» Science Fiction » Light and Darkness, Pitt Michael [classic english novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Light and Darkness, Pitt Michael [classic english novels .TXT] 📗». Author Pitt Michael

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a fat man not know the value of the handwriting of the Great Magister four hundred years ago? Although he did not know who Cleveland was. Roger hurried forward two steps, his hands trembling to take over this historic parchment book, and his mood was agitated.

   finally sent off Ofirok and Kate and others who came with him, Roger could not wait to come to the quiet room and began to sit and meditate. He collapsed his mind, and his consciousness slowly dived into the spiritual body, experiencing and manipulating the magic bit by bit.

  All kinds of magical energy in the air began to gather around Rog, rotating around him quickly. The red is the flame, the blue is the frost, the gray is the death energy, and there are many magical energies that Roger can't distinguish, which together form a magnificent light band. This band of light cannot be recognized by the naked eye, and can only be sensed by the spirit. A small wave of magical energy on the light will fly into Rogge from time to time, turn around in his spiritual body, and fly out again. A little magic energy remained in Rogge.

   In the early morning, Rogge finally ended his meditation. He stood in front of the window and his whole body was full of magic. He is already a ninth-level magician. Although he is not a powerful man, he is already a character that cannot be ignored at will! From the eighth-level magician to the ninth-level magician, he only spent a few months. This speed is not a surprise, but it is amazing, but in terms of Roger’s talent in magic, he can’t even dream. Progress.

   The intangible fight with the misty gambling, Roger realized the skill of observing the world with spiritual force, and he also inadvertently saw the source of power that made the whole world work. This allowed him to see his goal clearly for the first time, and also to know where the peak of the power he pursued was. Whether it is grudge or magic power, it will ultimately be attributed to the source of strength. The origin of power is still beyond the scope of Rogge. He just saw it, knowing that it was his own direction, but not knowing what it was.

  However, knowing where the target is, you can choose a relatively correct path. Most of the time, being strong does not depend on a person being able to run faster on their own road than others, but on the moment of choosing the road.

   Compared to grudge, magic power is closer to the source of power. So Roger, despite his immense power and unique talent for becoming a warrior, chose to spend all his time on improving his magic and spiritual power, neither cultivating fighting spirit nor studying combat skills.

  Rodriguez’s teachings at the end of his life made him break the rules and regulations that he had in mind, so that he could take his own path in the process of reaching his goal. This greatest necromancer has unparalleled wisdom. He knows that rules are the shortcut to the growth of all wisdom, but he is also the biggest cage that restrains wisdom. Rodriguez knew that while gaining supreme wisdom and power, the rules of this world had been imprinted in the depths of his soul. He was unable to jump out of this rule, but Rogge was different. He has just jumped on the pursuit of strength and has enough potential, but he has not been branded too much.

   This is why Rodriguez did not absorb Roger's soul or leave his knowledge to Roger. If you do that, you may create a more powerful necromancer, and may even reach the level of divinity in strength. However, no matter how powerful and fat the worms are, they are not butterflies.

  Rodriguez is looking forward to the day when Rogge can break through the cocoon, instead of making a worm forever.

  The spiritual connection with Elysses made Roger realize the existence of alien space for the first time. The existence of Fengyue also prevented his first experience of jumping into a different space with his soul into a disaster. The unique experience of the incarnation of the corpse witch in the other world has made him more refined in grasping the energy of death, and it has directly stimulated his magical growth based on death energy, and finally can go further in a short period of time.

  Nine-level magician!

  Roger could not restrain the excitement in his heart, which means that he is no longer a small character that can be ignored! Although hiding in the dark and hurting people behind is always his first choice, but with powerful power, how wide the world will become! Think about it, with its own precise magic control, the 9th-level wizard means that you can have at least four sword spiders to summon for each battle, as well as countless magic missiles, six or seven fireballs, fear, and disease. ,Etc., etc. These spells are enough to destroy a knight squad!

  Roger was a little dizzy, but the gains didn't stop there.

   He recalled the crazy scene in the ‘Night Return’ hotel, especially the experience of inserting his opponent’s chest with his bare hands and pinching his spine. He tried to raise his mental strength to the highest, and then gathered on the index finger of his right hand. After a moment, his entire finger warmed up. Rogge took a closer look, his index finger was an inch long, his nails became sharp blades, and thin scales formed on his fingers, shining a lilac metallic light in the sun.

