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Two worlds. One person. An adventure that they will never forget. In one world a mad scientist threatens to rip apart the fabric of space and time to cross the gaps between two realities, playing with a mans mind to make the trip. In the other a small boy of five years old is left to fend for himself as exposure corrupts him, causing him to acquire powers that spiral out of control. Neither knows the truth of the lives that they are living. No one understands the danger that they are placing

Gentics. The name of the project scientists have been working on since 2014. It is now 3008, and they have suceeded in biologicly engineering the only mutants on earth. But does that mean it's a good thing?

Billy misses his friends as they leave for the Peace Conference in Switzerland, but one in particular sticks out in his mind when it comes to Valentines Day. He wants to get Trini a present but can't decide what to get her. That is when he learns that the perfect gift is one from the heart.

A science fiction thriller classic, this book is by Edwin Abbot.

Excerpt: “Wow...... The whole thing is kind of unbelievable, don’t you think?” He asked softly. What whole thing? Summer wondered. The dark haired girl sat on a rock. “I guess so. I just think that she is lucky. She didn’t have to go through what the rest of us did. She doesn’t have any idea. She thinks that everything is still like before the Crash. It’s just..... ugh,” she replied. Summer was deeply confused. She had no ideas what they were talking about. The Crash? Summer hopefully waited

The First Children return to find the Soul Rings, Rings with the power to combine two or more souls, so that they may revive the Original. Unfortunately, each of the Rings is possessed by one of Xaos's tyrannical Lords of the universe, ten highly powered god-like beings that rule a tenth of the universe each. Complicating matters is the aftermath of the Andromeda Disaster and the fact that space has changed dramatically since the destruction of the Void. However, whilst it seems that Xaos and

Due to bankruptcy of the genre Eftos started 2009 to write his own sci-fi saga. Unlike the competition, Eftos intentionally uses no voodoo like time machines, beings of light or other rubbish. These facts led to the original creation of the Tunnel Sci-Fi Trilogy (Eftos-Epos) Kingdom of a thousand This trilogy is a science-fiction saga consisting of the following original books: (I) Kingdom of a thousand (II) Halfworld (III) The last crisis It tells the adventures of three friends: Prince Henley

Raen Deadeye is a gun slinger in the frontier of the new world. In order for him to put away his six shooters he has to take on one last killer just as fast and younger than himself.

A war had been going on for decades between the Humanimal Union and the Beast Allience. Under the Leadership of Brachium Umbra the Beast Allience is major threat but the heroic Leo Pride and his war unit Team Pride havestop some major threats to the Union. Now they must not only stop the Allience but also must bring new recriut Vulpe Red up to speed.