» Science Fiction » Lise, DM Arnold [bearly read books .TXT] 📗

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to number 505. She rang the bell.

Megan opened the door. “Good morning,” Lise said.

“Good morning, Lise. It looks like it's going to rain today...” Megan's gaze shifted to the little boy.

“This is Rinn.”

“Lise... I'm paying to have you watch Klarissa and Geddes.”

“I know you are. I'm sorry, but Rinn has no one else to watch him today. I've minded him before. He's a nice little boy -- very quiet. He won't need anything, except for some water. He'll be no problem, and it's just for today.”

Megan knelt down. Rinn moved back and behind Lise's leg. “Oh, Lise -- he has the biggest and saddest eyes... Hello, Rinn. Welcome to our home.”

Lise placed her hand between Rinn's shoulder blades and pushed him into the house. Klarissa and Geddes were sitting on the floor playing with plush toys in the shapes of native Varadan animals.

“Why does he need watching today?” Megan asked.

“His mother's owner was found murdered.”

“My goodness!”

“She must meet with the authorities and maybe a BSS caseworker.”

“BSS? Do they get involved?”

“Yes, for now.”

“What will happen to her?”

“We don't know. She could go to auction, or she might end up in a BSS shelter.”

“They wouldn't separate Rinn from her ... would they?”

Lise shook her head. “No -- he's too young. It's likely she'll be separated from the man she lives with, though.”

“Something like that could happen to you.”

“It could happen to any of us.”

“Oh, Lise...” Megan shook her head. “The monstrosity of what we've done to you -- to your kind ... just sank in.”

“I look at it from the other side,” Lise replied. “I'm happy to be registered and to have an owner. Before, I spent my life hiding in the shadows and fearing the bounty hunters.” She tapped the registry tattoo above her left breast. “Now, no one can take me. I'm happy to be working for you.”

“Still...” Megan turned to her children. “Klarissa ... Geddes... This is Rinn. He'll be staying with us today. He's a guest in our home -- remember that and treat him as one. Now, I'm on my way to work.” She picked up an umbrella and headed out the door.

One of the twins approached Rinn. “Hi. I'm Klarissa.”

Rinn followed her into the living room and sat on the floor. Lise watched them playing with a toy truck and the plush animals. She spotted the electronic book reader, picked it up and flicked through the titles.

She sat in a chair, opened one of the titles and began reading. Her abilities were at a middle-school level; nonetheless she never missed an opportunity to practice. She encountered a word she didn't know and puzzled over it. With her finger she pointed to the syllables. Her finger touched the screen and the definition popped up. She smiled and continued reading.

Geddes let out a shriek. “It's MINE!” He lunged for something Rinn held. Rinn was slow to release his grasp. Geddes made a fist and brought it down onto the bewildered boy's forearm. Rinn let go.

“GEDDES!” Lise exclaimed.

“It's mine!”

“It's his favorite,” Klarissa explained.

“Geddes -- you shouldn't have hit Rinn.”

“He shouldn't have taken it.”

“Maybe not -- but hitting is never the right way to solve it. Apologize to Rinn.”


“Geddes -- apologize or go to your room.”

His lip began to tremble. “Why are you siding with HIM?”

“Because YOU hit him. Now -- apologize.”

“Stupid greenie...”

“Geddes!” Klarissa exclaimed. “Mommy would wash your mouth out for that.”

“Geddes,” Lise said, “go to your room until you calm down.”

Clutching the toy, Geddes darted into the bedroom. Klarissa was stroking Rinn's forearm. “Lise -- are you going to wash Geddes's mouth?” she asked.

Lise shook her head. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Because Geddes was angry and sometimes we say things in anger we don't mean.”

“Doesn't it make YOU angry?”

“If there were hate behind his words, maybe. I try not to be angry with the things little girls and boys say.” She opened her arms and scooped up Rinn. He sat on her lap and she held him.

“Rinn,” Klarissa said, “Geddes didn't mean it.”

