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Mars realises how much his younger brother Astral has missed out on Christmas because of him since their mothers death.

Leighton is a thoughtful girl with a future ahead of her. Her family of two just moved to Durham, England from their comfy home in Las Vegas, Nevada. Everything was normal until she bumped into Daniel, who lead her to Kaiden.It turns out that Daniel is in face Kaiden's brother. A slender blond, that had a deadly secret. The two slowly came together, and he revealed his secret to her. She accepted him, and that secret made them come together even more. All hell breaks loose while on a vacation

Where are all the ant farms, and aquariums, and sea monkeys of years gone by? What happens when an experiment is over? What becomes of it when interest wanes? Have you ever wondered “What if...”?

The sun streaming through the windows, as my stomach rumbles at the smell of baking bread. I sit up halfway and see a brown package down on my desk. Springing out of bed I hit my head on the ceiling, forming a bump. I slip on a new dress and brush the matted tangles out of my hair. Then I go into the kitchen and grab a slice of homemade bread, as I am about walk out the door, forgetting my package when a knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. My older sister Lily rushes out of her room, half

This is the same as Tears of Blood (my first book) but from Griffin's point of view.

Spottednose is finally a warrior, along with her brother, Nightdash. But one time when Spottednose goes into a deep dream she finds out things she doesn't want to.

The adventures of Prinz Henley to Westerburg, Patchara Petch-a-boon and Svinenysh the Ruba.

after a solar eclipse, everyone has powers and abilities. there is a rank from 1 to 10 of who is the most powerful. You can kill someone of a higher rank and get thier rank and abilities.

A mysterious organization offers an entire virgin planet in exchange for holdings on earth. A potential buyer pays this planet a short visit to get an idea of its value and is convinced that it's a fabulous deal, only to suffer a last-minute disappointment from an unsuspected source.