years as an emergent function of a flock of
passenger pigeons.” His grandfather smirks. “What’s your mother going
to say?”
“I really don’t know -” Sirhan shakes his head. “Come on, let’s get
you to immigrant processing. You’re sure you’re not just an historical
The place is already heaving with the resimulated. Just why the Vile
Offspring seem to feel it’s necessary to apply valuable exaquops to
the job of deriving accurate simulations of dead humans - outrageously
accurate simulations of long-dead lives, annealed until their written
corpus matches that inherited from the presingularity era in the form
of chicken scratchings on mashed tree pulp - much less beaming them at
the refugee camps on Saturn - is beyond Sirhan’s ken: But he wishes
they’d stop.
“Just a couple of days ago I crapped on your lawn. Hope you don’t
mind.” Manfred cocks his head to one side and stares at Sirhan with
beady eyes. “Actually, I’m here because of the upcoming election. It’s
got the potential to turn into a major crisis point, and I figured
Amber would need me around.”
“Well you’d better come on in, then,” Sirhan says resignedly as he
climbs the steps, enters the foyer, and leads his turbulent
grandfather into the foggy haze of utility nanomachines that fill the
He can’t wait to see what his mother will do when she meets her father
in the flesh, after all this time.
Welcome to Saturn, your new home world. This FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) memeplex is designed to orient you and explain the
* How you got here
* Where “here” is
* Things you should avoid doing
* Things you might want to do as soon as possible
* Where to go for more information
If you are remembering this presentation, you are probably
resimulated. This is not the same as being resurrected. You may
remember dying. Do not worry: Like all your other memories, it is a
fabrication. In fact, this is the first time you have ever been alive.
(Exception: If you died after the singularity, you may be a genuine
resurrectee. In which case, why are you reading this FAQ?)
How you got here:
The center of the solar system - Mercury, Venus, Earth’s Moon, Mars,
the asteroid belt, and Jupiter - have been dismantled, or are being
dismantled, by weakly godlike intelligences. [NB: Monotheistic clergy
and Europeans who remember living prior to 1600, see alternative
memeplex “in the beginning.”] A weakly godlike intelligence is not a
supernatural agency, but the product of a highly advanced society that
learned how to artificially create souls [late 20th century: software]
and translate human minds into souls and vice versa. [Core concepts:
Human beings all have souls. Souls are software objects. Software is
not immortal.]
Some of the weakly godlike intelligences appear to cultivate an
interest in their human antecedents - for whatever reason is not
known. (Possibilities include the study of history through
horticulture, entertainment through live-action role-playing, revenge,
and economic forgery.) While no definitive analysis is possible, all
the resimulated persons to date exhibit certain common
characteristics: They are all based on well-documented historical
persons, their memories show suspicious gaps [see: smoke and mirrors],
and they are ignorant of or predate the singularity [see: Turing
Oracle, Vinge catastrophe].
It is believed that the weakly godlike agencies have created you as a
vehicle for the introspective study of your historical antecedent by
backward-chaining from your corpus of documented works, and the
back-projected genome derived from your collateral descendants, to
generate an abstract description of your computational state vector.
This technique is extremely intensive [see: expTime-complete
algorithms, Turing Oracle, time travel, industrial magic] but
marginally plausible in the absence of supernatural explanations.
After experiencing your life, the weakly godlike agencies have
expelled you. For reasons unknown, they chose to do this by
transmitting your upload state and genome/proteome complex to
receivers owned and operated by a consortium of charities based on
Saturn. These charities have provided for your basic needs, including
the body you now occupy.
In summary: You are a reconstruction of someone who lived and died a
long time ago, not a reincarnation. You have no intrinsic moral right
to the identity you believe to be your own, and an extensive body of
case law states that you do not inherit your antecedent’s possessions.
Other than that, you are a free individual.
Note that fictional resimulation is strictly forbidden. If you have
reason to believe that you may be a fictional character, you must
contact the city immediately. [ See: James Bond, Spider Jerusalem.]
Failure to comply is a felony.
Where you are:
You are on Saturn. Saturn is a gas giant planet 120,500 kilometers in
diameter, located 1.5 billion kilometers from Earth’s sun. [NB:
Europeans who remember living prior to 1580, see alternative memeplex
“the flat Earth - not”.] Saturn has been partially terraformed by
posthuman emigrants from Earth and Jupiter orbit: The ground beneath
your feet is, in reality, the floor of a hydrogen balloon the size of
a continent, floating in Saturn’s upper atmosphere. [NB: Europeans who
remember living prior to 1790, internalize the supplementary memeplex:
“the Brothers Montgolfier.”] The balloon is very safe, but mining
activities and the use of ballistic weapons are strongly deprecated
because the air outside is unbreathable and extremely cold.
The society you have been instantiated in is extremely wealthy within
the scope of Economics 1.0, the value transfer system developed by
human beings during and after your own time. Money exists, and is used
for the usual range of goods and services, but the basics - food,
water, air, power, off-the-shelf clothing, housing, historical
entertainment, and monster trucks - are free. An implicit social
contract dictates that, in return for access to these facilities, you
obey certain laws.
