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The Empire of Twelve is locked in a civil war. Xaosian armies invade the planet Raan, destroying much of the capital as the military, led by General Trexor, try in vain to defend the city of Tapal. Soon after, the Xaosians make a power-play against the Empire which will see the Twelve thrown into chaos. The planet Narcsia is dying. Storms and quakes claim the planet, threatening to wipe out all life on it. The only hope for the residents is Evacuation Day, but Xaosian forces are closing in on

A lady finds herself in the midst of a battle that she really is not prepared for. However, during the battle, she learns several different jobs by doing them.

Best friends are on vacation when the unthinkable happens. Will they give up and lose all hope or will they fight to survive?

The invasion attack force virtually decimates the planet only to be nearly destroyed at the last minute…after crashing on this alien world, a severely injured man hears voices, one cold and mechanical, the other a wonderful voice…he’s sure that it can only be-- the voice of God...

Mina, a normal teen living a normal life in the suburbs of a normal city, finds herself thrown into the chaos of a war, when she meets Zola. With two worlds in jeopardy, and Mina and Zola on opposite sides, these girls must find the means to an end.

A "Martian" experiences shopping in one of our malls for the first time... a slice of life

A mishap occurs in the sewage treatment plant that has been set up at a distance from the huge city to treat all its waste and goes out of control. The mishap triggers a series of accident that combine into a lethal force which menacingly advances towards the city.

Mike can see the future. His friend Josh wants to use this skill to their advantage. Mike must make a decision that will change both their lives.

After many years of cryopreservation, Ludwig opens his eyes, to find himself in a world where technology has advanced to the level of magic. Nanorobots, fueled by powerful antimatter engines, allows matter to be manipulated down to the atomic level. Intelligence itself gains control over what was once mere dead matter, now invisibly infused with technology, reforging the identity of man and defying the laws of nature. Transhumans, which comprise the greater part of the population, use these

A virus. A poison. It rids you of humanity and replaces it with metal, controlled motions. No one saw it coming. No one could have stopped it.Except for one. A Rebellion is Rising. (NOT FINISHED)