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Genre Science Fiction. Page - 45

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is what we percieve as real, real? Or is it all an illusion?

a boy goes to planet deedee and has an annoying adventure

It is always hard to find the right sort of help. Even more so when you want high status help and there is precious little of that around. Patience is a virtue.

Ordinary teenager Lena Rey, is dragged into the truth about her world and who she is. Torn apart by love, reunited by family. Two worlds, one ending...

Ashley is now 15, and her parents have returned from the dead - only to be killed again, on her birthday! Ashley and Geoff are sent to a hell-hole of an orphange, where they must fight to survive. Gangs rule the district with terror and violence, but Ashley kneels for no one.

Corey, Charlotte, Kyra, Harvey and Leon are friends. What happens next is what you need to find out :P (Please tell me if you want to me to finish it)

13 year old Bonnie Trivio of District 4 is sent to the 25th Hunger Games in place place of her best friend Alice. This year is the Quarter Quell which means that 2 girls and 2 boys will be sent from each district (48 tributes total). Bonnie's sister, May, is very ill and cannot compete in the games very well. She is 17 and only has one more year left. Bonnie used to have a younger brother but he was attacked by a small shark and the poor healers were forced to remove one of his legs. A year

Officer James Smithfield has been on a one of a kind mission and is about to tell his tale. Step inside the Web and take a short ride with him on the cable.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are powerless and it's up to a new power to be passed unto them. In steps the Terran Rangers! Let a new adventure begin! Light is shed upon Tanya's past as an alien creature haunts her...