» Science Fiction » The Kids Grow Up, Trish Hanan [books you need to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Kids Grow Up, Trish Hanan [books you need to read .txt] 📗». Author Trish Hanan

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She got Jake Talbert to sleep with her.
It started innocently enough, they were enjoying another shared dinner, this one a Chinese chicken salad and Jake had brought a bottle of wine from home to share with her for being so nice to share her food with him. They had developed quite a friendship over the years, one he was careful to hide from Harry who still despised her. Jake didn’t understand that, he found Violet to be a changed person and quite a lovely girl.
While they ate and drank the wine, he couldn’t help but stare at her cleavage, she was wearing a very low cut red blouse that looked very attractive on her and a black leather mini shirt that showed some very attractive legs. She kept crossing them and noticed that his eyes followed them which pleased her.
“Are you staring at my bosoms, Jake Talbert?” she teased and he blushed when he realized he was.
“Oh, dear, I’m sorry, Violet, forgive me, but I can’t help myself, it must be the wine,” he apologized and laughed. She giggled and jutted them forward a bit.
“Oh, that’s alright, Jake, I’m just teasing, I’m rather proud of them, that’s why I wear low cut blouses to show them off, they’re very soft, would you like to touch them and see for yourself?” she offered and opened her blouse to show him a very sexy lacey black brassiere. He seemed shocked but couldn’t help himself, maybe it was the wine or maybe it was just plain curiosity but Jake reached out with both hands and touched her breasts lightly and gasped with surprise.
“They are soft,” he said and she smiled. Then she reached in front and undid the clasp and they popped free and he gasped at the perfectly round dark, brown nipples. He put his hands under them to feel their weight and she groaned a little and moved forward so they were almost touching. He leaned forward and kissed her. She opened her mouth and returned the kiss and soon they were on the floor ripping at each other’s clothes and he was inside her hot, moist body. And it was so different from Harry but nice and she wrapped her legs around his waist and her soft breasts were against his chest and they continued to kiss and she yelled when she came and he did too and it was marvelous.
“Oh, God what have I done?” Jake moaned and shot to his feet. Violet shot to her feet and began to rush into her clothes.
“Oh, God Jake I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen, I feel terrible,” she began to cry. He reached out and hugged her.
“Oh, Violet, please don’t cry sugar, this wasn’t your fault, this was all my fault, but don’t worry, it won’t happen again, I promise,” he swore. She nodded and they promised they wouldn’t do it again. He drove home feeling really guilty but Harry wasn’t even home yet and then he started to rationalize his behavior.
“All the other people have open marriages, we’ll just have one too, Harry always said that if I want an open marriage, he would give me one,” Jake whispered as he stood at the patio door and looked out the window.
“Hi, honey, I’m home, sorry I’m late, have you had dinner yet?” Harry called out as he walked in the door. Jake turned around and smiled at him. Harry smiled and rushed into his arms.
“Hi, babe, did you have a great day?” he asked and kissed him. Harry frowned.
“You smell like stinky Violet’s perfume, did she hug you today, Christ you need a shower,” he said, wrinkling his nose and smelling something else, a smell he’d never smelled on Jake before. Jake panicked.
“You know, she did hug me and one of those yum-yum dogs peed on me, I guess I should take a shower, I’m sorry, babe,” he apologized and Harry laughed.
“I guess you should put those clothes right in the washer if a dog peed on them,” he advised and Jake laughed.
“I will, babe, I promise, I’ll be right back,” he said and rushed to do that. Holy crap he thought to himself, he should have thought to take a shower before Harry came home. He smelled like a cheating husband and that’s what he was. Jake stripped his clothes and started the wash and then headed for the shower. He soaped up and had cleaned everything twice when a naked Harry joined him with that gleam in his eyes.
“You don’t mind if I join you, honey?” he said in that husky voice and Jake grinned and he got hard. Harry laughed and dropped to his knees. Jake groaned as that beautiful mouth went to work and then he took Harry fast and hard the way he liked it. Then they both were tired so they lied in bed talking like the old days and cuddling and it was so nice and Jake forgot all about Violet and cheating until the next day when he walked into the clinic and there she was and the guilt all came back. And with the guilt came a wave of desire he couldn’t control and she saw it in his eyes and kept hers down so he wouldn’t see the triumph in hers.