“Klarissa -- why don't you pick up the toys? Then the three of us can sit on the sofa and I'll read a story.”

Lise took a plate from the refrigerated cabinet, removed the polymer film and set it before Klarissa. She filled a tumbler with water and handed it to Rinn. “I wonder if Geddes is ready to join us...”

She stepped into the bedroom. “Geddes -- come have some lunch.” He started to stand. “You still have to apologize to Rinn.” Geddes sat on the bed, crossed his arms and turned his face. “I think you really are sorry you hit him.” Tears began to flow down his cheeks. “Why is it so hard to say you're sorry?”

“You're siding with him because he's one of you!”

“No, Geddes. You hit him. If it had been the other way around -- I'd have come down on Rinn.”

“I don't believe you.”

Lise knelt so she could look him in the eye. “Your lunch is on the table, Geddes. Before you eat, you must apologize to Rinn. Otherwise you'll go hungry. Then, when your mother comes home -- she'll wonder why you didn't eat your lunch and I'll be forced to tell her the whole, awful story. You don't want that, do you?”

Geddes broke eye contact and looked down.

“If you apologize, you can have your lunch. What happened will stay between the two of us. Understood?” Geddes stuck his lip out and closed his eyes. “I'll let you think about it. But -- don't take too long. Once I put your plate away, I'm not bringing it out again.”

She returned to the kitchen. Rinn sat at the table nursing a tall tumbler of water. Klarissa picked up half of a pomma bread sandwich. Out of the corner of her eye Lise saw Geddes approaching. He stood at arm's length from Rinn.

“I'msorryIhityou,” Geddes mumbled. He sat at the table and picked up his sandwich. He looked up. “I said I was sorry,” he said and turned toward Lise. “Why don't he say something? Can't he talk?”

Lise put her hand on Rinn's bare back. “He's shy ... and he's frightened. This is his first experience with white people. Finish your lunch, Geddes, so I can put the plates away. Then we'll sit and I'll let you watch some mediascreen. But -- no Jaks.”

She herded the children into the living room, sat on the sofa and picked up the book reader. Rinn sat beside her and leaned against her.

Klarissa came from her room carrying an object. It was a plush toy in the shape of a worm. “Here, Rinn,” she said. “You can have him. He needs a good home.” She held it toward him.

“Go ahead and take it.”

Rinn hesitated and grasped the toy.

“What do you say?” Lise asked.

“...thank ... you...” Rinn whispered.

“That was very sweet, Klarissa,” Lise added. “Thank you very much.”

Rinn hugged Lise's leg as they rode the streetcar. She pressed the stop request and the bus pulled to the curb. Lise helped the boy to the street and held his hand as they walked to a row house. She pressed the bell. The door opened. “Fara...” Lise said.

“Hello, Lise... Come in.”

Lise pushed Rinn through the door. She looked Fara up and down. Her thighs and hips were fuller, her ribs less distinct and the muscle definition in her abdomen softer. And, Lise spied two unmistakable bumps under the bandeau she wore. “You're looking more ... female. That didn't take long.”

“Yes,” Fara replied, “It was a healthy ovary you gave me. Ms Ramina said she knew from looking at you that you'd be a good donor. She said she wouldn't be surprised to learn you have especially strong female drives.”

Lise wondered if that explained Ramina's interest in her sex life.

“It's a shame,” Fara continued, “they're wasted on you -- being a oneshot.” She ran her hands up and down her abdomen. “Now they won't be. I can't wait to be pregnant. Most of Ms Ramina's females have born five children by my age.”


“Yes, really. Maybe I'll get lucky and conceive twins.”

“May be... Is Ms Ramina in, Fara?”

“Certainly. I'll get her”

Ramina approached from the rear of the house. “Oh, Lise -- you don't need to ring the bell. This house is your house.”

“I see Fara's doing well ... mam,” Lise replied.

“Yes -- so far, so good. She's yet to have her first period, but I'm hopeful we can save the expense and bother of a second surgery.”

