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For young Bill, the one time child mathematical prodigy, life is good--very, very good. After graduation from one of the finest universities in the world, he and three of his fellow prodigies are hired by a private business consortium. The consortium consists of powerful individuals that are seeking an advantage in the world of business. What they are asking Bill and his friends to do is to create a machine that will clearly give them such an advantage, and in return have been promised riches

What would you do to protect your family? One mother fights to save her children as a virus runs rampant through her town.

April is in an alter reality. How she got there is a mystery. It is just like her world, with the same people but it is in a different dimension . oh and in this world the women have penises and breast?

Dr. Will Stevens, prominent scientist of ancient languages, is hired by EROS Corporation to decipher the hieroglyphic tablets found in the newly discovered ruins. With the help of computer specialist Dr. Sam Smith, they soon learn of the gateway, a time travel portal utilized by an alien race known as the Pakolmeck. Will, Sam, and Will’s ex-fiancé Dr. Elli Young promptly interpret the inner workings of the gateway and time travel quickly becomes available. Soon they also discover the aliens are

Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are original © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved.

A man goes threw a painful loss when his girlfriend dies, that causes him to create a machine that takes him back to a time where his life was changed forever.

Maggie has always been quiet. She has never done anything that would make people notice her, and she likes it that way. But when the mysterious boy from her dreams comes to her small town, Maggie's whole way of life is threatened. Maggie needs to find her way out of the web of lies to decide who she can trust, and who has been lying to her from the very beginning.

It’s just like having faith in an after-life. You have to believe that you’ll still be alive in five minutes time and the basic instinct for survival won’t let you act in any other way. So we fought on.

Hunger itself is a pain on the body and in the mind of man. Some relate hunger to a fire from within that devours the body in which it dwells. This fire is different, and so is the body. The flame named Ada and the boy called Tak. When your hunger is something that can't be fed... What will you do to ease the pain?