If you wish to opt out of this social contract, be advised that other
worlds may run Economics 2.0 or subsequent releases. These
value-transfer systems are more efficient - hence wealthier - than
Economics 1.0, but true participation in Economics 2.0 is not possible
without dehumanizing cognitive surgery. Thus, in absolute terms,
although this society is richer than any you have ever heard of, it is
also a poverty-stricken backwater compared to its neighbors.
Things you should avoid doing:
Many activities that have been classified as crimes in other societies
are legal here. These include but are not limited to: acts of worship,
art, sex, violence, communication, or commerce between consenting
competent sapients of any species, except where such acts transgress
the list of prohibitions below. [See additional memeplex: competence
Some activities are prohibited here and may have been legal in your
previous experience. These include willful deprivation of ability to
consent [see: slavery], interference in the absence of consent [see:
minors, legal status of], formation of limited liability companies
[see: singularity], and invasion of defended privacy [see: the Slug,
Cognitive Pyramid Schemes, Brain Hacking, Thompson Trust Exploit].
Some activities unfamiliar to you are highly illegal and should be
scrupulously avoided. These include: possession of nuclear weapons,
possession of unlimited autonomous replicators [see: gray goo],
coercive assimilationism [see: borganism, aggressive], coercive
halting of Turing-equivalent personalities [see: basilisks], and
applied theological engineering [see: God bothering].
Some activities superficially familiar to you are merely stupid and
should be avoided for your safety, although they are not illegal as
such. These include: giving your bank account details to the son of
the Nigerian Minister of Finance; buying title to bridges,
skyscrapers, spacecraft, planets, or other real assets; murder;
selling your identity; and entering into financial contracts with
entities running Economics 2.0 or higher.
Things you should do as soon as possible:
Many material artifacts you may consider essential to life are freely
available - just ask the city, and it will grow you clothes, a house,
food, or other basic essentials. Note, however, that the library of
public domain structure templates is of necessity restrictive, and
does not contain items that are highly fashionable or that remain in
copyright. Nor will the city provide you with replicators, weapons,
sexual favors, slaves, or zombies.
You are advised to register as a citizen as soon as possible. If the
individual you are a resimulation of can be confirmed dead, you may
adopt their name but not - in law - any lien or claim on their
property, contracts, or descendants. You register as a citizen by
asking the city to register you; the process is painless and typically
complete within four hours. Unless you are registered, your legal
status as a sapient organism may be challenged. The ability to request
citizenship rights is one of the legal tests for sapience, and failure
to comply may place you in legal jeopardy. You can renounce your
citizenship whenever you wish: This may be desirable if you emigrate
to another polity.
While many things are free, it is highly likely that you posses no
employable skills, and therefore, no way of earning money with which
to purchase unfree items. The pace of change in the past century has
rendered almost all skills you may have learned obsolete [see:
singularity]. However, owing to the rapid pace of change, many
cooperatives, trusts, and guilds offer on-the-job training or
educational loans.
Your ability to learn depends on your ability to take information in
the format in which it is offered. Implants are frequently used to
provide a direct link between your brain and the intelligent machines
that surround it. A basic core implant set is available on request
from the city. [See: implant security, firewall, wetware.]
Your health is probably good if you have just been reinstantiated, and
is likely to remain good for some time. Most diseases are curable, and
in event of an incurable ailment or injury, a new body may be provided
- for a fee. (In event of your murder, you will be furnished with a
new body at the expense of your killer.) If you have any preexisting
medical conditions or handicaps, consult the city.
The city is an agoric-annealing participatory democracy with a limited
liability constitution. Its current executive agency is a weakly
godlike intelligence that chooses to associate with human-equivalent
intelligences: This agency is colloquially known as “Hello Kitty,”
“Beautiful Cat,” or “Aineko,” and may manifest itself in a variety of
physical avatars if corporeal interaction is desired. (Prior to the
arrival of “Hello Kitty,” the city used a variety of human-designed
expert systems that provided suboptimal performance.)
The city’s mission statement is to provide a mediatory environment for
human-equivalent intelligences and to preserve same in the face of
external aggression. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the
ongoing political processes of determining such responses. Citizens
also have a duty to serve on a jury if called (including senatorial
service), and to defend the city.
Where to go for further information:
Until you have registered as a citizen and obtained basic implants,
all further questions should be directed to the city. Once you have
learned to use your implants, you will not need to ask this question.
Welcome to decade the ninth, singularity plus one gigasecond (or
maybe more - nobody’s quite sure when, or indeed if, a singularity
has been created). The human population of the solar system is
either six billion, or sixty billion, depending on whether you
class the forked state vectors of posthumans and the simulations of
dead phenotypes running in the Vile Offspring’s Schr�dinger boxes
as people. Most of the physically incarnate still live on Earth,
but the lily-pads floating beneath
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