Lise swallowed hard. “A second surgery ... mam?”

“To harvest your other ovary, Lise. Sometimes the first one doesn't take. It's why we took only one -- to give us a second chance.” Ramina regarded her. “Let's not worry about it, child. It was a good, healthy one you gave her. Oneshots do often have strong hormones. I can see it in you. You're a very ... feminine specimen. I see it in your mother, too. I've since learned this surgery is common on the pomma farms when one of the females has atrophied ovaries. I'll tell you, Lise... I was at a loss as to what to do with Fara, until I heard of your situation.” Ramina spotted Rinn, knelt and addressed him. “Well, hello there. Aren't you a nice little boy. Lise -- where did you find him?”

“He's Glinda's, mam. She lives in the Zone. Glinda has Rinn and she's pregnant with another. Her owner was murdered last night.”

“Oh, so he's one of Lenore's.” Ramina clicked her tongue. “Horrible stuff. Horrible. Of course, I would never say Lenore got what she deserved, but...”


“It's a poor way to do business -- letting your females roam and then taking the children when they're of age. There ought to be a regulation against such a one calling herself a breeder. That practice reflects poorly on the rest of us. On top of that -- exposing herself to who-know-what kind of criminal influence. That's what you get when you deal with the Zone.” She looked into Lise's eyes. “Present company excepted, of course, Lise. You're a fine example from good stock.”

“Thank you, mam. Ms Ramina, I...”

“Yes, child?”

“What would happen to me ... to us ... to yours ... if anything should...”

“Lise... Have you been worrying?” She shook her head. “How you think about things. I've never met one who thinks of things the way you do. You shouldn't concern yourself about such.”

“But mam...”

“Despite how I look, Lise, I have quite a few years left in me.” She coaxed Rinn onto her lap. “It's working with little ones like him that keep me feeling young. It's my intention that all of mine are properly cared for.”

“By the BSS, mam?”

Ramina looked up at Lise. “Why, yes, Lise.”

“Thank you, mam. It's a relief. I'm watching Rinn so his mother can meet with the constables. I had him come with me to Meg... Ms Megan's house.”

Ramina glared at her with a scowl. “Lise, you should never do anything like that.”

“Oh, mam -- I wouldn't have if I didn't know how nice and how quiet Rinn is. There are children in the Zone I would never...”

“He is a nice little boy. But, if I hear of this from Megan.” She shook her head. “I don't like having to apologize for the actions of mine, Lise. Don't do it again.”

“He got along well with Klarissa and Geddes ... pretty well, at least. Klarissa gave him one of her toys.”

“I know these things seem innocent enough, Lise, but they have a way of escalating.”

Lise took Rinn's hand and the boy slid off of Ramina's lap. “It won't happen again, Mam.”

“Good. Make sure it doesn't.” Ramina knelt. “Very nice meeting you, Rinn... He is quiet, isn't he?”

“Yes, mam.”

“The quiet ones make good workers.” Ramina addressed the boy. “Now, child, you must be on your way with Lise.”

“Yes ... mam...” Rinn replied in a barely audible whisper.

“Ms Ramina,” Lise said.

“What now, child?”

“Would you really have me go through another surgery?”

“Only after we've exhausted all other avenues,” Ramina replied, “and only if the surgeon agreed. We're a long way from that decision, Lise.”

“I understand ... mam.”

Lise escorted Rinn out of Ramina's row house and led him to the corner bus stop. A streetcar approached and stopped. Lise lifted Rinn onto the platform and the boy wrapped his arms around her knee.

Thoughts of another surgery brought back her memory of the first one. She had no desire to experience it again. If Ramina insisted on taking her remaining ovary -- what would happen to her then? Would she wither away and end up looking like ... like Tagg?

Her mother was right, Lise realized. It made no sense to worry about possibilities over which she held no control. The fact was, that as her owner Ramina held absolute authority over every aspect of Lise's life. That was what it meant to

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