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This is the journal of a normal teenage girl. But if she was so normal why would she crave blood. Amy doesn't understand this feeling she gets but her whole world goes upside down when a virus breaks out and turns everybody to well'll just have to find out. Hope you like this book comment on what you think and if you have any ideas I'll put them in my book.

What happens when you are in a dilemma where you have to choose between the love of your life and your family. Well Michael certainly has to choose one, question is- which one will it be?

Kimberly and Tommy are facing a hard time right now with Tommy nearly losing his powers. They decide to go blow off some steam and take advantage of an unlikely perfect moment.

She was named Arieanna born not from this world she had been sent here from her own she dosne't say much about her being on earth but to her only friend Kyle and the only boy she truly trusted or maybe even...loved but she was just a one of the things the government hid from you. Raised in a science lab the mysteries of a seemingly normal teenager, unravel and they are soon to find out how much she is capable of...

In this second book in "The Bloodstains Series" there are several new forces to be reckoned with. Werewolves are breaking into cemeteries, ghosts are floating around town, witches are brewing potions, and even MORE vampires! Abigale is a lonely Gothic teen dealing with the responsibilities as THE only Guide in the country. Her role as a Guide is to ferry the lost ghosts to the Otherworld, the lone destination where all dead go. But her life will get increasingly more difficult after a

In a world where vampires and other beasts of our mythology are a common enemy of the human and are well known - and heavily hunted - a small family of vampires join together in the first clan built in over two thousand years. With two of them left to die and two of them changed by the hero, they wish for freedom of this curse - or world dominance. So they quest for the six items that curse man to walk in trails of moonlit blood; the Relics of Vamperism.

It's normal; the day turning to night. Wait long enough, and it'll happen right outside your house. The fact that the sun went down at the time of sunset a week ago didn't surprise anyone. The night falls all the time. It's to be expected. The night fell normally, but for some reason it never bothered to pick itself back up. And we all feared that it never would again.