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Shapeshifter is a character feature idea for a future/sci-fi/apocaliptic novel featuring a, um...human boy? We don't know. Niether does he. Joshua Black is a telepath and a shapeshifter, among other things. Born and raised in a high tech lab beneath [information restricted], he is considered a valuable prototype, but he's in more danger than he knows.

Aveline Pederson is just another girl. Off on a space shuttle in the year 2416 she lives with her mother having no idea who her father is or what her self is...

A young girl has a night of passion with a man from outer space. She waits for him to come back for her, he doesn't. She vows to do everything she can to find him. College and the Space Academy on the moonbase await her. More adventures are waiting in space.

The war to end all wars brought about a change in the world. Governments and their madness that brought the Earth to the brink of total destruction, have been wiped out and corporations now rule. In order to appease the new world citizens, the new corporate rule kept certain things of nature intact, things considered once vital but now seen as wasteful. One of these natural splendors is San Diego's Rain Forest Park. But over the years, the new corporate rule has been eliminating such leftover

On the surface, Tosca, Shadow, and Niam seemed not too unlike the other teens in their high school. But when confronted with the usual drama, they reacted in ways that made them beyond different, beyond, comprehensible...and beyond cool. Who were they? And why, after a while, were the school's security officers starting to watch them so closely?

Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos. Invention of sci-fi. The adventures of Prince Henley to Westerburg, Patchara Petch-a-boon and Svinenysh Galactic. Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved. It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There will never be a single letter more. He wrote it:

A story of Aliens arriving to earth. But some thing's not right as expected.

A furiously paced zombie thriller! As a virus runs rampant throughout her town, one mother fights to save her children.

The Raising of Jazlenia a child still with a destiny beyond her own eye's. But she tries to escape and hide who and what she really is.She doesnt want this. Can she continue this under the authority of the prority fot the best. The last name Le'De'Monroe is holding power that many only imagine the power is thirst of wanted.But were they ready for what they kept asking for "Jazlenia"! Dont under estimate anything, or anyone.

Arlissa T'delona has had life handed to her on a silver platter. When a vacation trip goes horribly wrong, she learns truths about herself that change her understanding of everything she thought she knew. Will she become the person she's meant to be? (Formerly titled: Arlissa) --a work in progress--