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Genre Science Fiction. Page - 39

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We live in a world that you might not understand. It's the year 2017, three years ago the government found a way to genetically engineer peoples emotions. Now to stop the " epidemic" of violence that broke out in 2001 after the attack on the Twin Towers, everyone at the age of 17 is required to get the emotion injection. There are some people who are still untouched by the injection, they are known as the resistance. Many of the resistance members have evolved to adapt to the change

You know you are going to have a bad day when the police comes to your school and arrests you for something you did not even do.

back in the 1900 a little girl is play outside playing when the sun is going down and she gets kidnapped and her family dosent know how or what has taken her?

…Prequel to The Voice of God. An unknown plague has struck their world with the likelihood of total annihilation; an undermanned space crew must meet the unknown as they seek a cure for the deadly disease…

i was moving today to go and live with mum because dad was getting really ill with his cancer it was upsetting me so much i did'nt want to watch him suffer through the pain, he was so upset Keep your eyes peeled for book 2 and 3

In this microfiction adventure, Brennan finds himself cut off from success at the mission at hand.

a teenager has to live a seceret. but not for long as she discovers her past is catching up to her, genes made her what she doesnt want to become

Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos. Invention of sci-fi. Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved. It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There will never be a single letter more. He wrote it: the kingdom of a thousand!

Fighting on New Vostok has reached a fever-pitch. Collective forces are overwhelmed on the ground. In orbit, the UENS Pandora fights off waves of Imperial star fighters as she waits for the call to assist dirt-side forces. But an ancient evil lurks in the darkness...

TAKEN FOR MUTANT STUDIES OF DURABILITY.“How do they test you?”I was scared, too scared to even think about what was happening. This is a thrilling science fiction book, that was written for a dystopian contest.