» Science Fiction » The Foundation Zone: Extensions, Amber Millard [best e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Foundation Zone: Extensions, Amber Millard [best e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Amber Millard

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want me dead?”

Saatswei’ells energy was fluctuating, he had to reiterate his previous explanation differently; “I didn’t want you dead, I wanted you dormant.”

“So… you wanted me asleep?”

“Yes, as I observed, whenever a body dies it releases its corporeal hold to its life force. That life force shuts down for a period of time. Typically that is the best time to inspect them…” As his explanation went on, Marie became increasingly irritated. The last thing she needed was to be given the run-around. Everyone needed to know what was going on and who was responsible. Without Saatswei’ells permission she grabbed his hand, quickly blending her life force with his. Ree’oal, on the other hand, remained calm yet he struggled as the human soldier maintained some resistance to the blend.

“What do you want from me?!”

“I’m just curious; it’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to anyone other than my own kind.”

The two stood on the blackest glossiest floor ever with a chocolate and gold horizon in the distance. Light pastels illuminated the air every time Ree’oal came closer to a memory; the soldier quickly deflected it back to the dark façade.

“To be honest, I’m not entirely interested in your world’s armies…” The soldier could tell from the way the alien was searching within him.

“Think about it, what weapon, do your people possess, could damage us here?”

A split second of discouragement was all Ree’oal needed to push through. In the instant he dropped his guard, Jordan was stunned with the hold that Ree’oal had on him, because of the shock delivered to his system and all the Grand Head could see was one memory. The dark landscape came to life with packed dirt on his back, salt air filled his nose; it was so strong he could almost taste it. The midday sun wasn’t hindered by the one or two puffs of clouds as a steady beam warmed the body Ree’oal blended with. He felt just a little parched and dizzy from the fall. He looked up to see his foot rested on the wheel of the gator. He also noticed the tail of an alligator hanging off the back end of the flat bed. To get some feeling back, Ree’oal decided to squirm, shifting his hips left and right, turning to the right to prepare to stand. While on his feet the Grand Head put more power into the hold so that he could take more control. He wanted to see so much, but knowing their portal was drawing to a close, Ree’oal decided his final action would be to pet the gator carcass.

“Such smooth skin for a coarse looking creature!”

Jordan could feel his enthusiasm for the gator as well as the disappointment and how upset he felt when he figured out it was dead. That alligator had put up a good fight even in its death, when he stepped on the base of its tail the twitch was strong enough to cause a slip, this lead to the fall that gave him a mild concussion.

Chapter 12: The Old World


Saatswei’ell showed Marie the last moments of his civilization. Clothing lying in an organized mess, the grand majority ascended easily. Fields were littered with garments of all kinds. In his new heavenly body Saatswei’ell saw the spirits leave their home world like the last great spark from a flame. There seemed to have been a change in the planet’s aura because of it; shells of white, pink and yellow encased the silvery sphere. Earth on the other hand was different; shells of varying colors and patches all over the planet.

“I was just testing to see if our life forces could survive elsewhere. I was curious about other places; I’ve never been anywhere else. In fact none of us have ever left our world to visit any other. We were so consumed with settling personal problems that by the time we were finished with most of it we decided to leave everything, could care less about what may have been beyond our worldly borders. It was enough that we fixed our own. I don’t know about the rest of them, my people, but I want to go back just to explore!”

Marie shook her head in disagreement, “So that justifies you spying on us?!”

“I wasn’t spying, I was monitoring and your world didn’t seem to mind when I first started this.”

“When was that?”


“How long?!”

“Roughly 5000 of your Earth years.”

Marie looked at Saatswei’ell in disbelief, five millennia of observation with no objection.

“So y, you thought that we would be okay with it?”

“Your people were ok with it then. Why not now?”

“Have you looked out there lately? The people there now are not the same people from back in the day, in fact if you try to pull that stunt now you’ll get a fight on your hands! People don’t like having their space invaded by strangers, let alone aliens!”

Marie bit back too late, Saatswei’ell approached her with aggression.

Chapter 13: Countdown

A chime rang throughout the dome. Everyone in the main chamber looked up to see a red orb hovering overhead. Mcen was monitoring the clock from the Chamber of Light and Darkness. The orb maintained its position above the crowd since the alert and hasn’t budged; the primary, secondary and tertiary holding rooms, including the main chamber expanded to store the rest of the overflow, which for a good number were already displeased with the arrangement. Many demanded to see whoever was in charge but were deterred with

“Zufa nca adsavh diov pigpavg egs ncad’d zufa dio huzcn.” Most were confused by the strange saying; the Takzens could sense the growing frustration, some could even see the fumes coming from their life forces. Waves, bursts, fluctuations.

