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Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are original © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved.

Cybernetics has elevated humanity to near-immortality. But as one man discovers, this isn't always the paradise it seems. And sometimes, there's simply no escape from Immortality

Robots were introduced to society as a means of 'deleting' problems. No one gave it a second thought. Until the robots decided that there were certain humans that needed to be deleted.

Virtues of War offers a glimpse of humanity's possible future, of our expansion into space and the cultural and emotional baggage that we will take with us. Within an action-packed, high-tech setting with cutting edge science and fantastic worldscapes, this sci fi novel explores the effects of physical and psychological warfare and the ways in which realistic, human characters react to them. Unlike many military sci fi novels, Virtues of War is a story of the personal, rather than the

The Enforcers investigate a mass murderer, while five citizens of the planet Narcsard attempt to escape their dying planet. Meanwhile, at the Musun, Pandora investigates the shadowy Cinradahs.

When the World enters a deep, deep scientific breakthrough called the 'Synthetic Breakdown Gene', selected teens of the world are given this and are then tested to see if they can survive the storm that's coming...

time has lost all mean the taris is dead hes reviewing what it means to find an ansnwer of why his whole entire excistance has been expolleted and forgotten and why and what he must o and save to get the life he loves and the life he cheerised back to him the doctor of gallifreray must embarck of a quest of his life to descover his real identiny

it is year 2014 and scientists have invented a way for the human mind to use more than the 10% of our brain we use now. comebining that fact with the kinetics chip. The experments on the the chip is tested and they decide to bring it into the world. today jay faces the conqusues of the kinetics chip (NOT COMPLETE)