That day Dr. Jackson started being really nice to his son and began talking about how proud he was of his black heritage and he started bringing out pictures of famous black people and putting them around the office. Reverend Milo started coming around to visit with him and they started their assault of Jake and his sexuality. It was subtle at first, about how he and Harry had been much too young when they first got together to really know if they were truly gay or not. And how now that he was older and more mature maybe he was really straight or bi-sexual like all of the children were. A wife would be able to give him more children, something Harry couldn’t do now that his eggs were all used up.
And his dad really wanted some real black grandchildren. And Reverend Milo wanted Violet to give him some grandchildren but she was waiting for the right man and he hadn’t come along yet. Sissy invited him to dinner and reinforced the black family idea and Sarah did too and Jake became constantly surrounded by his black family. And they always made sure to invite Harry too and usually he was the only white person and that stood out. He never paid any attention to it, he was color blind but Jake noticed it and was embarrassed for him.
And he tried to stay away from Violet. After that first time, he didn’t touch her for a week, but then the yearnings got too much to bear and he practically attacked her one night after his father had left and she turned to him and bit his lower lip and that made him an animal. He lifted her skirt and she opened her blouse and wrapped her legs around his waist and they did it standing up at the front desk and it was wonderful. They laughed and laughed and yelled when they came.
“Oh, Jake, you’re the best lover I’ve ever had,” she exclaimed and he flushed with pride.
“We can’t tell Harry about this, it’s our secret,” he said and she promised.
But she rushed over to David and Gloria’s and told them. They were ecstatic.
“You finally did it, oh Violet, I can’t wait until Harry finds out; can I be the one who tells him?” Gloria gushed. Violet shook her head.
“No one is telling him anything, I want more than just to sleep with Harry’s husband. I want Jake to leave Harry and marry me and that’s going to take months, maybe even years to get Jake to do, I don’t care how long it takes, that’s what I’m going to do,” she said with determination. David giggled.
“Well, if anyone can, you can and you’ll own Macy’s after all,” he declared and they all toasted to her success.
Once the affair started it was easy to conceal. Harry was always busy at the stores and didn’t suspect a thing. Sissy and Dr. Jackson covered for Jake and lied whenever Harry called and he and Violet were able to go out to dinner and to clubs where they knew Harry would never go. Their favorite was a sex club called the Bird Cage where they had go-go boys who wore almost nothing and were available for rent for parties. And if some Edenville people saw Jake there with Violet, David and Gloria they didn’t think anything of it. And of course none of Harry’s kids would be caught in a place like that.
Harry came home and of course Jake wasn’t home. He sighed and looked at the clock. Ten o’clock, that was late for dinner at his parent’s house. He punched in the number and it rang on the other end. Sissy picked up on the third ring.
“Oh, hi, Harry, Jake is in the bathroom, I’ll have him call you when he gets out sweetie,” she said and he hung up. He smiled and fixed a bowl of cottage cheese and mangoes and ate it at the sink and then the phone rang so he grinned and picked it up.
“Hi, babe, I’m on my way home, do we need anything at the store?” Jake asked.
“Not that I know of, honey, I’m taking a shower and headed for bed, it’s been a long day, see you when you get here, love you,” Harry told the smiling man.
“Love you too, babe,” Jake said and hung up. He glanced at Violet and sighed. “This has got to end, we have to tell him sugar, this isn’t fair to Harry and it’s not fair to us, lots of people have open marriages, why not me and Harry?” he asked her.
“Its not that easy and you know it,” she pouted. “Harry hates me and its all because I used to be mean and he won’t give me the chance to make it up to him and that’s not fair, Jake, darling.” He sighed and held her hand. He pulled up in front of her house.
“I know, sugar, but if we tell him, he’ll understand, you don’t know Harry like I do, he’s really fair to people,” Jake promised. She smiled sweetly and kissed him.
“What about when we have children, Jake, will he understand that?” Violet asked softly and he grinned, thinking about the beautiful children they would make together and how wonderful it would be to have children again. He kissed her.
“He’ll understand, Harry loves children Violet and I’m sure he’ll understand that I’m only divorcing him so that the children can have my name,” he assured her and she smiled. Then she got out of the car and waved goodbye and went into the house and danced around the room. She had finally gotten him to say the ‘D’ word. Score one victory for Violet and one more nail in the coffin for Harry the fool.
The following week all the kids threw a surprise wedding anniversary party for all of their parents and Harry and Jake danced together on the dance floor and Harry beamed with happiness.
“We’ve been married ninety-three years, honey, I can’t believe it, in seven more years it’ll be
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