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What happens when you wake up in the middle of nowhere without your pants? You fear that a chipmunk will come calling. After a crazy night on the town, our hero finds himself lost on an alien planet. Alone in the strange world, what will he discover? Who will he meet? Journey along and find out what happens next! Published in serial form.

This is the last chance for John wise to get a big corporation interested in his invention. So he has pulled out all the stops. He even dropped the name of a leader in the industry without asking permission. But he figured if it got him in the door the invention would sell itself. Now all he has to do is get Mr Kendrick interested enough to give him a second interview with the board.

At the healthy age of 17, every boy and girl must be chipped, this chip will take one whole week to complete a full cycle of searching your memories, fears and secrets. However, if you are hiding any secrets or information that could be dangerous, the council will not hesitate to kill you. A few days after Cassia has been chipped, she uncovers more and more about her past, and some very emotional secrets, but she only has five days until her cycle is complete, and she knows what will happen to