  Roger inserted the hard wooden table in front with one finger, just as easily as inserting a piece of freshly baked bread. Roger smiled with satisfaction, picked up an ordinary long sword with his hand, flicked the blade with demonic fingers, and even made a metallic crash. Of course, there is nothing special about this sword. He is not so stupid as to use those magic weapons, such as the Tomahawk'Bound Soul', to test the strength of his fingers.

He placed his shiny metallic fingers in front of his eyes and looked carefully for a while before saying to himself: "This should be one of the devil's abilities? It must be according to the record in the book. But who knows? Maybe the guy who wrote the book hasn’t seen the higher demons himself! Maybe it’s time to grab another demons and ask, hey. For example, Jing Ge..."

  Rog turned a few times in the room and pondered: "This Jing Ge, as if it looks like a very serious look, will have to do some business together soon, um... or forget it."

  He has now recovered from his initial excitement. Although magic growth is a good thing, it is far from the whole strength. There are countless things waiting for him to do it. The day of the agreed departure for slavery is coming, but many preparations have not been completed. This time, the slaves will have to come out of their own strength, but it is really uncomfortable to have a flying dragon behind them. As if there was always a thorn in the meat. But after the flying dragon was injured, it immediately turned into a gopher, and I didn't know where to dig a hole to hide himself. These kind of shameless and shameless enemies have always been Roger's most hated objects.

   This time he went to the Ron bus to capture slaves. The momentum was quite huge. In what name did hundreds of armed personnel enter the Principality of Ron is not a small problem. Rogge had no choice but to hope that both Stanic and Jingo were superb and they could find a complete solution.

  Although Ophirok is a paladin, Alice’s magical power is also frightening. But only these two backers are always too thin. What's more, the other party's strength is not necessarily bad. Once conflicts arise, the first ones who are unlucky are always those little ones. Roger thought hard and searched all the forces, and suddenly his eyes lighted up and the church was bright! A few brothers have recently been very harmonious with Bishop Gnard Hart. It is a good opportunity to invite him to introduce himself to the Cardinal Burke! If you take the church line, no matter who it is, you should think about it before you move yourself.

   Thinking of this, Rogge couldn't help but regret deeply that he didn't throw himself into the embrace of the church early. Although the Necromancer seemed a little funny to join the Church of Light, Roger couldn't care about that much because of the principle of having milk as a mother. Where do the positions and principles matter? Then again, Ofirok was also a member of the Light Church, and the Principality of Bavaria was the only religious parish in the Rhine League. Doing this by yourself is not a betrayal.

   Thinking of the dead necromancer Rodriguez, Roger couldn't help but feel a little guilty. But this ashamedness disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he thought straightforwardly: "You taught me that I can ignore the rules of all the world. This necromancer cannot be considered as one of the rules if he can not join the Church of Light? A new world of necromancers was created in the church! Well, this holy water is a little troublesome, it doesn’t matter, bear it! Huh? You can’t bear it, Lao Tzu seems to be able to make a little shield with mental power to keep this holy water out. , Just like the miraculous time. Grandma, how did I forget such a good way! This shield should be well practiced, not too thick, half the centimeter at most; it is also long lasting and can change with my body shape... …It seems a little difficult?”

   The problem of holy water is not a matter of immediate urgency, let it go first, and then have a headache later.

   He dissipated his mental strength, and after his fingers returned to normal, he hurried out.

  When Roger arrived at the Bishop of Gnard Hart, most people in Lille were still asleep. The middle-aged butler who was woken up was obviously in a bad mood, and had no good face for Roger. But when he saw the few silver coins that Rogge handed over, he immediately piled the most attentive smile on his face, changing his face quickly, which made Rogge admire. The butler who nodded his head repeatedly said that when the bishop woke up, he would hand over Roger's name sticker as soon as possible. He then flattered and asked Roger if he would go in for a cup of coffee.

  Looking at the dry face of the housekeeper and the yellow teeth smoked by inferior tobacco, Roger could hardly have any interest in the coffee of the bishop's house. He hurriedly left a message on the post, and asked the bishop to visit again at night, and Roger hurried away as if he was running away. This visit gave Rogge a preliminary estimate of the bishop's economic situation, but carefully recalled the bishop's wealth-gathering style, and it seems that it should not be so embarrassing.

  With doubts, Roger galloped away to the'God of War'.

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