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Genre Science Fiction. Page - 26

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Follow the journal of Rose until the day she has to lose all of her memories for the sake of a human experiment. Experience her first love and the outcome of this unexpected turn in her life.

this is the sequal you wake up to a dream and a man who knows if you get rid of them or something. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

You jump in at the time when people on earth are traveling regularly to Moon and Mars and humankind starts to explore space. Well, this planet is not comparable to the Earth we know... as meteors and a first space war had scared the people and the planet. The biggest space station in the Earth orbit has just been re-opening its ports for traders and travelers of all kinds and its proprietor gets out of the blue an unexpected delivery - a cyborg in a cryo-box. Cyborgs at these days are feared,

Alicia, Justin, Faeline, and Zeke have lived their whole lives in the Facility. Well, as long as they can remember at least. Life is very comfortable and doesn't give them a desire to leave or escape. So when a boy claims to remember life outside the Facility, and how to get out, the group doesn't know how to react. Until... (Still in progress.)

Leaving this earth's gravity pull to explore an uncharted plant in a new solar systems is the life long dream of the three member crew of the Interspecies Space Station, but what comes next has become their nightmare.

My Great Grandfather had many ideas. A lot of them were about me and who I would grow up to be. He left me a team of robots to help me create his vision. I thought I understood his plans, but then I met Number 3...

Rogge, the son of a broken noble, inherited the soul and the purest soul energy of the most powerful necromancer Rodriguez: the source of God, and then sought the path of power.

Two years ago I never thought it would all end. I never pictured me being one of them to end it. To be thrust into fame. For two years me and two of my friends were top of the world, and then for some reason to be blamed for something we never did. But in reality we may be the only ones to stop it. Again.

A strange buzzing sound in his head. Ghostly creatures that appear in his vision. And a feeling that he must find out what it all means before he goes mad. This is the first story in my science fiction collection, Skin of Giants.