“Attention, there is now ten minutes left before the portal closes.”

As soon as Mcen finished it rose further up until hovered just below the oversized pucks. A flock of crows darted through the air trying to understand the room they were contained in; some grew tired of their search and struggled to find a decent place to land. People were growing restless by the second.

Saatswei’ell walked past Marie with her words stewing in his mind. He walked the entire boarder of the room, but the therapy wasn’t helping. He couldn’t think straight with time winding down to the earthling’s departure. Suddenly he stopped, looking at the giant orb resembling Marie’s home planet.

“I just wanted to live elsewhere.”

“It’s not that easy.” Marie replied softly.

“Sometimes we don’t like change; if y’all came to take over, that wouldn’t sit well with us.”

“May I at least have a glimpse of what it is like to live in your world?” He asked. Marie agreed but before they could move Aaksaun appeared looking disturbed.

“Saat, you won’t believe what I just witnessed!”


“Ree’oal is doing a masked crossover!”


“He’s attached himself to one of their warriors!”

“What?!” Saatswei’ell and Marie replied simultaneously. Saatswei’ell hurried over to Marie.

“Let me leave a part of me in you.”


“Let me crossover into you.”

“Uh uh no!”

“It’s not what you think; all I have to do is touch you!”

“That’s how it starts!”

“That’s how what starts?” inquired a confused Saatswei’ell as Aaksaun stepped in to reassure Marie.

“Marie, he’s right, all he has to do is just put his hands on you, transfer some of his energy to you and that’s it. There is no human interaction.”

Marie looked hesitant. Saatswei’ell eyed the time, “Four minutes left, that’s it I can’t wait for this!” Just as Marie jumped he caught the back of her neck with his right hand and muscled her close. He was unable to blend because she was so defensive, though he could force one but he was thought enough not to break her spirit. So, he tried, attempted to talk to Marie.

“Marie, there’s no telling what my Grand Head will do; if he is going then he may have followers. I don’t know what he’s planning but I don’t want to just stand by.”

Saatswei’ell looked towards the mock Earth orb hovering inches above the floor with a blanket of darts hanging above that Earth. Returning their gaze to each other:

“Please I need your help to fix this. It’s only a piece of me. We can’t survive beyond the foundation zone as spirit only.”

“Two minutes you two! If you’re going to make a decision make it now!” Aaksaun cried anxiously.

“Okay, okay, okay do it now!” Marie agreed and feeling her guard drop, Saatswei’ell gingerly brushed his face against hers then started glowing which, in turn, caused Marie to glow. Like a brilliant spark they out shined everything then died just as quickly. As Marie stood there to adapt to the extra load the rest of the people and wildlife were going through departure protocol. Ree’oal reappeared in the Chamber of Light and Darkness with the soldier but the Grand Head kept him back because of the procedure. Jordan stood there in shock and awe of the event; everything and everyone in each of the holding rooms were bathed in pure light and a high howling sound for a moment, next a ray of blue light enveloped the room except in the control area where Ree’oal and the soldier were; that area was protected, two shields ensured the boundary would not be crossed. As the protocol came to an end, everyone disappeared to their assigned orbs.

Ree’oal escorted Jordan to the black pad; nothing much was said except: “What have you done to me?” Asked the soldier with a lost look on his face.

“Oh, nothing serious but in order for me to return to the zone of bodies I need a catalyst. After reviewing your mind, I believe I have picked a decent candidate.” Ree’oal replied smugly.

“I won’t let you.” The soldier retorted but as soon as he started to resist Ree’oals little spirit zapped the energy out of him, preventing any retaliation. On his knees he stayed, feeling exhausted until the little spirit released its clench. Ree’oal grabbed his chin forcing Jordan to look him in the eyes,

“You will do exactly as I say until I arrive! Now take him.”

“I won’t let you.” Again he retorted, demurely.

Saatswei’ell, Marie and Aaksaun stared in disbelief from what they witnessed on the viewing pucks.

“Oh, I’m afraid you’ll have no choice. Your Earth is alive and as soon as I find one of its spots…never mind, you just do as you’re told.” Ree’oal pushed the soldier onto the black platform where he vanished instantly.

“Mcen the time?”

“Thirty seconds.”

“Good you transport Marie from here.”

“Yes Head.”

Saatswei’ell released Marie and took a step back as Mcen lowered

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